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What's new with JavaScript in GNOME

The 2020 edition

Philip Chimento pchimento • ptomato • @therealptomato GUADEC Online, July 25, 2020

Introduction: What we will talk about

  • Same thing we talk about every year!
  • What's new in GJS?
    • Including a bit about a lesser-known corner: Intl
  • What's next in GJS?
  • We need some help! Here's what you can do


  • Shout-outs are a thank-you to someone who contributed a feature
  • Presentation is full of links if you want to click through later
  • If you want to follow along:

What's new in JavaScript land for GNOME 3.36 and 3.38?

Developer experience

  • gjs-docs is now way easier to maintain and contribute to Meg Ford
  • Documentation added for GNOME Shell internals Andy Holmes


Crash fixes

It shouldn't be possible to crash GNOME Shell just by writing JS code.

Crash fixes

Performance fixes

  • Looking up properties that may come from C:
    • e.g. myWindow.present()
    • Don't look up myWindow.customProperty
    • Negative lookup cache Daniel Van Vugt

Performance fixes

  • Calling C functions
    • Translating arguments is slow
    • e.g. void gtk_c_func(int arg1, double arg2)Gtk.c_func(number, number)
    • Argument cache Giovanni Campagna

GObject properties

  • Adding GObject properties to your class was always really verbose
  • Easy to do notifications incorrectly, for example
  • Now you can leave out the boring part:
// Just delete all this!
get my_property() {
  return this._myProperty;
set my_property(value) {
  if (this._myProperty === value)
  this._myProperty = value;

New edition of JS language

  • JavaScript is gaining features every year
  • No longer the language that everyone loved to hate
  • Which of these new features can you use in GJS?

New JS language features in 3.36

  • String.trimStart(), String.trimEnd()
  • String.matchAll()
  • Array.flat()
  • Array.flatMap()
  • Object.fromEntries()
  • globalThis
  • BigInt, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array
  • String generics removed
  • New Intl features

String generics removed

  • Nonstandard way of calling String methods on a non-string object
  • Use moz68tool to scan your code for them
  • Don't use array generics either, Mozilla will remove them soon


let num = 15;
String.endsWith(num, 5);

👍, 5);
// ⇒ true

New Intl features


  • Useful for user interfaces
rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en',
  {style: 'narrow'})
rtf.format(-1, 'day')
// ⇒ "1 day ago"

rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('es',
  {numeric: 'auto'})
rtf.format(2, 'day')
// ⇒ "pasado mañana"

A small digression about Intl


  • A global object
  • Does internationalization stuff for you
  • Some things awkward to do with gettext. Intl makes them easy
  • Some things gettext does well. Intl mostly doesn't do those


  • Intl.Collator - locale-sensitive sorting
  • Intl.DateTimeFormat - printing dates and times ("Fri Jul 17")
  • Intl.NumberFormat - printing numbers ("€ 0,00")
  • Intl.RelativeTimeFormat - printing relative times ("3 days ago")
  • More in future editions of JS!

Why you should use Intl

/* Translators: this is the month name and day number
 followed by a time string in 24h format.
 i.e. "May 25, 14:30" */
format = N_("%B %-d, %H\u2236%M");
  • How does the translator know what to put there for their locale?

“Well why don't they just read the manual for strftime?”


Why you should use Intl

#. Translators: this is the month name and day number
#. followed by a time string in 24h format.
#. i.e. "May 25, 14:30"
#: js/misc/util.js:255
#, no-c-format
msgid "%B %-d, %H∶%M"
msgstr "%j, %R %p"  😱😱😱

Why you should use Intl

  • More readable, even if longer
  • Less burden on GNOME translators
format = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(myLocale, {
  month: 'short',
  day: 'numeric',
  hour: '2-digit',
  minute: '2-digit',
  hourCycle: 'h24',
// ⇒ "Jul. 17, 18:01" in my locale

Why you should use Intl

Why you should use Intl

  • What if I don't like the ICU/CLDR's translations in my UI?
    • You can still customize them using formatToParts()
    • Supported by most Intl formatters

Why you should use Intl

  • What if I don't like the ICU/CLDR's translations in my UI?
    • You can still customize them using formatToParts()
    • Supported by most Intl formatters

12:00 12∶00

What's next in GJS?

What's upcoming in 2020–2021?

  • Progress towards removing the Big Hammer
  • Progress towards ES Modules
  • Following edition of JS language (based on Firefox 78)

Big Hammer

  • What is the Big Hammer?
  • Why does it need to be removed?
  • Why isn't it removed yet?

width:800px drop-shadow

What is the Big Hammer?

  • I gave a talk about this at GUADEC last year
  • Some objects accidentally survive a garbage collection
  • The “Big Hammer” detects this and runs an extra garbage collection


Why does it need to be removed?

  • When memory is constantly being used and discarded, extra garbage collections happen quite often
  • Bad for performance

Why isn't it removed yet?

  • We have a fix and it (mostly) works
  • Except for a few strange cases... Evan Welsh

Why isn't it removed yet?

  • Ironically, the fix leads to higher average memory usage
  • Public relations catastrophe! 😬

Why isn't it removed yet?

