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Starred repositories
jorgemachuca / rfcs
Forked from eslint/rfcsRepo for managing Requests For Comments (RFCs) for the ESLint project
A webpack plugin to remove your build folder(s) before building
This repository contains code examples for the course CS 20SI: TensorFlow for Deep Learning Research.
nikhilaravi / EpipolarPose
Forked from mkocabas/EpipolarPoseSelf-Supervised Learning of 3D Human Pose using Multi-view Geometry (accepted to CVPR2019)
A commitizen adapter for the angular preset of https://github.com/conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog
pelith / metamonk
Forked from MetaMask/metamask-extensionA MetaMask-fork to support pluggable identity contracts.
00zhengfu00 / ripplelayout
Forked from hehonghui/ripplelayoutRippleLayout library这是一个类似于支付宝声波支付的波纹效果布局
the android vpn settings src
A library for making the background color change while you scoll the viewpager
00zhengfu00 / XpressMusic
Forked from yemiaoa/XpressMusic仿酷狗音乐v5.3 Android本地音乐播放器
00zhengfu00 / dialogplus
Forked from orhanobut/dialogplusSimple,easy dialog for android
Collect and classify android open source projects 微信公众号:codekk 微博:
Provide a view which can be scratched
An Asynchronous HTTP Library for Android
If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.
00zhengfu00 / GSD_ZHIFUBAO
Forked from gsdios/GSD_ZHIFUBAO支付宝高仿版
minaroid / tashaphyne
Forked from linuxscout/tashaphyneTashaphyne: Arabic Light Stemmer
pastelsky / devtools-docs
Forked from GoogleChrome/devtools-docsThe documentation for Chrome DevTools
pastelsky / handsontable
Forked from handsontable/handsontableHandsontable is a minimalist Excel-like data grid editor for HTML & JavaScript
A Chrome plugin that simply logs GA event tracking calls for testing purposes
pastelsky / ScrollMagic
Forked from janpaepke/ScrollMagicThe javascript library for magical scroll interactions.
pastelsky / showdown
Forked from showdownjs/showdownA Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript
pastelsky / koa-proxy
Forked from popomore/koa-proxyProxy middleware for koa
pastelsky / pretty-cli
Forked from MichaelCereda/pretty-cliPretty-cli is a lightweight utility that helps you to create nice looking command line interfaces. It forces a well structured output and gives unimited flexibility with its templating system witho…
Extended version of webpack.DefinePlugin
This is a node.js wrapper for the dominos pizza apis