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NHK World
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CGTN العربية
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+8K超高清万象-美丽中国 四季
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+8K超高清万象-美丽中国 四季
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实况录像-2022/2023赛季世界斯诺克锦标赛 决赛 塞尔比的147
+实况录像-2018/2019赛季斯诺克中国公开赛 宾汉姆的147
@@ -10761,6 +10818,9 @@
+赛事集锦-2023年ATP1000男子网球大师赛 蒙特卡洛站3
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煲劇時間: 最强男神
-晚間新聞[粵] 及 天氣報告[粵]報道本地、兩岸、國際重要新聞以及體育消息,讓你洞悉各地大事及體壇動向。
-360秒人生課堂[粵]第一堂課,主持林盛斌、演說家李炫華請來歐陽偉豪(Ben Sir),他娓娓道出從大學講師的身分,轉為投身演藝事業的經過。立定決心前,Ben Sir曾被看偏只能走紅九個月?但他不甘原地踏步,要挑戰不同崗位,實現自我!此外,嘉賓陳榮峻會細訴最終留在舒適圈的考量。幸福不是必然,演講者黃溢妮的幼子患上自閉症,過着非凡的育兒人生,其不一樣的丈夫如何從旁扶持?「過來人」鍾麗淇、區永權印證生命影響生命的無比力量!
-美國潮什麼[粵]梁芷珮認為沒有到過荷里活大道,走過星光大道,看過荷里活電影舉行首映禮的戲院,不算遊過LA,所以她通通做齊!她又參加由私人導遊開辦的「荷里活狗仔隊團」,在車上遠眺名人巨星的家;之後遊覽著名音樂頒獎禮主題博物館,以及集吃、買、欣賞表演於一身的墨西哥街Olvera Street。玩得意猶未盡,她還去到La Jolla Cove沙灘,近距離看看海獅和海豹。
-美國潮什麼[粵]梁芷珮在LA發現全美國最古老,也是全世界第二舊的紋身工作室,馬上邀導演Ken來一個具代表性的紋身。她又在網上預訂於University Heights的度假屋,裡面設備一應俱全,一晚收費約100美元。其後,她到全加州最大的室內滑板場,參觀經常在荷里活電影擔任替身的滑板教練教學,還購買各式滑板用品。加州一年四季天氣良好,不少潮人喜歡駕駛復古開篷跑車「遊車河」,芷珮決定有樣學樣!
-爆丸3.1[粵/英]臻樂受傷, 由TC代為上陣. TC受不了大型比賽的壓力, 導致表現失準, 幸好小彈為他準備了秘密支援.疾風暴龍和天才小企偶然成為一款能量飲品的廣告明星. 二人為了爭奪真正代言人從電視鬥到對戰擂台.
-問問Master Joe[粵]空氣會因氣壓的差別而流動形成風,風車轉動怎樣變成風力發電,做出環保能源?想風車轉得更快,原來可從扇葉著手,運用「牛頓第三定律」,且聽AI-Nicole及Y-Captain的講解。Master Joe和AI分別利用隱形墨水、檸檬汁和肥皂寫揮春,究竟有何方法,可讓這些隱形文字顯現於眼前?
-仨心友行 2[粵]節目主腦黎諾懿深入有機生態園,靜候拍檔龔嘉欣、王君馨、姚子羚到臨,並迎接既艱巨又極富挑戰的任務!置身唯美玻璃屋,諾懿正式委派任務,這趟行程的題目,竟是由零開始,創立獨一無二的Cafe!三女更要「獻身」當苦力,全方位起動打掃,為店舖開業前打造靚靚面貌。原來諾懿別有用心,要從打掃測試她們的個性?三美化身女漢子,確令諾懿刮目相看。經歷第一天的辛勞,嘉欣、君馨、子羚分別寫下創業路願景,立意為這店共同努力!
-多啦A夢[粵]電視節目中的超人王很受歡迎, 胖虎要扮成他做英雄, 多啦A夢給大雄超人王遊戲披風, 讓他也扮成超人王。 未來百貨公司把布榖鳥蛋寄錯給多啦A夢, 大雄私自拿了它, 到小夫家扮成他來享受有錢人的生活。
-Hands Up[粵]美國的佛羅里達州,每年都舉行一個水下音樂會,且聽主持們介紹相關資訊。陳逸嵐、李衍蔓登上這次「My Little Show」的表演舞台,帶來動作整齊的雙人舞,可見她們花了不少時間排練。舞蹈中還加入了側手翻、一字馬等高難度動作,精彩表演獲得大家的熱烈掌聲。另外,「親子小教煮」環節,會有「酥皮蘑菇忌廉湯」的製作示範。
-J Music[粵]這集《J Music》帶來歌手們出席商場活動的演出。主持潘靜文以《別問我是誰》的舞蹈手勢,介紹嘉賓王馨平登場;馨平即席示範箇中技巧,二人還合唱這首經典。馨平亦透過《威嚴背後》訴說父愛,並引領全場大合唱《生命有價》。同台還有文凱婷、彭家賢對唱《滾》,及江廷慧、陳昊廷情感合唱《目黑》。另外,節目還會播放甄濟如的表演花絮。濟如連環演唱多首歌曲,並細談她的音樂世界,其爸爸甄子丹也有到場支持。
-仨心友行 2[粵]節目主腦黎諾懿深入有機生態園,靜候拍檔龔嘉欣、王君馨、姚子羚到臨,並迎接既艱巨又極富挑戰的任務!置身唯美玻璃屋,諾懿正式委派任務,這趟行程的題目,竟是由零開始,創立獨一無二的Cafe!三女更要「獻身」當苦力,全方位起動打掃,為店舖開業前打造靚靚面貌。原來諾懿別有用心,要從打掃測試她們的個性?三美化身女漢子,確令諾懿刮目相看。經歷第一天的辛勞,嘉欣、君馨、子羚分別寫下創業路願景,立意為這店共同努力!
-NBC 世界新聞[英]
-知識新天地[粵]影像設計及數碼藝術榮譽藝術學士 (第二部分)
-清心直說[英]"How can the Year of the Dragon bring Hong Kong prosperity?"
-大個仔大個女[英]充滿好奇心且熱愛STEM的Mikaela, 為了探索自己長大後想投身哪個行業, 於是在父母的車房裡親手搭建攝影棚, 拍攝她的探索過程, 目標是啟發和教育其他跟她一樣對不同的職業感到好奇的孩子們。
-超能學堂[英]若你是擁有超能力的小孩子, 超能學堂歡迎你!在這裡可以學習控制還未完美的超能力和助人技巧。若單靠超能力不足以解決問題, 還可以利用科學的超能力!這群小孩子都是超能人, 但真正令人類擁有超能力的就是科學。
-忍者藝術家[英]Ricky Martin又稱為「忍者藝術家」,將武術換成顏料、筆和像素,創造出家中都能做到的出色藝術。只要他不會被現實生活的朋友和家人騷擾!他製作迷你藝術傑作,接受觀眾考驗,創作充滿動感的DIY動畫…
-天氣報告[英] 及 滋味小廚[英] 及 滋味小廚[英]
-無窮之路 III - 無垠之疆[英]《無窮之路》製作團隊於2021及2022年間,走遍祖國大江南北及偏遠少數民族聚居地,記錄中國成功脫貧以及生態重建的歷史性時刻。2023年原班製作團隊再接再厲,以民族融和為主題,聚焦神秘又美麗的「西域」新疆,及「世界屋脊」西藏。近年新疆的情況受到不少外國傳媒關注,製作團隊希望藉今次的旅程解開種種謎團。西藏被譽為「世界屋脊」,當地脫貧後的面貌,人民生活又如何?
-100道風味[英]身處智能小工具和科技時代,很難想像現代生活中,架上放著一堆積滿灰塵的食譜。 本節目令觀眾領略烹飪傑作的微妙之處,你會發現世上三百種遠近馳名的佳餚。從日本到美國,從德國到馬來西亞等等!
-無窮之路 III - 無垠之疆[英]《無窮之路》製作團隊於2021及2022年間,走遍祖國大江南北及偏遠少數民族聚居地,記錄中國成功脫貧以及生態重建的歷史性時刻。2023年原班製作團隊再接再厲,以民族融和為主題,聚焦神秘又美麗的「西域」新疆,及「世界屋脊」西藏。近年新疆的情況受到不少外國傳媒關注,製作團隊希望藉今次的旅程解開種種謎團。西藏被譽為「世界屋脊」,當地脫貧後的面貌,人民生活又如何?
