brew install flyway
flyway -url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:25432/helicone" -user="postgres" -password="password" -locations=filesystem:./migrations migrate
# In one terminal. (You can get the remote_proxy_address by running terraform apply in /terraform)
ssh -vv -i ~/Desktop/jump-host-prod.pem -L 54328:remote_proxy_address:5432 [email protected] -N
# To test connection
psql -h localhost -p 54328 -U root -d helicone
export FLYWAY_PASSWORD='<Password>' #important use single quotes to handle special characters
flyway -url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:54328/helicone" -user="root" -locations=filesystem:./migrations migrate
export NODE_OPTIONS='--inspect-brk'
yarn dev:jawn
Go to chrome://inspect and then click the process that is running to inspect the memory.