Easy to use package repository for #JVM and #Android. JitPack builds Git projects on demand and provides ready-to-use packages. Happy building!
- Gradle, Maven, Sbt, Lein
- https://jitpack.io
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how to use jitpack to publish multi-flavor android libraries
Demonstration Project for how to use use Jitpack to host and distribute android, java and kotlin libraries.
jitpack-io / android-jitpack-library-example
Forked from SandroMachado/android-jitpack-library-exampleA example of a Jitpack integration with a library with multiple product flavours
kaleai / ShareLoginLib
Forked from lingochamp/ShareLoginLib第三方登录、分享封装库,几行代码即可完成集成,无需配置混淆。
Android Floating Action Button based on Material Design specification
2hamed / wellsql
Forked from yarolegovich/wellsqlSimplify your work with SQLiteDatabase on Android
A lightweight infinite viewpager indicator
yongjhih / NotRetrofit
Forked from square/retrofitType-safe REST client for Android and Java
bartekdobija / hiveunit-mr2
Forked from prateek/hiveunit-mr2A library to test Hive scripts with YARN and MR2
jitpack-io / jitpack.io
Forked from jitpack/jitpack.ioRepository for documentation and issues of https://jitpack.io