v2.0.0-rc2 a couple of useful css utils
the sets have been improved & expanded, each set except the last one is now distributed either w/ or w/o media queries support of your choice
the sources have been redeveloped from scratch w/ sass
class names have been revised to fit the naming scheme of the most recent bootstrap v4.0.0-beta
the jsdelivr cdn has been engaged to deliver the sets in production
the description w/ examples will be available upon v2.0.0 release
the description w/ examples will be available upon v2.0.0 release
the description w/ examples will be available upon v2.0.0 release
the description w/ examples will be available upon v2.0.0 release
glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦
Juliy V. Chirkov, twitter.com/juliychirkov