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sap_hana_install Ansible Role

Ansible role for SAP HANA Installation


The role requires additional collections which are specified in meta/collection-requirements.yml. Before using this role, make sure that the required collections are installed, for example by using the following command:

ansible-galaxy install -vv -r meta/collection-requirements.yml

Configure your system for the installation of SAP HANA

  • Make sure required volumes and filesystems are configured in the host. You can use the role sap_storage_setup to configure this. More info here

  • Run the roles sap_general_preconfigure and sap_hana_preconfigure for installing required packages and for configuring system settings.

SAP HANA Software Installation .SAR Files

Place the following files in directory /software/hana or in any other directory specified by variable sap_hana_install_software_directory:

  1. The SAPCAR executable for the correct hardware architecture

  2. The SAP HANA Installation .SAR file

    • SAP HANA 2.0 Server - IMDB_SERVER*.SAR file
  3. Optional - SAP HANA Components .SAR files

    • Include other optional components such as IMDB_AFL*.SAR or IMDB_LCAPPS*.SAR
  4. Optional - SAP Host Agent .SAR file

    • Include other optional components such as SAPHOSTAGENT*SAR

Sample Directory Contents - with .SAR files

  • Sample directory sap_hana_install_software_directory containing SAP HANA software installation files
    [root@hanahost SAP_HANA_INSTALLATION]# ls -l *.EXE *.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody  149561376 Mar  4  2021 IMDB_AFL20_054_1-80001894.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody  211762405 Mar  4  2021 IMDB_CLIENT20_007_23-80002082.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody    4483040 Mar  4  2021 SAPCAR_1010-70006178.EXE
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody  109492976 Mar  4  2021 IMDB_LCAPPS_2054_0-20010426.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody  109752805 Mar  4  2021 VCH202000_2054_0-80005463.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody 3694683699 Mar  4  2021 IMDB_SERVER20_054_0-80002031.SAR
    -rwxr-xr-x. 1 nobody nobody   89285401 Sep 30 04:24 SAPHOSTAGENT51_51-20009394.SAR

If more than one SAPCAR EXE file is present in the software directory, the role will select the latest version for the current hardware architecture. Alternatively, the file name of the SAPCAR EXE file can also be set with variable sap_hana_install_sapcar_filename. Example:

sap_hana_install_sapcar_filename: SAPCAR_1115-70006178.EXE

If more than one SAR file for a certain software product is present in the software directory, the automatic handling of such SAR files will fail after extraction, when moving the newly created product directories (like SAP_HOST_AGENT) to already existing destinations. For avoiding such situations, use following variable to provide a list of SAR files to extract:



  - SAPHOSTAGENT54_54-80004822.SAR
  - IMDB_SERVER20_060_0-80002031.SAR

If there is a file named <filename>.sha256 in the software download directory sap_hana_install_software_directory which contains the checksum and the file name similar to the output of the sha256sum command, the role will examine the sha256sum for the corresponding SAPCAR or SAR file and the processing will continue only if the checksum matches.

Extracted SAP HANA Software Installation Files

This role will detect if there is a file hdblcm already present in the directory specified by variable sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory or in any directory below. If If found, it will skip the .SAR extraction phase and proceed with the installation.

The default for sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory is {{ sap_hana_install_software_directory }}/extracted but it can be set to a different directory.

If this role is executed on more than one host in parallel and the software extraction directory is shared among those hosts, the role will only extract the files on the first host on which the extraction has started. The role will proceed on the other hosts after the extraction of SAR files has completed.

If NFS is used for sharing the SAP HANA installation media between the nodes, then it is required to define sap_hana_install_configfile_directory. The default for sap_hana_install_configfile_directory is "{{ sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory }}/configfiles". This variable should point to a non nfs path. After installation, if a cleanup of configfile is required, then set sap_hana_install_cleanup_configfile_directory as true. If a cleanup of software extract directory is required then set sap_hana_install_cleanup_extract_directory as true. The default value for both these cleanup actions are false.

  • Sample directory sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory containing extracted SAP HANA software installation files
    [root@hanahost extracted]# ll -lrt
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:55 SAP_HANA_AFL
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:55 SAP_HANA_CLIENT
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:55 SAP_HANA_LCAPPS
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:57 SAP_HANA_DATABASE
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:58 SAP_HOST_AGENT
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 30 04:58 VCH_AFL_2020

SAP HANA hdblcm Configfile Processing

By default, the hdblcm configfile will be created dynamically in each run, as follows: After the role has found the hdblcm command or extracted the SAP HANA SAR file, it will call the hdblcm command with the option --dump_configfile_template to create a configfile template, which will then be converted into a Jinja2 configfile template according to the following rules: For each hdblcm parameter, the value will be either the value of the role variable prepended by the role name and an underscore, or a default (if present in the hdblcm configfile template).

Example: The value of hdblcm parameter system_usage will be set to the value of role variable sap_hana_install_system_usage or to custom in case the role variable has not been set.

The result of the templating is a new, customized hdblcm configfile, which will be used by the hdblcm command for the SAP HANA installation.

This provides great flexibility for handling different SAP HANA releases, which typically have a slightly different set of hdblcm parameters. For preparing the installation of a new SAP HANA system, it can be useful to run the role with tag sap_hana_install_preinstall first. This will display the full path names of the hdblcm configfile template, the Jinja2 template, and the result of the templating. By comparing the hdblcm configfile template with the templating result (indicated by placeholder TEMPLATING_RESULT below), you can quickly check if all role variables for the hdblcm command are set correctly and make any necessary adjustments to the role variables.

For displaying only the modified default lines, in two columns, use: # diff -y --suppress-common-lines hdblcm_configfile_template.cfg TEMPLATING_RESULT

For checking and comparing all non-empty hdblcm parameter settings, use: # diff -y <(awk 'BEGIN{FS="="}/^[a-z]/&&length($2)>0{print $0}' hdblcm_configfile_template.cfg) <(awk 'BEGIN{FS="="}/^[a-z]/&&length($2)>0{print $0}' TEMPLATING_RESULT)

Note: If there is a file named configfile.cfg in the directory specified by role variable sap_hana_install_configfile_directory, this file will be used and no dynamic hdblcm configfile processing will be performed. Be aware that when using this file, any modifications to role variables after creation of this file will not be reflected.

Further Variables and Parameters

Input Parameters

If the variable sap_hana_install_check_sidadm_user is set to no, the role will install SAP HANA even if the sidadm user exists. Default is yes, in which case the installation will not be performed if the sidadm user exists.

The variable sap_hana_install_new_system determines if the role will perform a fresh SAP HANA installation or if it will add further hosts to an existing SAP HANA system as specified by variable sap_hana_install_addhosts. Default is yes for a fresh SAP HANA installation.

The role can be configured to also set the required firewall ports for SAP HANA. If this is desired, set the variable sap_hana_install_update_firewall to yes (default is no). The firewall ports are defined in a variable which is compatible with the variable structure used by Linux System Role firewall. The firewall ports for SAP HANA are defined in member port of the first field of variable sap_hana_install_firewall (sap_hana_install_firewall[0].port), see file defaults/main.yml. If the member state is set to enabled, the ports will be enabled. If the member state is set to disabled, the ports will be disabled, which might be useful for testing.