-世界同步出遊[粵/日][PG]本集是特輯的前半部, 穆罕默德在埃及芭絲特神殿中的一個地下墓穴裡找到一個2500年前的石棺, 他們推測裡面的是一位在古代身份顯赫的人, 節目會現場直播工作人員打開這個石棺的情況。
-就是愛美麗[粵/普]要眼睛有神,就要靠眼線幫忙!彩妝達人高毓喬教大家挑選眼線產品,還分享眼線不脫妝訣竅,示範內雙及單眼皮眼型的眼線畫法,以及雙眼皮的最新潮流眼線。「愛美麗盲測」測試四款開架發售,來自美、日、台、泰的眼線液筆,評比它們的順手度、顯色度、防水度和防油度。陳約臨展開「米蘭時尚遊」,趁著看時尚秀的空檔,閒逛全歐洲最大的特賣場Serravalle Designer Outlet。
-聲生不息 家年華[粵]街道友誼賽後半部,選歌只限近十年內,先有譚維維、郁可唯、袁婭維合唱《作曲家》作開場。這集分三回競演,同隊合唱、獨唱、跨隊對唱皆有。周深在《易燃易爆炸》加入戲曲腔,注入新鮮感。古巨基和胡彥斌共訴《說散就散》,女歌男男唱,別有味道。汪蘇瀧與譚維維合唱《驍》,配合舞台效果更見氣勢!兩名隊長韓紅、孫楠壓軸演繹《人世間》,呈現截然不同曲風,也獲熱烈掌聲!本輪最終是金花隊抑或葫蘆隊勝出,《如願》跟觀眾大合唱?
-星期日開片:喜劇之王[粵][PG]熱愛戲劇但沒天份的臨時演員尹天仇(周星馳),與舞小姐柳飄飄(張柏芝),及女星杜鵑兒(莫文蔚)陷入三角戀。仇毅然接受一男主角角色,一個外賣仔身份包裝的臥底。仇能否以手無寸鐵之身,用演技力敵犯罪集團 ?
-國高中一貫!! 鬼滅學園物語[粵/日]動畫「鬼滅之刃」官方外傳登場!! 以完全中學「鬼滅學園」為故事舞台,「鬼滅之刃」的角色們展開的學園喜劇!!
-鬼滅之刃 竈門炭治郎 立志篇[粵/日][M]炭治郎在避開鬼.響凱在房間中散落的紙張時,發現了特別的呼吸法,克服了骨折的痛楚,成功擊敗了響凱!比炭治郎早一步離開大宅的善逸,注意到伊之助想斬殺木箱的鬼。善逸被炭治郎的溫柔打動,拼上性命保護木箱!
-鬼滅之刃 竈門炭治郎 立志篇[粵/日][M]伊之助因木箱的事跟善逸打起來,憤怒的炭治郎用頭鎚把伊之助撞暈了!跟正一他們分別後,炭治郎一行人跟隨鎹鴉來到門上有紫藤花家紋的大宅,醫治在大戰後的傷和享受片刻的安靜。
-就是愛美麗[粵/普]要眼睛有神,就要靠眼線幫忙!彩妝達人高毓喬教大家挑選眼線產品,還分享眼線不脫妝訣竅,示範內雙及單眼皮眼型的眼線畫法,以及雙眼皮的最新潮流眼線。「愛美麗盲測」測試四款開架發售,來自美、日、台、泰的眼線液筆,評比它們的順手度、顯色度、防水度和防油度。陳約臨展開「米蘭時尚遊」,趁著看時尚秀的空檔,閒逛全歐洲最大的特賣場Serravalle Designer Outlet。
Listen to the EarthLeading experts teach us by means of demonstrations and quizzes how to listen to the Earth and prepare for earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes and other life-threatening natural disasters.
