#Tony's dev branch
Starting everything from project root directory
Start everything
docker-compose up -d
Shutting everything down
docker-compose down
Rebuilding everything (you won't typically need this for dev unless you change the node packages)
docker-compose build
Rebuild api
docker-compose up -d --build api
Force full build (for testing the docker images will build correctly)
docker-compose build --no-cache --force-rm
You won't need to run this for development. Only needed to locally run the same setup as production.
Start everything
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d --build
Shutting everything down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml down
Building for production (for testing images)
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml build --no-cache --force-rm
Get the instance running
docker run -it --rm --network larry-tracker_default --link larry-tracker_ch-server-1_1:ch-server-1 yandex/clickhouse-client --host ch-server-1
You can also connect to the db through the HTTP interface [https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/interfaces/http/]
cat db/scripts/schema.sql | docker run -i --rm --network larry-tracker_default --link larry-tracker_ch-server-1_1:ch-server-1 yandex/clickhouse-client -m --host ch-server-1 --database default --multiquery
cat db/scripts/sample1.sql | docker run -i --rm --network larry-tracker_default --link larry-tracker_ch-server-1_1:ch-server-1 yandex/clickhouse-client -m --host ch-server-1 --database default --multiquery
The api for the site is located in the api folder The server runs by default on port 8181. This can be changed via the environment parameter API_PORT
The db url defaults to the service name ch_server-1 This can also be changed via the environment parameter API_DB_URL
The API Unit tests are written with supertest and mocha. To run them you can use a mocha test runner plugin in VS Code Mocha Sidebar or from the command line in the project root directory Windows
node_modules\mocha\bin\mocha --recursive "api\src\*.test.js"
./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --recursive "./api/src/*.test.js"
The code is fully commented for all the inputs/outputs but looking to use swagger for ease of usage.