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Copyright 2006-2010 Michael Blanton, David W. Hogg, Dustin Lang, Keir Mierle and Sam Roweis.
Copyright 2011-2013 Dustin Lang and David W. Hogg.

This code is accompanied by the paper:

Lang, D., Hogg, D. W.; Mierle, K., Blanton, M., & Roweis, S., 2010, Blind astrometric calibration of arbitrary astronomical images, Astronomical Journal 137, 1782–1800.

The original purpose of this code release was to back up the claims in the paper in the interest of scientific repeatability. Over the years, it has become more robust and usable for a wider audience, but it's still neither totally easy nor bug-free.

This release includes a snapshot of all of the components of our current research code, including routines to:

  • Convert raw USNO-B and Tycho2 into FITS format for easier use
  • Uniformize, deduplicate, and cut the FITSified catalogs
  • Build index files from these cuts
  • Solve the astrometry of images using these index files

The code includes:

  • A simple but powerful HEALPIX implementation
  • The QFITS library with several modifications
  • libkd, a compact and high-performance kdtree library

The code requires index files, processed from an astrometric reference catalog such as USNO-B1 or 2MASS. (Or, more recently, Gaia.) We have released several of these; see :ref:`getting-index-files`.


See :ref:`build`.

Getting Index Files

See <>_ for descriptions of the available index files.

Each index file is designed to solve images within a narrow range of scales. The index files for small (angular size) images are rather large files, so you probably only want to grab the index files required for the images you wish to solve. If you grab extra index files, the solver will run more slowly, but the results should be the same.

The files are named like index-41XX.fits or index-52XX-YY.fits. XX is the "scale", YY is the "healpix" number. These are called the "4100-series" or "5200-series" index files.

Each index file contains a large number of "skymarks" (landmarks for the sky) that allow our solver to identify your images. The skymarks contained in each index file have sizes (diameters) within a narrow range. You probably want to download index files whose quads are, say, 10% to 100% of the sizes of the images you want to solve.

For example, let's say you have some 1-degree square images. You should grab index files that contain skymarks of size 0.1 to 1 degree, or 6 to 60 arcminutes. Referring to the table below, you should grab index files 5203 through 5206 and 4107 through 4109. You might find that the same number of fields solve, and faster, using just one or two of the index files in the middle of that range - in our example you might try 5205, 5206 and 4107.

For reference, we used index files 202 alone for our SDSS tests (13x9 arcmin fields); these are the same scale is the new 5202 files.

The medium-angle index files are split into 12 "healpix" tiles; each one covers 1/12th of the sky. The small-sized ones are split into 48 healpixes. See the maps here; you might not need all of them.

Index Filename Range of skymark diameters (arcminutes)
index-4119.fits 1400--2000
index-4118.fits 1000--1400
index-4117.fits 680--1000
index-4116.fits 480--680
index-4115.fits 340--480
index-4114.fits 240--340
index-4113.fits 170--240
index-4112.fits 120--170
index-4111.fits 85--120
index-4110.fits 60---85
index-4109.fits 42--60
index-4108.fits 30--42
index-4107.fits | 22--30
index-5206-*.fits 16--22
index-5205-*.fits 11--16
index-5204-*.fits 8--11
index-5203-*.fits 5.6--8.0
index-5202-*.fits 4.0--5.6
index-5201-*.fits 2.8--4.0
index-5200-*.fits 2.0--2.8

Download the index files you need and then either:

  • Copy the files to the data directory wherever you installed the code (INSTALL_DIR/data, perhaps /usr/local/astrometry/data); OR

  • Copy the files to the top-level (astrometry-$VERSION) source directory, and run:

    $ make install-indexes

Next, you can (optionally) configure the solver by editing the file:


Big-Endian Machines

Most CPUs these days are little-endian. If you have an Intel or AMD chip, you can skip this section. The most common big-endian CPU in recent times is the PowerPC used in Macs. (I am leaving that previous sentence there for the amusement of people old enough to remember that.) In more recent years, some ARM architecture chips are also big-endian (but Macs with the "Apple silicon" M1/2 chips are run in little-endian mode). If you have one of these, read on.

The index files we are distributing are for little-endian machines. For big-endian machines, you must do the following:

cd /usr/local/astrometry/data
for f in index-*.fits; do
  fits-flip-endian -i $f -o flip-$f -e 1 -s 4 -e 3 -s 4 -e 4 -s 2 -e 5 -s 8 -e 6 -s 2 -e 8 -s 4 -e 9 -s 4 -e 10 -s 8 -e 11 -s 4
  for e in 0 2 7; do
    modhead flip-$f"[$e]" ENDIAN 01:02:03:04

assuming fits-flip-endian and modhead are in your path. The files flip-index-*.fits will contain the flipped index files.

If that worked, you can swap the flipped ones into place (while saving the originals) with:

cd /usr/local/astrometry/data
mkdir -p orig
for f in index-*.fits; do
  echo "backing up $f"
  mv -n $f orig/$f
  echo "moving $f into place"
  mv -n flip-$f $f


Finally, solve some fields.

(If you didn't build the plotting commands, add "--no-plots" to the command lines below.)

(These lists of index files have not been updated; usually replacing "2xx" by "42xx" should work; for some of them the exact set that will solve has changed.)

If you have any of index files 4112 to 4118 (213 to 218):

$ solve-field --scale-low 10 demo/apod4.jpg

If you have any of index files 4115 to 4119 (219):

$ solve-field --scale-low 45 demo/apod5.jpg

If you have any of index files 4110 to 4114:

$ solve-field --scale-low 1 demo/apod3.jpg

If you have any of index files 5206, or 4107 to 4111:

$ solve-field --scale-low 1 demo/apod2.jpg

If you have any of index files 5203 to 5205:

$ solve-field apod1.jpg

If you have any of index files 5200 to 5203:

$ solve-field demo/sdss.jpg

Copyrights and credits for the demo images are listed in the file demo/CREDITS .

Note that you can also give solve-field a URL rather than a file as input:

$ solve-field --out apod1b --downsample 2

(this one will work with index file 4108).

If you don't have the netpbm tools (eg jpegtopnm), do this instead:

If you have any of index files 4113 to 4118:

$ solve-field --scale-low 10 demo/apod4.xyls

If you have index 4119:

$ solve-field --scale-low 30 demo/apod5.xyls

If you have any of index files 4110 to 4114:

$ solve-field --scale-low 1 demo/apod3.xyls

If you have any of index files 4107 to 4111:

$ solve-field --scale-low 1 demo/apod2.xyls

If you have any of index files 5203 to 5205:

$ solve-field demo/apod1.xyls

If you have any of index files 5200 to 5203:

$ solve-field demo/sdss.xyls

Output files

<base>-ngc.png an annotation of the image.
<base>.wcs a FITS WCS header for the solution.
<base>.new a new FITS file containing the WCS header.
<base>-objs.png a plot of the sources (stars) we extracted from the image.
<base>-indx.png sources (red), plus stars from the index (green), plus the skymark ("quad") used to solve the image.
<base>-indx.xyls a FITS BINTABLE with the pixel locations of stars from the index.
<base>.rdls a FITS BINTABLE with the RA,Dec of sources we extracted from the image.
<base>.axy a FITS BINTABLE of the sources we extracted, plus headers that describe the job (how the image is going to be solved).
<base>.solved exists and contains (binary) 1 if the field solved.
<base>.match a FITS BINTABLE describing the quad match that solved the image.
<base>.corr a FITS BINTABLE describing stars that we think match between your image and the reference catalog.
<base>.kmz (optional) KMZ file for Google Sky-in-Earth. You need to have "wcs2kml" in your PATH. See

Tricks and Tips

  • To lower the CPU time limit before giving up:

    $  solve-field --cpulimit 30 ...

    will make it give up after 30 seconds.

    (Note, however, that the "backend" configuration file (astrometry.cfg) puts a limit on the CPU time that is spent on an image; solve-field can reduce this but not increase it.)

  • Scale of the image: if you provide bounds (lower and upper limits) on the size of the image you are trying to solve, solving can be much faster. In the last examples above, for example, we specified that the field is at least 30 degrees wide: this means that we don't need to search for matches in the index files that contain only tiny skymarks.

    Eg, to specify that the image is between 1 and 2 degrees wide:

    $ solve-field --scale-units degwidth --scale-low 1 --scale-high 2 ...

    If you know the pixel scale instead:

    $ solve-field --scale-units arcsecperpix \
        --scale-low 0.386 --scale-high 0.406 ...

    When you tell solve-field the scale of your image, it uses this to decide which index files to try to use to solve your image; each index file contains quads whose scale is within a certain range, so if these quads are too big or too small to be in your image, there is no need to look in that index file. It is also used while matching quads: a small quad in your image is not allowed to match a large quad in the index file if such a match would cause the image scale to be outside the bounds you specified. However, all these checks are done before computing a best-fit WCS solution and polynomial distortion terms, so it is possible (though rare) for the final solution to fall outside the limits you specified. This should only happen when the solution is correct, but you gave incorrect inputs, so you shouldn't be complaining! :)

  • Guess the scale: solve-field can try to guess your image's scale from a number of different FITS header values. When it's right, this often speeds up solving a lot, and when it's wrong it doesn't cost much. Enable this with:

    $ solve-field --guess-scale ...
  • If you've got big images: you might want to downsample them before doing source extraction:

    $ solve-field --downsample 2 ...
    $ solve-field --downsample 4 ...
  • Depth. The solver works by looking at sources in your image, starting with the brightest. It searches for all "skymarks" that can be built from the N brightest stars before considering star N+1. When using several index files, it can be much faster to search for many skymarks in one index file before switching to the next one. This flag lets you control when the solver switches between index files. It also lets you control how much effort the solver puts in before giving up - by default it looks at all the sources in your image, and usually times out before this finishes.

    Eg, to first look at sources 1-20 in all index files, then sources 21-30 in all index files, then 31-40:

    $ solve-field --depth 20,30,40 ...


    $ solve-field --depth 1-20 --depth 21-30 --depth 31-40 ...

    Sources are numbered starting at one, and ranges are inclusive. If you don't give a lower limit, it will take 1 + the previous upper limit. To look at a single source, do:

    $ solve-field --depth 42-42 ...
  • Our source extractor sometimes estimates the background badly, so by default we sort the stars by brightness using a compromise between the raw and background-subtracted flux estimates. For images without much nebulosity, you might find that using the background-subtracted fluxes yields faster results. Enable this by:

    $ solve-field --resort ...
  • If you've got big images: you might want to downsample them before doing source extraction:

    $ solve-field --downsample 2 ...


    $ solve-field --downsample 4 ...
  • When solve-field processes FITS images, it looks for an existing WCS header. If one is found, it tries to verify that header before trying to solve the image all-sky. You can prevent this with:

    $ solve-field --no-verify ...

    Note that currently solve-field only understands a small subset of valid WCS headers: essentially just the TAN projection with a CD matrix (not CROT).

  • If you don't want the plots to be produced:

    $ solve-field --no-plots ...
  • "I know where my image is to within 1 arcminute, how can I tell solve-field to only look there?"

    $ solve-field --ra, --dec, --radius

    Tells it to look within "radius" degrees of the given RA,Dec position.

  • To convert a list of pixel coordinates to RA,Dec coordinates:

    $ wcs-xy2rd -w wcs-file -i xy-list -o radec-list

    Where xy-list is a FITS BINTABLE of the pixel locations of sources; recall that FITS specifies that the center of the first pixel is pixel coordinate (1,1).

  • To convert from RA,Dec to pixels:

    $ wcs-rd2xy -w wcs-file -i radec-list -o xy-list
  • To make cool overlay plots: see plotxy, plot-constellations.

  • To change the output filenames when processing multiple input files: each of the output filename options listed below can include "%s", which will be replaced by the base output filename. (Eg, the default for --wcs is "%s.wcs"). If you really want a "%" character in your output filename, you have to put "%%".

    Outputs include:

    • --new-fits
    • --kmz
    • --solved
    • --cancel
    • --match
    • --rdls
    • --corr
    • --wcs
    • --keep-xylist
    • --pnm

    also included:

    • --solved-in
    • --verify
  • Reusing files between runs:

    The first time you run solve-field, save the source extraction results:

    $ solve-field --keep-xylist %s.xy input.fits ...

    On subsequent runs, instead of using the original input file, use the saved xylist instead. Also add --continue to overwrite any output file that already exists.

    $ solve-field input.xy --continue ...

    To skip previously solved inputs (note that this assumes single-HDU inputs):

    $ solve-field --skip-solved ...

Optimizing the code

Here are some things you can do to make the code run faster:

What are all these programs?

When you "make install", you'll get a bunch of programs in /usr/local/astrometry/bin. Here's a brief synopsis of what each one does. For more details, run the program without arguments (most of them give at least a brief summary of what they do).

Image-solving programs:

  • solve-field: main high-level command-line user interface.
  • astrometry-engine: higher-level solver that reads "augmented xylists"; called by solve-field.
  • augment-xylist: creates "augmented xylists" from images, which include star positions and hints and instructions for solving.
  • image2xy: source extractor.

