Build cross platform desktop apps with .NET Core and ASP.NET NET Core.
Currently there are two main projects and a "WebApp" that serves as a demo playground.
- ElectronNET.API: Defines the Electron / .NET API bridge
- ElectronNET.CLI: Responsible for the dotnet "electronize" tooling.
Both projects create their own nuget package. The resulting nuget packages are saved under "/artifacts".
Currently the packages are just build with version 1.0.0. If you change something you need to clear the nuget cache under this directory (because the version number doesn't change):
The solution contains a NuGet.config which points to the artifacts directory, so we can just use the produced NuGet packages without uploading to
The WebApp now has referenced the API NuGet package and via the .csproj reference the CLI:
<DotNetCliToolReference Include="ElectronNET.CLI" Version="*" />
Navigate to the WebApp folder and type this in a command prompt:
dotnet electronize
- Change something in the CLI project
- rebuild the project (a nuget package should now appear in the /artifacts directory)
- make sure there is no ElectronNET.CLI package in your %userprofile%.nuget\packages cache with the same version
- execute dotnet restore in the WebApp
- execute dotnet electronize