Default Parameters

Please check the default parameters file for more information on other parameters that can be used as an input


Sample Ansible Playbook Execution

  • Local Host Installation

    • ansible-playbook --connection=local --limit localhost -i "localhost," sap-hana-install.yml -e "@inputs/HDB.install"
  • Target Host Installation

    • ansible-playbook -i "<target-host>" sap-hana-install.yml -e "@inputs/HDB.install"

Sample playbooks

Sample playbook for installing a new scale-up (=single node) SAP HANA system

- hosts: all
    - community.sap_install
  become: true
    sap_hana_install_software_directory: /software/hana
    sap_hana_install_common_master_password: 'NewPass$321'
    sap_hana_install_sid: 'H01'
    sap_hana_install_instance_number: '00'
    - sap_hana_install

Sample playbook for installing a new scale-out SAP HANA system

- hosts: all
    - community.sap_install
  become: true
    sap_hana_install_software_directory: /software/hana
    sap_hana_install_common_master_password: 'NewPass$321'
    sap_hana_install_root_password: 'NewPass$321'
    sap_hana_install_addhosts: 'host2:role=worker,host3:role=worker:group=g02,host4:role=standby:group=g02'
    sap_hana_install_sid: 'H01'
    sap_hana_install_instance_number: '00'
    - sap_hana_install

Sample playbook for adding additional nodes to an existing SAP HANA installation

- hosts: all
    - community.sap_install
  become: true
    sap_hana_install_software_directory: /software/hana
    sap_hana_install_new_system: no
    sap_hana_install_addhosts: 'host2:role=worker,host3:role=worker:group=g02,host4:role=standby:group=g02'
    sap_hana_install_common_master_password: 'NewPass$321'
    sap_hana_install_root_password: 'NewPass$321'
    sap_hana_install_sid: 'H01'
    sap_hana_install_instance_number: '00'
    - sap_hana_install

You can find more complex playbooks in directory playbooks of the collection community.sap_install.


New SAP HANA Installation

Perform Initial Checks

These checks are only performed if sap_hana_install_force is set to true. Its default value is false

  • If variable sap_hana_install_check_sidadm_user is undefined or set to y: Check if user sidadm exists. If yes, abort the role.

  • Check if /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl exists and get info on running HANA instances.

    • If conflicting instances exist the role aborts with a failure
    • If desired instance is running, the role aborts with success
  • If /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl does not exist

    • Check if directory /hana/shared/<sid> exists. If yes and not empty, abort the role.
    • Check if directory /usr/sap/<sid> exists. If yes and not empty, abort the role.


  • Set all passwords to follow master password if set to 'y'.

  • Prepare the software located in directory sap_hana_install_software_directory:

    • If file hdblcm is found, skip the next step and proceed with the hdblcm existence check.

    • If file hdblcm ist not found, proceed with the next step.

  • Prepare SAR files for hdblcm:

    • Get a list of hardware matching SAPCAR executables from sap_hana_install_software_directory in case its file name is not provided by role variable.

    • Select the most recent version of SAPCAR from the hardware matching SAPCAR executables identified before.

    • Get all SAR files from sap_hana_install_software_directory or use the SAR files provided by the corresponding role variable, if set.

    • Extract all SAR files into sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory.

Note: For each SAPCAR or SAR file called or used by the role, if variable sap_hana_install_verify_checksums is set to yes, the role will perform a checksum verification against a specific or global checksum file.

  • Check existence of hdblcm in SAP_HANA_DATABASE directory from the extracted SAR files.

  • Check the existence of file configfile.cfg in the directory configfiles below sap_hana_install_software_extract_directory.

If this file exists, copy it to a temporary directory for use by the hdblcm command. Be aware that when using this file, any modifications to role variables after creation of this file will not be reflected.

If this file is not present, perform the following three steps:

  • Create a hdblcm configfile template directly from the hdblcm command, using option dump_configfile_template.

  • Convert the configfile template into a Jinja2 template and download it to the control node.

  • Process the Jinja2 template, using the configured role variables or default settings, to create a customized hdblm configfile in a temporary directory for use by the hdblcm command in the next step.

SAP HANA Install

  • Execute hdblcm, using the configfile mentioned above.


  • Create and Store Connection Info in hdbuserstore.

  • Set Log Mode key to overwrite value and apply to system.