Plotting programs:

  • plotxy: plots circles, crosses, etc over images.
  • plotquad: draws polygons over images.
  • plot-constellations: annotates images with constellations, bright stars, Messier/NGC objects, Henry Draper catalog stars, etc.
  • plotcat: produces density plots given lists of stars.

WCS utilities:

  • new-wcs: merge a WCS solution with existing FITS header cards; can be used to create a new image file containing the WCS headers.
  • fits-guess-scale: try to guess the scale of an image based on FITS headers.
  • wcsinfo: print simple properties of WCS headers (scale, rotation, etc)
  • wcs-xy2rd, wcs-rd2xy: convert between lists of pixel (x,y) and (RA,Dec) positions.
  • wcs-resample: projects one FITS image onto another image.
  • wcs-grab/get-wcs: try to interpret an existing WCS header.


  • an-fitstopnm: converts FITS images into ugly PNM images.
  • get-healpix: which healpix covers a given RA,Dec?
  • control-program: sample code for how you might use the code in your own software.
  • textfits: converts a text list (eg, CSV) to a FITS binary table.

FITS utilities

  • tablist: list values in a FITS binary table.
  • modhead: print or modify FITS header cards.
  • fitscopy: general FITS image / table copier.
  • tabmerge: combines rows in two FITS tables.
  • liststruc: shows the structure of a FITS file.
  • listhead: prints FITS header cards.
  • imcopy: copies FITS images.
  • imarith: does (very) simple arithmetic on FITS images.
  • imstat: computes statistics on FITS images.
  • fitsgetext: pull out individual header or data blocks from multi-HDU FITS files.
  • subtable: pull out a set of columns from a many-column FITS binary table.
  • tabsort: sort a FITS binary table based on values in one column.
  • merge-colums: create a FITS binary table that includes columns from two input tables.
  • resort-xylist: used by solve-field to sort a list of stars using a compromise between background-subtracted and non-background-subtracted flux (because our source extractor sometimes messes up the background subtraction).
  • fits-flip-endian: does endian-swapping of FITS binary tables.

Index-building programs

  • build-astrometry-index: given a FITS binary table with RA,Dec, build an index file. This is the "easy", recent way. The old way uses the rest of these programs:
    • usnobtofits, tycho2tofits, nomadtofits, 2masstofits: convert catalogs into FITS binary tables.
    • startree: build a star kdtree from a catalog.
    • hpquads: find a bright, uniform set of N-star features.
    • codetree: build a kdtree from N-star shape descriptors.
    • unpermute-quads, unpermute-stars: reorder index files for efficiency.
    • hpsplit: splits a list of FITS tables into healpix tiles

Source lists ("xylists")

The solve-field program accepts either images or "xylists" (xyls), which are just FITS BINTABLE files which contain two columns (float or double (E or D) format) which list the pixel coordinates of sources (stars, etc) in the image.

To specify the column names (eg, "XIMAGE" and "YIMAGE"):

$ solve-field --x-column XIMAGE --y-column YIMAGE ...

Our solver assumes that the sources are listed in order of brightness, with the brightest sources first. If your files aren't sorted, you can specify a column by which the file should be sorted.

$ solve-field --sort-column FLUX ...

By default it sorts with the largest value first (so it works correctly if the column contains FLUX values), but you can reverse that by:

$ solve-field --sort-ascending --sort-column MAG ...

When using xylists, you should also specify the original width and height of the image, in pixels:

$ solve-field --width 2000 --height 1500 ...

Alternatively, if the FITS header contains "IMAGEW" and "IMAGEH" keys, these will be used.

The solver can deal with multi-extension xylists; indeed, this is a convenient way to solve a large number of fields at once. You can tell it which extensions it should solve by:

$ solve-field --fields 1-100,120,130-200

(Ranges of fields are inclusive, and the first FITS extension is 1, as per the FITS standard.)

Unfortunately, the plotting code isn't smart about handling multiple fields, so if you're using multi-extension xylists you probably want to turn off plotting:

$ solve-field --no-plots ...

Backend config

Because we also operate a web service using most of the same software, the local version of the solver is a bit more complicated than it really needs to be. The "solve-field" program takes your input files, does source extraction on them to produce an "xylist" -- a FITS BINTABLE of source positions -- then takes the information you supplied about your fields on the command-line and adds FITS headers encoding this information. We call this file an "augmented xylist"; we use the filename suffix ".axy". "solve-field" then calls the "backend" program, passing it your axy file. "backend" reads a config file (by default /usr/local/astrometry/etc/astrometry.cfg) that describes things like where to find index files, whether to load all the index files at once or run them one at a time, how long to spend on each field, and so on. If you want to force only a certain set of index files to load, you can copy the astrometry.cfg file to a local version and change the list of index files that are loaded, and then tell solve-field to use this config file:

$ solve-field --config myastrometry.cfg ...

