You can use an LLM running on your laptop, or an LLM from the OpenAI API or API.
Install ollama.
Pull a language model:
ollama pull wellecks/ntpctx-llama3-8b
- Add
to lakefile:
require llmlean from git
- Import:
import LLMlean
Now use a tactic described below.
Get an OpenAI API key.
Set 2 environment variables:
export LLMLEAN_API=openai
export LLMLEAN_API_KEY=your-openai-api-key
Then do steps (3) and (4) above. Now use a tactic described below.
Get a API key.
Set 2 environment variables:
export LLMLEAN_API=together
export LLMLEAN_API_KEY=your-together-api-key
Then do steps (3) and (4) above. Now use a tactic described below.
Next-tactic suggestions via llmstep "{prefix}"
. Examples:
The suggestions are checked in Lean.
Complete the current proof via llmqed
. Examples:
The suggestions are checked in Lean.
Please see the following: