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PyModel bin directory

This directory contains the commands for PyModel.

To use PyModel, this directory must be on your execution PATH. Or, its contents must be installed in some directory that is on your execution PATH. See pymodel_paths in this directory.

There are two versions of some commands. The version without a file type is a bash script for Unix/Linux/Mac; the version with .bat is a batch file for Windows. There are no Windows versions of some commands.

The commands are:

  • pma, pmg, pmt, pmv: the four main PyModel commands. They just run the Python modules with the same names in the pymodel directory. For details, see commands.txt in the notes directory, or print their built-in help by typing pma -h etc.

  • dotpdf, dotps, dotsvg: run the Graphviz dot program to produce .pdf, .ps, or .svg graphics files from the .dot files generated by pmg

  • trun: runs test scripts, including sample demonstrations. See test.txt in the notes directory.

  • tdiff: works with trun to execute and check regression tests. See test.txt in the notes directory.

  • tclean: remove files created by running test scripts. See test.txt in the notes directory.

  • clogdiff: same as tdiff, used in versions before 1.0, deprecated, retained for backward compatibility

  • wsgirunner: runs WSGI-compliant web applications on localhost, such as webapp in the WebApplication sample, or wsgidemo here.

  • pymodel_paths: assigns paths for running PyModel from these PyModel directories. To prepare to use PyModel, execute this script, or put the commands from this script into your .profile or .bashrc. These commands add PyModel/bin to the execution PATH, and add PyModel/pymodel to the PYTHONPATH. They also add the current directory to the PYTHONPATH, because the PyModel programs pmt etc. all import Python modules in the current directory that are named on the command line.
    (If you install PyModel so its commands and modules are placed in system directories, you may no longer need these commands.)

  • pymodel_paths.bat: Windows batch file, assigns paths for running PyModel from these PyModel directories. To prepare to use PyModel, execute this batch file, or arrange to have it executed each time you log in. These commands add PyModel/bin to the execution PATH, and add PyModel/pymodel to the PYTHONPATH. They also add the current directory to the PYTHONPATH, because the PyModel programs pmt etc. all import Python modules in the current directory that are named on the command line. Unlike the bash script, this batch file also adds PyModel/pymodel to the execution PATH. (If you install PyModel so its commands and modules are placed in system directories, you may no longer need these commands.) This file also adds the .PY extension to PATHEXT so you can run the .py files in PyModel/pymodel without typing the .py extension on the command line.

  • tpath: puts the current directory on PYTHONPATH, alternative to pymodel_paths to use when PyModel is installed in system directories, might still be needed even then. See test.txt in the notes directory

Revised May 2013