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##  Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Facebook
##  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
##  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
##  You may obtain a copy of the License at
##  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
##  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
##  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
##  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
##  limitations under the License.
## See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Scribe site at:

# This file contains a couple of simple examples of how to configure and use
# Scribe.
# Example code in this directory:
#  scribe_cat: a simple example of a client that can send messages to Scribe
#  scribe_ctrl: a script that manages a running Scribe instance (requires root)
#  example1.conf: sample configuration file for running Example 1
#  example2.conf: sample configuration file for running Example 2


# This is a simple example that shows how to configure and send messages to
# Scribe.

#Create a directory to log messages:
mkdir /tmp/scribetest

#Start scribe using the configuration in example1.conf:
src/scribed examples/example1.conf

#From another terminal, use scribe_cat to send a message to scribe:
echo "hello world" | ./scribe_cat test

#If the previous command failed, make sure you did a 'make install' from the
#root scribe directory and that $PYTHONPATH is set correctly(see README.BUILD)

#Verify that the message got logged:
cat /tmp/scribetest/test/test_current

#Check the status of scribe (requires root):
./scribe_ctrl status

#Check scribe's counters (you should see 1 message 'received good'):
./scribe_ctrl counters

#Shutdown scribe:
./scribe_ctrl stop

# Example 2

# This example shows you how to log messages between multiple Scribe instances.
# In this example, we will run each Scribe server on a different port to simulate
# running Scribe on multiple machines.

          'client'                    'central'
----------------------------     --------------------
| Port 1464                 |    | Port 1463         |
|        ----------------   |    | ----------------  |
|     -> | scribe server |--|--->| | scribe server | |
|        ----------------   |    | ----------------  |
|                |          |    |    |         |    |
|            temp file      |    |    |    temp file |
|---------------------------     |-------------------
                                   | /tmp/scribetest/ |

#Create a directory for the second scribe instance:
mkdir /tmp/scribetest2

#Start up the 'central' instance of Scribe on port 1463 to write messages to disk
#(See example2central.conf):
src/scribed examples/example2central.conf

#Start up the 'client' instance of Scribe on port 1464 to forward messages to
#the 'central' Scribe server (See example2client.conf):
src/scribed examples/example2client.conf

#Use scribe_cat to send some messages to the 'client' Scribe instance:
echo "test message" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test2

echo "this message will be ignored" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 ignore_me

echo "123:this message will be bucketed" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 bucket_me

#The first message will be logged similar to example 1.
#The second message will not get logged.
#The third message will be bucketized into 1 of 5 buckets
#(See example2central.conf)

#Verify that the first message got logged:
cat /tmp/scribetest/test2/test2_current

#Verify that the third message got logged into a subdirectory:
cat /tmp/scribetest/bucket*/bucket_me_current

#Check the status and counters of both instances:
./scribe_ctrl status 1463
./scribe_ctrl status 1464
./scribe_ctrl counters 1463
./scribe_ctrl counters 1464

#Shutdown both servers:
./scribe_ctrl stop 1463
./scribe_ctrl stop 1464

# Example 3

# Test Scribe buffering

#Startup the two Scribe instances used in Example 2.
#Start the 'central' server first:
src/scribed examples/example2central.conf

#Then start the 'client':
src/scribed examples/example2client.conf

#Log a message to the 'client' Scribe instance:
echo "test message 1" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3

#Verify that the message got logged:
cat /tmp/scribetest/test3/test3_current

#Stop the 'central' Scribe instance:
./scribe_ctrl stop 1463

#Attempting to check the status of this server will return failure since it not running:
./scribe_ctrl status 1463

#Try to Log another message:
echo "test message 2" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3

#This message will be buffered by the 'client' since it cannot be forwarded to
#the 'central' server.  Scribe will keep retrying until it is able to send.

#After a couple seconds, the status of the 'client' will be set to a warning message:
./scribe_ctrl status 1464

#Try to Log yet another message(which will also get buffered):
echo "test message 3" | ./scribe_cat -h localhost:1464 test3

#Restart the 'central' instance:
src/scribed examples/example2central.conf

#Wait for both Scribe instance's statuses to change to ALIVE:
./scribe_ctrl status 1463
./scribe_ctrl status 1464

#Verify that all 3 messages have now been received by the 'central' server:
cat /tmp/scribetest/test3/test3_current

./scribe_ctrl stop 1463
./scribe_ctrl stop 1464