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Documentary - Red Alert: The Arab SpringRT's documentaries give a varied and unique view on different aspects of life worldwide. They expose outdated myths and stereotypes, reveal intriguing history and geography, showcase varied wildlife and exquisite cuisines, introduce you to vibrant nightlife and curious customs. Original footage of historical events and sharp analysis of contemporary politics will give you a deeper understanding of what made history take this or that turn. RT's documentaries go beyond the bare facts, thoroughly investigating the issues and giving the viewer a chance to see below the surface.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
The Whistleblowers - Triggering a whistleblowerIn The Whistleblowers, former CIA agent John Kiriakou brings you some of the bravest men and women fighting for justice. John himself knows what it’s like, having blown the whistle on CIA torture, paying the price with years in prison, and lawsuit upon lawsuit. On The Whistleblowers, John Kiriakou sings the praises and brings to light the people we rely on to keep our government and institutions in check.
@@ -14569,7 +14176,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14593,7 +14200,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14617,7 +14224,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14641,7 +14248,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14665,7 +14272,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14683,7 +14290,7 @@
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
-Worlds ApartWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
+Worlds Apart - Shock, not therapy? Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia UniversityWorlds Apart is a fast-paced, in-depth discussion on the most pressing issues facing the world today.It strives to depart from the traditional Q&A form of interview in favor of a more emotive and engaging conversation. Host Oksana Boyko is not afraid to ask the hard questions that others avoid, with the aim of promoting intelligent public debate.
NewsRT news, interviews and shows available as podcasts you can download for free. Our coverage focuses on international headlines, giving an innovative angle set to challenge viewers worldwide.
@@ -14805,117 +14412,114 @@
Health - No Fun in the SunCamp Sundown is no ordinary summer camp because the fun doesn't start until after dark. These campers live with rare genetic disorders that make exposure to sunlight very painful, or even deadly. Unable to repair skin cells that get damaged by natural light, they have to take numerous precautions and steer clear of all the fun usually associated with sun shine. At Camp Sundown, these extraordinary children can enjoy ordinary activities with peers from around the world who have the same condition.
-Military and War - Mariupol: A Homecoming The Azov nationalist battalion didn’t let civilians out of Mariupol. Instead, they deliberately placed citizens in the buildings where firing points were hidden. Those who resisted were shot. Scare tactics against ordinary people aimed to make them an obedient human shield. Today, when the Battle for Mariupol is over, people are ready to share their pain. So how did Mariupol withstand the Ukrainian nationalist attacks?
+Health - We Are DifferentLalit has lived all his life covered with excessive hair due to a faulty gene. He was bullied and resented. Hulya had to endure 20 operations during her childhood because her feet were too weak, and she kept falling. Danil’s genetic disorder stopped him from growing at a young age. How do these people come to accept themselves for who they are and lead a happy life?
+Politics - Serbia’s ChoiceThe long-lasting friendship between Russia and Serbia is currently being tested. While Serbia is trying to maintain a relationship with Russia, Western countries are pushing it to impose sanctions on Russia. As the ordinary people see Russians as brothers and memories of what NATO did to the country are still fresh, Serbian politicians are at a crossroads. What choice will Serbia make?
-Arts and Culture - Dangerous MusicFor years, music was banned in Afghanistan as sinful, but now one school for children is planting the seeds for traditional Afghan music’s rebirth. Conservative views have left their mark, however, and the school and its young musicians face threats from some elements in society.
+Politics - Nuclear BlackmailThe Zaporozhye nuclear plant in Energodar is the largest in Europe. Since March 2022 it has been under Russian control and Zaporozhye Region recently voted in a referendum to join Russia. In the meantime, Kiev continues to attack the plant, putting Europe at risk of a disaster six times bigger than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Despite IAEA warnings and the referendum, Kiev continues to use the Zaporozhye plant as a blackmail tool. The documentary shows the timeline of the attacks and focuses on potential risks of Ukrainian provocations.
-The Silk Road Series - Language of the Silk RoadModern China is a unique mix of cutting-edge technology and centuries-old tradition. It takes pride in its booming economy and rich cultural heritage. In many ways, China owes its complexity and versatility to the Silk Road, an ancient trade route established in the 2nd century BC that for hundreds of years initiated cross-cultural interaction between Eurasian civilisations.
