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This branch is 1536 commits behind antlr/grammars-v4:master.


Golang Grammar

An ANTLR4 grammar for Golang based on The Go Programming Language Specification.

How to use

  • Generate lexer and parser with ANTLR4 generator
  • Include both generated and base classes to project from corresponding directory (C#, Java, or Go). For Go runtime you should add prefix p. to all semantic predicates, i.e: lineTerminatorAhead -> p.lineTerminatorAhead() and so on.

Main contributors

  • Sasa Coh, Michał Błotniak, 2017
    • Initial version
  • Ivan Kochurkin and @fred1268, [email protected], Positive Technologies, 2019:
    • Separated lexer and parser
    • Fixes and refactoring
  • Dmitry Rassadin, [email protected], Positive Technologies, 2019:
    • Samples set
    • Fixes and refactoring