  • Apply SAP HANA license to the new deployed instance if set to y.

  • Set expiry of Unix created users to never.

  • Update /etc/hosts (optional - yes by default).

  • Apply firewall rules (optional - no by default).

  • Generate input file for sap_swpm.

  • Print a short summary of the result of the installation.

Add hosts to an existing SAP HANA Installation


  • Process SAP HANA configfile based on input parameters.

SAP HANA Add Hosts

  • For each host to be added, check if there is:

    • an instance profile in /hana/shared/<SID>/profile/<SID>_HDB_<NR>
    • a directory /usr/sap/<SID>/HDB<NR>/
    • an entry in the output of ./hdblcm --list_systems If any of the above is true, abort the role.
  • Execute hdblcm.


  • Print a short summary of the result of the installation.


With the following tags, the role can be called to perform certain activities only:

  • tag sap_hana_install_check_installation: Perform an installation check, using hdbcheck or hdblcm --action=check_installation.
  • tag sap_hana_install_chown_hana_directories: Only perform the chown of the SAP HANA directories /hana, /hana/shared, /hana/log, and /hana/data. The main purpose of this tag is to use it with --skip-tags, to skip modifying these directories. This can be useful when using tag sap_hana_install_preinstall.
  • tag sap_hana_install_configure_firewall: Use this flag to only configure the firewall ports for SAP HANA. Note: The role variable sap_hana_install_update_firewall has to be set to yes as well.
  • tag sap_hana_install_extract_sarfiles: Use this flag with --skip-tags to run the SAR file preparation steps of tag sap_hana_install_prepare_sarfiles without extracting the SAR files.
  • tag sap_hana_install_generate_input_file: Only generate the input file for SAP Application deployment
  • tag sap_hana_install_hdblcm_commandline: Only show the hdblcm command line, without processing the hdblcm template. This can be useful for checking the hdblcm command line options, especially when using the addhosts function.
  • tag sap_hana_install_preinstall: Only perform pre-install activities. This includes selecting the SAPCAR EXE file, extracting the SAR files if necessary, searching for hdblcm, and creating the hdblcm configfile.
  • tag sap_hana_install_prepare_sapcar: Only copy the SAPCAR EXE files for the current architecture to the extraction directory, verify the checksums of these files, and select the latest version. Or copy the SAPCAR EXE file if given by role variable sap_hana_install_sapcar_filename and then verify the checksum.
  • tag sap_hana_install_prepare_sarfiles: Run the steps of tag sap_hana_install_prepare_sapcar to select the correct SAPCAR file, then copy the selected or provided SAR files to the extraction directory (if requested), then verify the checksums of each SAR file. Lastly, extract these SAR files to the extraction directory.
  • tag sap_hana_install_set_log_mode: Only set the log mode of an existing HANA installation to overwrite.
  • tag sap_hana_install_store_connection_information: Only run the hdbuserstore command

Sample call for only processing the SAPCAR and SAR files and creating the hdblcm configfile:

# ansible-playbook sap-hana-install.yml --tags=sap_hana_install_preinstall --skip-tags=sap_hana_install_chown_hana_directories

Sample call for only processing the SAPCAR files:

# ansible-playbook sap-hana-install.yml --tags=sap_hana_install_prepare_sapcar

Sample call for only processing the SAPCAR and SAR files, without extracting the SAR files:

# ansible-playbook sap-hana-install.yml --tags=sap_hana_install_prepare_sarfiles --skip-tags=sap_hana_install_extract_sarfiles

Sample call for only displaying the SAP HANA hdblcm command line:

# ansible-playbook sap-hana-install.yml --tags=sap_hana_install_hdblcm_commandline


Apache license 2.0

Author Information

Red Hat for SAP Community of Practice, IBM Lab for SAP Solutions, Markus Koch, Thomas Bludau, Bernd Finger, Than Ngo, Rainer Leber