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## More documentation can be found at: svn co This document outlines BRAINSDemonsWarp usage. This program provides three different demons filters for image registration. For ThirionDemons and FastSymmetricDemonsforce filter, one fixed and moving image are allowed as input images. For diffeomorphic filter, it supports multi-inputs fixed and moving images. USAGE: BRAINSDemonWarpCLP <Arguments> or VBRAINSDemonWarpCLP <Arguments> Arguments: Required Arguments are The Input fixed image file name is given with -f option, if multi-images(only VBRAINSDemonWarpCLP), use ',' between names. The Input moving image file name is given with -m option, if multi-images(only VBRAINSDemonWarpCLP), use ',' between names. The ouput image is set by -o option. The other optional arguments are --registrationFilterType: The registration filter type(Demons—FastSymmetricForces—Diffeomorphic) is given with –registrationFilterType option. Default Demons --medianFilterSize: X Neighborhood to be included for BOBF. Default 0,0,0 --maxStepLenght: Maximum length of an update vector(0: no restriction) with -l option. Default 2 --numberOfLevels: Number of multiresolution levels with -n option. Default 3 --numberOfIterations: Number of demons iterations per level with -i option. Default 10,10,10 --smoothDefomationFieldSigma: Smoothing sigma for the deformation field at each iteration with -s option. Default 0.0001 --smoothingUp: Smoothing sigma for the update field at each iteration with -g option. Default 0 --histogramMatch: Use histogram matching with -e option. --numberOfHistogramLevels: Number of histogram bins to use in the histogram equalization. Default 256 --numberOfMatchPoints: Number of match points to use in the histogram matching algorithm. Default 2 --minimumFixedPyramid: The shrink factor for the first level of the fixed image pyramid. Default 4,4,4 --minimumMovingPyramid: The shrink factor for the first level of the moving image pyramid. Default 4,4,4 --inputPixelType: The input image pixel type is given with –inputPixelType option. Th input image is read using this option. Valid Input data types are: UCHAR SHORT USHORT INT UINT FLOAT DOUBLE. Default float --outputPixelType: Output image type. Image is written to the file in this type. Default is float. --outputCheckerboardVolume: If this option is set the checker board image comparing the deformed image with the target image is written --checkerboardPatternSubdivisions: This option sets the checker board image pattern. Enter a non zero number for each dimension. Default is 4 in all dimensions. --outputDisplacementFieldPrefix: You can write the displacement fields by giving the prefix of the displacement fields, (suffix of xdisp.hdr, ydisp.hdr, zdisp.hdr will be added). --outputDisplacementFieldVolume: Write the deformation fields with -O option --outputDebug: This option is to write all the intermediate images, debug information and metric value file for debugging purposes with -v option. --maskProcessingMode- What mode to use for using the masks: NOMASK|ROI AU T O|ROI |BOBF . If ROIAUTO is choosen, then the mask is implicitly defined using a otsu forground and hole filling algorithm. Where the Region Of Interest mode uses the masks to define what parts of the image should be used for computing the deformation field. Brain Only Background Fill uses the masks to pre-process the input images by clipping and filling in the background with a predefined value. The option of BOBF is to make Brain Only Background Filled(BOBF) images.(default: NOMASK) --movingBinaryVolume- Mask filename for desired region of interest in the Moving image. --fixedBinaryVolume- Mask filename for desired region of interest in the Fixed image. --lowerThreasholdForBOBF: Lower Threshold for performing BOBF. Default 0 --upperThresholdForBOBF: Upper Threshold for performing BOBF. Default 70 --backgroundFilleValue: Backgond fill with this value Default 70 --seedForBOBF: Seed (X,Y,Z) for BOBF. Default 0,0,0 --neighborhoodForBOBF: Neighborhood in all 3 directions to be included when performing BOBF. Default 1,1,1 --movingLandmarks: Landmarks filename for moving image to initialize deformation field. --fixedLandmarks: Landmarks filename for fixed image to initialize deformation field. --initialDisplacementFieldVolume: Initial deformation field vector image file name. --initializeWithFourier: Initial Coefficient filename. --initializeWithTransform: Initial Transform filename matched. --weightFactors: Weight factors for different modal images(only for VBRAINSDemonWarpCLP) with -w option. Default 1.0,1.0 For example: 1.BRAINSDemonWarpCLP -f fixedimage.nii.gz -m movingimage.nii.gz -o outputimage.nii.gz -O outputdeformationfield.nii.gz -n 5 -s 3.0 -e –numberOfHistogramBins 1024 –numberOfMatchPoints 7 -i 1000, 400,300,200,100 -v 2.VBRAINSDemonWarpCLP -f fixedimage1.nii.gz,fixedimage2.nii.gz -m movingimage1.nii.gz,movingimage2.nii.gz -o outputimage.nii.gz -O outputdeformationfield.nii.gz -n 5 -s 3.0 -w 0.5,0.5 -e –numberOfHistogramBins 1024 –numberOfMatchPoints 7 -i 1000, 400,300,200,100 -v –registrationFilterType Diffeomorphic