A high performance caching library for Java
Flink CDC is a streaming data integration tool
Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.
jgrapht / jgrapht
Forked from lingeringsocket/jgraphtMaster repository for the JGraphT project
Extracts Exif, IPTC, XMP, ICC and other metadata from image, video and audio files
Java regular expressions made easy.
Supplementary resources for the AWS Lambda Developer Guide
Stream summarizer and cardinality estimator.
Discord4J is a fast, powerful, unopinionated, reactive library to enable quick and easy development of Discord bots for Java, Kotlin, and other JVM languages using the official Discord Bot API.
A JavaFX library containing tiles that can be used for dashboards.
A Processing/Java library for high performance GPU-Computing (GLSL). Fluid Simulation + SoftBody Dynamics + Optical Flow + Rendering + Image Processing + Particle Systems + Physics +...
Free your Apple Notes data from
Alloy is a language for describing structures and a tool for exploring them. It has been used in a wide range of applications from finding holes in security mechanisms to designing telephone switch…
JTokkit is a Java tokenizer library designed for use with OpenAI models.
Jar Class Loader, a configurable and dynamic custom classloader designed to create, manage and manipulate isolated Java classloaders in IoC frameworks and web applications.
Perceptual image hashing library used to match similar images
Java client library for OpenAI API.Full support for all OpenAI API models including Completions, Chat, Edits, Embeddings, Audio, Files, Assistants-v2, Images, Moderations, Batch, and Fine-tuning.
zonkyio / embedded-postgres
Forked from opentable/otj-pg-embeddedJava embedded PostgreSQL component for testing
openpnp / opencv
Forked from PatternConsulting/opencvOpenCV Java bindings packaged with native libraries, seamlessly delivered as a turn-key Maven dependency.
The Universal Tween Engine allows you to create smooth interpolations on every attribute from every object in your projects!
A Java library to use the OpenAI Api in the simplest possible way.
Fast and flexible numerical library for Java featuring N-dimensional arrays
A Java library implementing practical nearest neighbour search algorithm for multidimensional vectors that operates in sublinear time. It implements Locality-sensitive Hashing (LSH) and multi index…