  • We need to tune the garbage collector to work better for our use case
  • We need help quantifying acceptable memory usage


Why isn't it removed yet?

  • We need to tune the garbage collector to work better for our use case
  • We need help quantifying acceptable memory usage
  • We need to figure out some solution that fits:
    • Shell
    • Apps
    • Random scripts that don't even run a main loop

ES Modules

  • What are ES modules?
  • When can we use them?

“The typical JavaScript program is only one line.”

“The typical JavaScript program is only one line.”

<input type="text" id="phone-number"
       onchange="if ($('phone-number').val().length !== 10) alert('Invalid phone number!')">

What are ES modules?

  • GJS had its own module system: imports


const System = imports.system;  // loads built-in System module
const {Gtk} =;  // loads binding for Gtk
const MyModule = imports.src.myModule;  // loads ./src/myModule.js

What are ES modules?

  • Now we have one solution for this across JavaScript platforms
  • Standardized in ECMAScript 2015: "ES Modules"


import System from 'system';
import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk';
import { MyClass } from './src/myModule.js';

When can we use ES modules?

  • Currently working on a way to use the two module systems side by side Evan Welsh
  • Technically, ES modules are a slightly different syntax than regular JavaScript

Next edition of JS

  • Based on Firefox 78 Evan Welsh

Next edition of JS

  • ?? operator
  • ?. operator
  • Static class fields
  • Numeric separators (1_000_000)
  • String.replaceAll()
  • Promise.allSettled()
  • Intl.Locale
  • Intl.ListFormat


Improving the developer experience

  • For GNOME Shell
  • For apps
  • For shell extensions

Developer experience: shell extensions

  • Shell extensions seen as "separate" from GNOME
  • One of the biggest sources of community unhappiness
  • Sri gave a talk on Friday on this topic
  • Join the unconference session on Sunday 18:00 UTC!

Developer experience: Shell and apps

  • Despite some improvements, developer tools are still not very good
  • Here are some ideas
  • These projects are not too large
  • Can be picked up without knowledge of all of the internals of GJS

Improve console output

gjs> ({a:5, b:3, foo:true})
[object Object]

gjs> [undefined, null]

gjs> 😬😬😬

Issue #104 — Better console interpreter output

Improve debugger

  • Debugger is quite bare-bones

  • Doesn't handle multiple source files very well

  • Most code is spread over multiple source files

  • Issue #207 — Source locations and list command

  • Issue #208backtrace full command

What else do we need help with?

  • Become a code reviewer for GJS
  • Create a good workflow for people who want to get started contributing to GJS
  • Create a good process for measuring performance and memory usage in GNOME Shell

Let's hack!


  • GJS contributors from 3.36 and 3.38
  • Background pattern by Randy Merrill — MIT license


Presentation licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0



Image: IRCat from Pixabay


New String features

String.trimStart(), String.trimEnd()

  • New standardized methods for trimming whitespace
  • replaces the old nonstandard trimLeft, trimRight


'   foo  '.trimStart()
// ⇒ "foo  "
'   foo  '.trimEnd()
// ⇒ "   foo"


'   foo  '.trimLeft()
'   foo  '.trimRight()

New String features


  • Easier access to regular expression capture groups
  • Easier iterating through multiple matches in a string
const s = 'GNOME 3.36 and 3.38';
const pat = /(\d+)\.(\d+)/g;
for (let [v, major, minor] of s.matchAll(pat)) {
  // On first iteration:
  //   v = '3.36'
  //   major = '3'
  //   minor = '36'
  // On second iteration:
  //   v = '3.38'
  //   major = '3'
  //   minor = '38'

New Array features


  • Well known from lodash and friends
[1, 2, [3, 4]].flat()
// ⇒ [1, 2, 3, 4]

New Array features


  • A sort of reverse Array.filter()
  • You can add elements while iterating functional-style
function dashComponents(strings) {
  return strings.flatMap(s => s.split('-'));

dashComponents(['foo-bar', 'a-b-c'])
// ⇒ ['foo', 'bar', 'a', 'b', 'c']

New Object features


  • Create an object from iterable key-value pairs
o = Object.fromEntries(['a', 1], ['b', 2])

// ⇒ 1
// ⇒ 2

New environment features


  • Ever find it weird that GJS's global object is named window?


if (typeof === 'undefined')


if (typeof === 'undefined')


  • Large numbers in JS are inexact
  • BigInt is a new type in JS, arbitrary-precision integers
  • BigInt literals are a number suffixed with n
// ⇒ 9007199254740991
9007199254740992 === 9007199254740993
// ⇒ true
// ⇒ 9007199254740991n
9007199254740992n === 9007199254740993n
// ⇒ false

When you should use BigInt

  • If you didn't already need to use it? Probably ignore it for now
  • In the future, 64-bit APIs will accept BigInt as well as numbers
  • Looking for a way to change the type of constants like GLib.MAXINT64 without breaking existing code Evan Welsh


  • Also two new typed array types for BigInts that fit in 64 bits
let s = new BigInt64Array([-1n, -2n]);
let u = new BigUint64Array([1n, 2n]);
