Load plugin(s)
Set MongoDB server, Redis-Server, and other information in craft-integration/config.yml
Install keplr, visit: [or any testnet with :1317 and :26657]
Copy address for CRAFT wallet
Then in game do “/wallet set <craft-address>”
/wallet faucet ADDRESS 500 [will be disabled]
/wallet help
/wallet balance <player/address>
/wallet set <address>
/wallet pay <player/wallet> <amount>
/wallet supply (shows stake and craft)
/wallet pending
/wallet faucet <name/wallet> <amount> [Will be firewalled in the future]
/wallet faketx <license/purchase> [item]
/wallet fakesign <generated_TxID>
/wallet allpending
/test-balanceapi (Show balance of current wallet)
/test-walletapi (Get current wallet as a WalletClickable)
/test-exampleapi (Generates a Tx which prints out a user bought something. Requires /wallet fakesign <id>)
/test-tokensapi (Show total CRAFT and STAKE tokens in supply)
/test-trade (Req. 2 players. Hold items, confirm trade amount, items are taken. On Blockchain sign trade items as agreed upon)
/test-keplr (Send user link to KEPLR wallet documentation)
/test-escrowspend (pays 1 craft for some dirt to ensure it works correctly)
plugin.yml -> depend: ["craft-integration"]
IntegrationAPI api = CraftBlockchainPlugin.getAPI();
Standard Request:
String wallet = api.getWallet(uuid);
long balance = api.getBalance(uuid);
String swallet = api.getServerWallet();
String webapp = api.getWebAppAddress();
// sends funds to player from faucet. returns "NO_WALLET" or {"transfers":[{"coin":"1token","status":"ok"}]}
String value = api.faucet(uuid, longAmount);
String value = api.faucet(wallet_address, longAmount);
String denom = api.getTokenDenomination(boolean getSmallerValue); // true = ucraft, false = craft
float readableCraftValue = api.convertUCRAFTtoBeReadable(long ucraft); // 1000000ucraft = 1 craft
long craftAmount = api.convertCraftToUCRAFT(long craft_amount); // 0.1craft -> 100,000ucraft, for submitting to chain
Account Wallets:
boolean hasAcc = api.hasAccount(uuid);
boolean valid = api.isValidWallet(String wallet);
boolean validSet = api.setWallet(uuid, wallet);
Escrow Accounts: Returns EscrowErrors.SUCCESS if successful
EscrowErrors err = api.escrowDeposit(UUID, amount);
err = api.escrowRedeem(UUID, amount); // in game back to wallet
err = api.escrowSpend(UUID, cost); // purchase something in game with balance if any
err = api.escrowGetBalance(UUID);
Tx tx1 = api.createNewTx(uuid, to_wallet, amt, desc, Consumer<UUID> Function);
Tx tx2 = api.createNewTx(uuid, to_wallet, amt, desc, BiConsumer<UUID, UUID> Function);
Tx tx = new Tx();
tx.setToUUID(toUUID); // biConsumer only
tx.setDescription("Memo here");
tx.setFunction((Consumer<UUID>) Logic.purchaseBusinessLicense()); // single payments
tx.setBiFunction(Logic.trade(Player1UUID, Player2UUID)); // p2p
// submits transaction for user to sign via webapp, returns ErrorTypes.NO_ERROR if successful
ErrorTypes error = api.submit(txInfo);
txInfo.submit(boolean includeTxClickable, boolean sendDescMessage, boolean sendWebappLink)
Getting values from a Tx
UUID fromUUID = tx.getFromUUID();
UUID toUUID = tx.getToUUID();
UUID txID = tx.getTxID();
long amt = tx.getAmount();
String desc = tx.getDescription();
String toWallet = tx.getToWallet();
Consumer c = tx.getFunction(); || tx.getBiFunction();
// Link to sign on webapp, useful when a transaction has been submitted OR just tx.submit(false, false, true)
api.sendWebappForSigning(CommandSender sender, String fromWallet);
api.sendWebappForSigning(Player player);
// Link to take user to documents page (useful when getWallet==null)
**Format = "%value%" as placeholder
// Sends user a TxID which can be clicked and coppied to keyboard
api.sendTxIDClickable(sender, TxIDString, format, hoverMessage);
api.sendTxIDClickable(sender, TxIDString, format);
api.sendTxIDClickable(sender, TxIDString);
api.sendTxIDClickable(player, TxIDString);
// Sends user their wallet & allows for them to click copy it
api.sendWalletClickable(sender, wallet, format, hoverMessage);
api.sendWalletClickable(sender, wallet, format);
api.sendWalletClickable(sender, wallet);