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Dependency Injection vs. Inversion of Control

Complete Application Context Initialization Flow

Core flow defined in AbstractApplicationContext#refresh.

  1. collects Bean definitions
    • explicitly registered through the ApplicationContext (e.g. StandardEnvironment)
    • declared through BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessors (e.g. ConfigurationClassPostProcessor).
  2. (if in a web app) loads the Servlet Context and Servlet Config's "init params" as PropertySources.
  3. checks that all properties marked as "required" are present.
  4. prepares the BeanFactory
    • wires in all of the (many) collaborators that the BeanFactory uses to load classes, resolve string references of beans to actual beans, property editors, resource loader, app event publisher, and the application context itself.
  5. BeanFactoryPostProcessors are invoked over registered beans
    • Three groups: PriorityOrdered, Ordered, and unordered.

Bare-Naked Application Context

  • Minimum Viable AppCtx (StaticApplicationContext) has Six (6) Beans:

    • environment (a StandardEnvironment) with it's two sources:
      • systemEnvironment
      • systemProperties
    • messageSource
    • applicationEventMulticaster
    • lifecycleProcessor
  • An Application Contexts (and friends) scan for special types of beans and registers them:

    • ApplicationListeners (by AbstractApplicationContext)
    • Lifecycles (by DefaultLifecycleProcessor)
    • BeanFactoryPostProcessors (by PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate)
    • BeanPostProcessors (by PostProcessorRegistrationDelegate)
    • LoadTimeWeaverAware (by AbstractApplicationContext)

Annotation Configured Application Context

Includes these additional beans (invoked in this order):

  • ConfigurationClassPostProcessor — a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor that registers beans from @Configuration-annotated classes.

  • AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor

    • a BeanPostProcessor that injects @Autowired methods and fields with the corresponding Spring Bean.
  • o.s.c.annotation.internalRequiredAnnotationProcessor

  • CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor

    • a BeanPostProcessor that recognizes a number of JEE annotations:
  • o.s.c.event.internalEventListenerFactory

  • o.s.c.event.internalEventListenerProcessor


Don't confuse ApplicationContext Lifecycle Events with ApplicationEvents: the former describe events on the container itself, especially during start-up; the later describe...

Application Context Lifecycle Events

  1. ApplicationStartedEvent
  2. ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent
  3. ApplicationPreparedEvent
  4. ContextRefreshedEvent
  5. EmbeddedServletContainerInitializedEvent
  6. ApplicationReadyEvent

Logging Use-Cases

Registering Beans

  • org.springframework.beans
  • org.springframework.context.annotation.ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner


Referring to the Spring feature wherein individual beans indicate they themselves have a lifecycle that should be triggered.

Q: these were introduced circa Spring 3... are they useful to know?

Configuration Sources in Spring Boot

Knowing the start-up flow of an Application Context (and how the test harnesses work) can greatly improve your ability to anticipate in what order property sources are searched:

  1. ...
  2. BeanFactoryPostProcessors are executed, including that from the ConfigFileApplicationListener, which is run at near-highest precedence in the "Ordered" group of BFPPs. This BFPP ensures that the and friends are last in the property source search order.
  • For every Profile (in reverse order as named in, then spring.profiles.include, finally the so-called default profile), application-{profile}.properties, this component searches for that file at the following paths (in this order):
    1. file:./config
    2. file:./
    3. classpath:./config
    4. classpath:./

Spring Factories

  • Since Spring 3.2
  • SpringApplication, on initialization, loads via the Spring Factories feature (see also spring.factories).
    • ApplicationContextInitializers
    • ApplicationListeners

Aspect-Oriented Programming

With IntelliJ support

  • Gutter icon treatment only works for @Component-registered beans.
  • IntelliJ @EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true).

Uncategorized Bits of Knowledge

  • org.springframework.core.env.AbstractEnvironment#isProfileActive implements the @Profile feature.
    • while is implemented here, spring.profiles.include is actually a Spring Boot feature ()
  • When you are specifying a basePackage for bean scanning, that value can contain placeholder properties:
      System.setProperty("rootPackage", "hello");
      AnnotationConfigApplicationContext appCtx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
  • When Spring loads property files, it actually delegates to the java.util.Properties class to do so.
    • (fun but likely-useless) this means that properties can be loaded in XML format (because Properties implements that). Also fun is that the Spring's property loading utility specifically continues to support loading files with the .xml suffix.