+Sport - Esports. Tapping for GloryPlaying video games is no longer just a fun pastime for teenagers. It’s become a high-paying job and a fully-fledged entertainment industry that rivals Hollywood in terms of production and marketing costs. Professional cyber athletes train hard and earn millions of dollars, just like mainstream sportsmen.
-Society - 2052 See the FutureEye-tracking, artificial intelligence, clinical neurotechnologies, virtual reality — all of these have already entered our daily life. Professors from the Higher School of Economics present brand-new inventions and technologies they have produced and explain how they can be effectively integrated in people's life.
+Here and Now - Here and Now. Andrey SolovyevThe opponent's primary goal is to destroy the Heavy Flamethrower System at all costs, making resistance challenging. Commander Andrey Solovyev discusses the team's most challenging tasks and struggles, especially when the enemy hides behind residential buildings, using women and children as human shields.
-Politics - Mali: Au Revoir, FranceLast year, France withdrew its troops from Mali. This marked the end of a nine-year military operation, aimed at resolving the internal conflict and liberating Mali's territory from Al-Qaeda terrorists. However, according to locals, the French left without providing any tangible assistance, causing further destruction and numerous deaths among the civilian population. ‘Operation Barkhane was launched as part of a French plot to partition Mali’, believes political activist Aboubacar Sidick Fomba. Today, Malians are ready to fight against the dark legacy of colonisation. Will they succeed?
+Human Rights - Marriage Scammer: Till Cash Do Us PartAlina Milennaya, a resident of Volgograd, Russia, encountered a charismatic man on a dating website. Seduced by promises of a joyful future, she sold her apartment and car in anticipation of their wedding. It was later revealed that he was, in fact, Dmitry Frolov, a notorious marriage scammer with numerous aliases and countless victims. Watch the documentary to discover how Alina handled the tough situation and even assisted the police to arrest the scammer who beguiled her.
-Newborn Russia - Giving Birth Is Easy - Newborn Russia (E36)For Irina, pregnancy has meant one problem after another. She’s been closely monitored following a whole catalogue of issues and has had to stay in hospital for observation. Husband Marcel is anxious about the delivery as he remembers an aunt who died in childbirth. The day after being discharged from observation, Irina returns to give birth to a healthy boy.
+Society - Donbass: That’s Why I’m HereBritish Press TV correspondent Johnny Miller came to Ukraine to provide an unbiased account of the conflict in Donbass. However, after he sent a journalistic inquiry, he was immediately placed on a “Myrotvorets” kill list by Ukrainian nationalists. And this is not a rare case. Western media turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Kiev regime. This is why Miller and other foreign journalists are ready to risk their lives and report what they really face in Ukraine.
-Newborn Russia - With Daddy’s Help - Newborn Russia (E37)A false alarm means Margarita ignores her doctors and goes home, only to be rushed back to give birth. Husband Sergey turns out to be a star as he encourages Margarita throughout the delivery. Maria had a stillbirth, and pregnant again she needs all the support she can get from husband Evgeny to successfully get through the trauma of a C-section.
-Newborn Russia - AWOL Husbands - Newborn Russia (E38)It’s the first baby for Lilia. She waited five years for husband Aleksey to get out of prison before becoming pregnant. But when the time comes to give birth by C-section, the father is nowhere to be found. Polina has a son with Evgeny and is expecting a daughter called Milana. The new baby can’t wait, and despite frantic calls, no family members can get to maternity to witness the birth.
+Newborn Russia - Family Ties - Newborn Russia (E41)With her boyfriend gone, 16-year-old Nadezhda must get support from her mother, Maria. After recently losing a daughter Maria looking forward to the new arrival. As Nadezhda goes into labour, she is by her side for the birth. At 41 Elena never thought she would get pregnant after an abortion as a teenager. Blood problems delay her C-section, but eventually, she gives birth to baby Margarita.
-Newborn Russia - A Worrying Time - Newborn Russia (E39)It’s the first baby for Natalya, and she is overdue. The doctors are worried and try to induce labour. With husband Aleksandr looking on she eventually gives birth to little Margarita. Having tried IVF treatment, Polina and Vladislav were surprised when she became pregnant naturally. As the baby shows signs of stress, the doctors perform a successful C-section.
+The arab spring
-Newborn Russia - A Little Miracle - Newborn Russia (E40)A medical problem meant Larisa thought she could never have a second child. However, after nine years she underwent successful IVF treatment and is now expecting a boy. The baby is closely monitored, and it’s decided to induce labour. With the calming influence of husband Aleksey in the delivery room, Larisa eventually gives birth to a healthy baby boy.
+Health - No Fun in the SunCamp Sundown is no ordinary summer camp because the fun doesn't start until after dark. These campers live with rare genetic disorders that make exposure to sunlight very painful, or even deadly. Unable to repair skin cells that get damaged by natural light, they have to take numerous precautions and steer clear of all the fun usually associated with sun shine. At Camp Sundown, these extraordinary children can enjoy ordinary activities with peers from around the world who have the same condition.
-Newborn Russia - Family Ties - Newborn Russia (E41)With her boyfriend gone, 16-year-old Nadezhda must get support from her mother, Maria. After recently losing a daughter Maria looking forward to the new arrival. As Nadezhda goes into labour, she is by her side for the birth. At 41 Elena never thought she would get pregnant after an abortion as a teenager. Blood problems delay her C-section, but eventually, she gives birth to baby Margarita.
+Military and War - Mariupol: A Homecoming The Azov nationalist battalion didn’t let civilians out of Mariupol. Instead, they deliberately placed citizens in the buildings where firing points were hidden. Those who resisted were shot. Scare tactics against ordinary people aimed to make them an obedient human shield. Today, when the Battle for Mariupol is over, people are ready to share their pain. So how did Mariupol withstand the Ukrainian nationalist attacks?
+Arts and Culture - Dangerous MusicFor years, music was banned in Afghanistan as sinful, but now one school for children is planting the seeds for traditional Afghan music’s rebirth. Conservative views have left their mark, however, and the school and its young musicians face threats from some elements in society.
+The Silk Road Series - Language of the Silk RoadModern China is a unique mix of cutting-edge technology and centuries-old tradition. It takes pride in its booming economy and rich cultural heritage. In many ways, China owes its complexity and versatility to the Silk Road, an ancient trade route established in the 2nd century BC that for hundreds of years initiated cross-cultural interaction between Eurasian civilisations.
+Society - 2052 See the FutureEye-tracking, artificial intelligence, clinical neurotechnologies, virtual reality — all of these have already entered our daily life. Professors from the Higher School of Economics present brand-new inventions and technologies they have produced and explain how they can be effectively integrated in people's life.
+Politics - Mali: Au Revoir, FranceLast year, France withdrew its troops from Mali. This marked the end of a nine-year military operation, aimed at resolving the internal conflict and liberating Mali's territory from Al-Qaeda terrorists. However, according to locals, the French left without providing any tangible assistance, causing further destruction and numerous deaths among the civilian population. ‘Operation Barkhane was launched as part of a French plot to partition Mali’, believes political activist Aboubacar Sidick Fomba. Today, Malians are ready to fight against the dark legacy of colonisation. Will they succeed?
Society - Love CommandosMuch like Romeo and Juliet, Indian couples who have married against their parents’ wishes often face violence or even death. This is where the ‘Love Commandos’ come in. This volunteer group helps young people in love stay together and enforce their legal rights despite societal norms.
Lifestyle - I am John Kopiski, a Russian Farmer John Kopiski, a native of the UK, is an unlikely farmer. He's been the proud owner of a dairy farm not far from Moscow for some 20 years. The former business executive with no background in farming decided to pursue a completely new life after visiting Russia back in the ’90s. After converting to Orthodoxy and marrying a Russian, he gradually morphed into an archetypical farmer worthy of a Tolstoy novel.
Politics - Nuclear BlackmailThe Zaporozhye nuclear plant in Energodar is the largest in Europe. Since March 2022 it has been under Russian control and Zaporozhye Region recently voted in a referendum to join Russia. In the meantime, Kiev continues to attack the plant, putting Europe at risk of a disaster six times bigger than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Despite IAEA warnings and the referendum, Kiev continues to use the Zaporozhye plant as a blackmail tool. The documentary shows the timeline of the attacks and focuses on potential risks of Ukrainian provocations.
