- San Francisco, CA
- https://jklabs.net
jkriss / rack-throttle
Forked from dryruby/rack-throttleRack middleware for rate-limiting incoming HTTP requests.
jkriss / dalli
Forked from petergoldstein/dalliHigh performance memcached client for Ruby
Edit copy in your live web app.
jkriss / liquid.js
Forked from mattmccray/liquid.jsJavaScript port of Tobias Luetke's Liquid template engine.
OSX Finder-like hierarchical menus for jQuery
jkriss / rack-esi
Forked from boof/rack-esiESI middleware implementation for Rack. This middleware is currently reimplemented to run commands in parallel and fetch with curb.
jkriss / whiskey_disk
Forked from flogic/whiskey_diskWhiskey Disk: embarrassingly fast deployments.
jkriss / jrails
Forked from aaronchi/jrailsjRails is a drop-in jQuery replacement for Prototype/script.aculo.us on Rails. Using jRails, you can get all of the same default Rails helpers for javascript functionality using the lighter jQuery …
jkriss / bistro_car
Forked from jnicklas/bistro_carBistroCar serves up CoffeeScript from within your Rails application.
jkriss / money
Forked from RubyMoney/moneyLibrary for dealing with money and currency conversion
jkriss / ruby-geonames
Forked from elecnix/ruby-geonamesSVN clone of http://www.tbcn.ca/geonames
jkriss / diaspora
Forked from diaspora/diasporaDistributed and contextual social networking
jkriss / surveyor
Forked from NUBIC/surveyorSurveyor is a Rails gem plugin that lets you easily design surveys, questionnares, quizes, etc... and add them to your app. (See Readme for more information)
jkriss / fullcalendar
Forked from fullcalendar/fullcalendarFull-sized drag & drop event calendar (jQuery plugin)
apenwarr / bup
Forked from bup/bupPlease switch to using the github.com/bup/bup repo instead!
benprew / pony
Forked from adamwiggins/ponyThe express way to send mail from Ruby.
threedaymonk / chef-ec2
Forked from chef-boneyard/chef-repoRake tasks and directory organisation to bootstrap and configure an EC2 instance using Chef.
collectiveidea / money
Forked from aflatter/moneyLeetsoft's Money library
relevance / blue-ridge
Forked from jgehtland/javascript_testingFramework for JavaScript Testing (currently a Rails Plugin)
foca / integrity
Forked from integrity/integrityDon't mind this, go to http://github.com/integrity/integrity
leahneukirchen / rack
Forked from rack/racka modular Ruby webserver interface | personal fork | PLEASE BRANCH/SEND PULL REQUESTS/FILE BUGS AT rack/rack
jeresig / processing-js
Forked from processing-js/processing-jsA port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript.
arunthampi / activecouch
Forked from chuyeow/activecouchActiveCouch is a simple, convenient, Ruby-idiomatic wrapper for CouchDB
bmizerany / sinatra
Forked from sinatra/sinatra(offically at github.com/sinatra/sinatra) Classy web-development dressed in a DSL