Run mysql database by following instructiosn in the mysql docs
Then build the project with mysql support:
mvn clean install -Pmysql
Or run with spring boot:
mvn -Pmysql spring-boot:run
Or to build for kubernetes (and skip Integration tests)
mvn clean install -Pmysql,kubernetes
To build the docker image:
mvn clean install -Pmysql,kubernetes fabric8:build
A curl command you can use to test everything:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"ticketRequests\":[{\"ticketPrice\":4,\"quantity\":3}],\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"performance\":1}" http://localhost:8080/rest/bookings
To connect to mysql:
Port forward the mysql pods locally (eg):
kubectl port-forward mysql-backend-4085635837-kxfc6 3306:3306
Login with a mysql client:
mysql -h --port 3306 -u ticket -pmonster