+Newborn Russia - Family Ties - Newborn Russia (E41)With her boyfriend gone, 16-year-old Nadezhda must get support from her mother, Maria. After recently losing a daughter Maria looking forward to the new arrival. As Nadezhda goes into labour, she is by her side for the birth. At 41 Elena never thought she would get pregnant after an abortion as a teenager. Blood problems delay her C-section, but eventually, she gives birth to baby Margarita.
The arab spring
Human Rights - Marriage Scammer: Till Cash Do Us PartAlina Milennaya, a resident of Volgograd, Russia, encountered a charismatic man on a dating website. Seduced by promises of a joyful future, she sold her apartment and car in anticipation of their wedding. It was later revealed that he was, in fact, Dmitry Frolov, a notorious marriage scammer with numerous aliases and countless victims. Watch the documentary to discover how Alina handled the tough situation and even assisted the police to arrest the scammer who beguiled her.
Politics - Serbia’s ChoiceThe long-lasting friendship between Russia and Serbia is currently being tested. While Serbia is trying to maintain a relationship with Russia, Western countries are pushing it to impose sanctions on Russia. As the ordinary people see Russians as brothers and memories of what NATO did to the country are still fresh, Serbian politicians are at a crossroads. What choice will Serbia make?
Health - No Fun in the SunCamp Sundown is no ordinary summer camp because the fun doesn't start until after dark. These campers live with rare genetic disorders that make exposure to sunlight very painful, or even deadly. Unable to repair skin cells that get damaged by natural light, they have to take numerous precautions and steer clear of all the fun usually associated with sun shine. At Camp Sundown, these extraordinary children can enjoy ordinary activities with peers from around the world who have the same condition.
Society - Donbass: That’s Why I’m HereBritish Press TV correspondent Johnny Miller came to Ukraine to provide an unbiased account of the conflict in Donbass. However, after he sent a journalistic inquiry, he was immediately placed on a “Myrotvorets” kill list by Ukrainian nationalists. And this is not a rare case. Western media turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Kiev regime. This is why Miller and other foreign journalists are ready to risk their lives and report what they really face in Ukraine.
Sport - Esports. Tapping for GloryPlaying video games is no longer just a fun pastime for teenagers. It’s become a high-paying job and a fully-fledged entertainment industry that rivals Hollywood in terms of production and marketing costs. Professional cyber athletes train hard and earn millions of dollars, just like mainstream sportsmen.
Personalities - Granny Blade
Here and Now - Here and Now. Andrey SolovyevThe opponent's primary goal is to destroy the Heavy Flamethrower System at all costs, making resistance challenging. Commander Andrey Solovyev discusses the team's most challenging tasks and struggles, especially when the enemy hides behind residential buildings, using women and children as human shields.
Arts and Culture - Dangerous MusicFor years, music was banned in Afghanistan as sinful, but now one school for children is planting the seeds for traditional Afghan music’s rebirth. Conservative views have left their mark, however, and the school and its young musicians face threats from some elements in society.
Military and War - Mariupol: A Homecoming The Azov nationalist battalion didn’t let civilians out of Mariupol. Instead, they deliberately placed citizens in the buildings where firing points were hidden. Those who resisted were shot. Scare tactics against ordinary people aimed to make them an obedient human shield. Today, when the Battle for Mariupol is over, people are ready to share their pain. So how did Mariupol withstand the Ukrainian nationalist attacks?
Politics - Mali: Au Revoir, FranceLast year, France withdrew its troops from Mali. This marked the end of a nine-year military operation, aimed at resolving the internal conflict and liberating Mali's territory from Al-Qaeda terrorists. However, according to locals, the French left without providing any tangible assistance, causing further destruction and numerous deaths among the civilian population. ‘Operation Barkhane was launched as part of a French plot to partition Mali’, believes political activist Aboubacar Sidick Fomba. Today, Malians are ready to fight against the dark legacy of colonisation. Will they succeed?
+Newborn Russia - Family Ties - Newborn Russia (E41)With her boyfriend gone, 16-year-old Nadezhda must get support from her mother, Maria. After recently losing a daughter Maria looking forward to the new arrival. As Nadezhda goes into labour, she is by her side for the birth. At 41 Elena never thought she would get pregnant after an abortion as a teenager. Blood problems delay her C-section, but eventually, she gives birth to baby Margarita.