Source Extractor

The "Source Extractor" program by Emmanuel Bertin can be used to do source extraction if you don't want to use our own bundled "image2xy" program.

NOTE: users have reported that Source Extractor 2.4.4 (available in some Ubuntu distributions) DOES NOT WORK -- it prints out correct source positions as it runs, but the "xyls" output file it produces contains all (0,0). We haven't looked into why this is or how to work around it. Later versions of Source Extractor such as 2.8.6 work fine.

You can tell solve-field to use Source Extractor like this:

$ solve-field --use-source-extractor ...

By default we use almost all Source Extractor's default settings. The exceptions are:

  1. We write a PARAMETERS_NAME file containing:
  2. We write a FILTER_NAME file containing a Gaussian PSF with FWHM of 2 pixels. (See solver/augment-xylist.c "filterstr" for the exact string.)
  3. We set CATALOG_TYPE FITS_1.0
  4. We set CATALOG_NAME to a temp filename.

If you want to override any of the settings we use, you can use:

$ solve-field --use-source-extractor --source-extractor-config <se.conf>

In order to reproduce the default behavior, you must:

1) Create a parameters file like the one we make, and set
   PARAMETERS_NAME to its filename

2) Set::

$ solve-field --x-column X_IMAGE --y-column Y_IMAGE \
     --sort-column MAG_AUTO --sort-ascending

3) Create a filter file like the one we make, and set FILTER_NAME to
   its filename

Note that you can tell solve-field where to find Source Extractor with:

$ solve-field --use-source-extractor --source-extractor-path <path-to-se-executable>


  • No python

    There are two places we use python: handling images, and filtering source lists before solving.

    You can avoid the image-handling code by doing source extraction yourself; see the "No netpbm" section below.

    You can avoid filtering FITS files by using the "--no-remove-lines" and "--uniformize 0" option to solve-field.

  • No netpbm

    We use the netpbm tools (jpegtopnm, pnmtofits, etc) to convert from all sorts of image formats to PNM and FITS.

    If you don't have these programs installed, you must do source extraction yourself and use "xylists" rather than images as the input to solve-field. See SOURCE EXTRACTOR and XYLIST sections above.

ERROR MESSAGES during compiling

  1. /bin/sh: line 1: /dev/null: No such file or directory

    We've seen this happen on Macs a couple of times. Reboot and it goes away...

  2. makefile.deps:40: deps: No such file or directory

    Not a problem. We use automatic dependency tracking: "make" keeps track of which source files depend on which other source files. These dependencies get stored in a file named "deps"; when it doesn't exist, "make" tries to rebuild it, but not before printing this message.

  3. os-features-test.c: In function 'main':
    os-features-test.c:23: warning: implicit declaration of function 'canonicalize_file_name'
    os-features-test.c:23: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast
    /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

    Not a problem. We provide replacements for a couple of OS-specific functions, but we need to decide whether to use them or not. We do that by trying to build a test program and checking whether it works. This failure tells us your OS doesn't provide the canonicalize_file_name() function, so we plug in a replacement.

  4. configure: WARNING: cfitsio: == No acceptable f77 found in $PATH
    configure: WARNING: cfitsio: == Cfitsio will be built without Fortran wrapper support
    drvrfile.c: In function 'file_truncate':
    drvrfile.c:360: warning: implicit declaration of function 'ftruncate'
    drvrnet.c: In function 'http_open':
    drvrnet.c:300: warning: implicit declaration of function 'alarm'
    drvrnet.c: In function 'http_open_network':
    drvrnet.c:810: warning: implicit declaration of function 'close'
    drvrsmem.c: In function 'shared_cleanup':
    drvrsmem.c:154: warning: implicit declaration of function 'close'
    group.c: In function 'fits_get_cwd':
    group.c:5439: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getcwd'
    ar: creating archive libcfitsio.a

    Not a problem; these errors come from cfitsio and we just haven't fixed them.


The code suite is free software licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2. See the file LICENSE for the full terms of the GNU GPL.

The index files come with their own license conditions. See the file GETTING-INDEXES for details.


You can post questions (or maybe even find the answer to your questions) at . If you post there, it is often very useful to see an example image that you're working with, so if you are willing to, you could try submitting one to the web service, and include the link in your post.