The arab spring
Meeting with Nature - It's a Pandaful Life! The Giant Panda has been a symbol of wildlife protection for more than 50 years. It has survived in just one country: China, and its future is constantly threatened by human activity and climate change. In September 2016, the adorable bamboo bear was taken off the endangered species list.
The Silk Road Series - Language of the Silk RoadModern China is a unique mix of cutting-edge technology and centuries-old tradition. It takes pride in its booming economy and rich cultural heritage. In many ways, China owes its complexity and versatility to the Silk Road, an ancient trade route established in the 2nd century BC that for hundreds of years initiated cross-cultural interaction between Eurasian civilisations.
Society - Love CommandosMuch like Romeo and Juliet, Indian couples who have married against their parents’ wishes often face violence or even death. This is where the ‘Love Commandos’ come in. This volunteer group helps young people in love stay together and enforce their legal rights despite societal norms.
Health - No Fun in the SunCamp Sundown is no ordinary summer camp because the fun doesn't start until after dark. These campers live with rare genetic disorders that make exposure to sunlight very painful, or even deadly. Unable to repair skin cells that get damaged by natural light, they have to take numerous precautions and steer clear of all the fun usually associated with sun shine. At Camp Sundown, these extraordinary children can enjoy ordinary activities with peers from around the world who have the same condition.
-Health - We Are DifferentLalit has lived all his life covered with excessive hair due to a faulty gene. He was bullied and resented. Hulya had to endure 20 operations during her childhood because her feet were too weak, and she kept falling. Danil’s genetic disorder stopped him from growing at a young age. How do these people come to accept themselves for who they are and lead a happy life?
-Politics - Serbia’s ChoiceThe long-lasting friendship between Russia and Serbia is currently being tested. While Serbia is trying to maintain a relationship with Russia, Western countries are pushing it to impose sanctions on Russia. As the ordinary people see Russians as brothers and memories of what NATO did to the country are still fresh, Serbian politicians are at a crossroads. What choice will Serbia make?
-Politics - Nuclear BlackmailThe Zaporozhye nuclear plant in Energodar is the largest in Europe. Since March 2022 it has been under Russian control and Zaporozhye Region recently voted in a referendum to join Russia. In the meantime, Kiev continues to attack the plant, putting Europe at risk of a disaster six times bigger than the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Despite IAEA warnings and the referendum, Kiev continues to use the Zaporozhye plant as a blackmail tool. The documentary shows the timeline of the attacks and focuses on potential risks of Ukrainian provocations.
-Sport - Esports. Tapping for GloryPlaying video games is no longer just a fun pastime for teenagers. It’s become a high-paying job and a fully-fledged entertainment industry that rivals Hollywood in terms of production and marketing costs. Professional cyber athletes train hard and earn millions of dollars, just like mainstream sportsmen.
-Here and Now - Here and Now. Andrey SolovyevThe opponent's primary goal is to destroy the Heavy Flamethrower System at all costs, making resistance challenging. Commander Andrey Solovyev discusses the team's most challenging tasks and struggles, especially when the enemy hides behind residential buildings, using women and children as human shields.
-Human Rights - Marriage Scammer: Till Cash Do Us PartAlina Milennaya, a resident of Volgograd, Russia, encountered a charismatic man on a dating website. Seduced by promises of a joyful future, she sold her apartment and car in anticipation of their wedding. It was later revealed that he was, in fact, Dmitry Frolov, a notorious marriage scammer with numerous aliases and countless victims. Watch the documentary to discover how Alina handled the tough situation and even assisted the police to arrest the scammer who beguiled her.
-Society - Donbass: That’s Why I’m HereBritish Press TV correspondent Johnny Miller came to Ukraine to provide an unbiased account of the conflict in Donbass. However, after he sent a journalistic inquiry, he was immediately placed on a “Myrotvorets” kill list by Ukrainian nationalists. And this is not a rare case. Western media turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Kiev regime. This is why Miller and other foreign journalists are ready to risk their lives and report what they really face in Ukraine.
The World Today
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