- ADDED: Sample Blacklist config (control what block samples can generate on)
- ADDED: Raw ore blocks excavated by the Immersive Engineering excavator can be crushed to get their drops (with improved bonuses)
- FIXED: Implemented Paul17041993's solution for Quartz Silk Touch Drops
- CHANGED: Ore Converter now converts the chunks around the player to visually smooth out the process.
- ADDED: Config Option for new Propector's Pick surface functionality
- FIXED: Ores not generating 🤔
- CHANGED: The way prospecting works again; looks for the first Sample in the chunk
- CHANGED: Language localization system; uses less deprecated code, completely internal really
- FIXED: Server lag in large worlds due to tracking every mineral mined and writing to a file
- [API] REMOVED: MineralMap
- [Internal]: Updated Forge and IE dependencies; still no requirement on a specific version yet :)
- FIX: broken imports that weren't actually crashing but absolutely should have (why not though? ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
- FIX: log outputs with the Mineral tracking process; this was causing lots of lag.
- CHANGED: storage method of internal variables to an almost-no-latency method; helps with mineral tracking too.
- FIX: Mojang's fuck ups
- NEW: Vanilla Mode (configurable) disguises vanilla samples added by Geolosys to look like Vanilla (good for Vanilla+ packs or newcomers), and generates ores with their respective Vanilla variants.
- NEW: Silk Touching a mod-based material now drops the first entry in the ore dictionary not from Geolosys (i.e.: silk-touching Geolosys Uranium with other mods offering uranium will drop one of those mods' uranium ore instead)
- NEW: Separate config option for disabling all default vanilla ore generation.
- NEW: Depleting a mineral resource prevents it from showing up with the prospector's pick on the surface
- CHANGED: ProPick and guide book now use depth relative to sea-level instead of just Y level
- CHANGED: How translations are done - new, hand-written solution that is much more efficient!
- CHANGED: Ore Converter Blacklist default entries now created based on loaded mods.
- OPTIMIZED: How Geolosys handles persistent data; now using Forge WorldData
- REMOVED: Chunk boundaries no longer show when holding the prospector's pickaxe
- FIXED: Ore converter converting Osmium to Uranium
- FIXED: Propick doesn't take damage if creative
- FIXED: Wrong metadata of stone defaulting in the replacement materials config (should be 0, 1, 3 and 5 - not 0, 1, 2 and 3).
- FIXED: Stone entries generating in the nether and end. I might eventually just use a dimension blacklist system for this too...
- NEW: Prospector's Pick can have a configurable durability (if enabled!)
- NEW: Prospector's Pick can show you your Y-Level (if enabled!)
- NEW: Field Manual GUI! This code is 97% Mangoose (the Rustic dev, amongst other popular mods). Huge shoutout to him for saving me a week of cursing at GL rendering algorithms.
- Font Size is configurable via the mod's config.
- Images of game objects! This should make it easier to identify things.
- Field Manual values can be dynamic:
- Disabled ores will not appear.
- Disabled features will not appear.
- Mod compat that isn't enabled (either due to absence of mod or otherwise) will not appear.
- Y-values for ores matches what is configured
- ADDED: NuclearCraft compatibility
- [API] ADDED: Ability to register a mineral deposit with specific replacement blocks for that ore.
config layout. It's much easier to read, but you'll need to re-configure it from scratch. In my opinion: delete it. - CHANGED: Updated Field Manual to correspond with the actual Pro Pick's featureset
- CHANGED: How ore generation is done - should massively reduce or eliminate the amount of cascading world generation (Thanks to thiakil <3)
- CHANGED: How Geolosys saves some world data - this is now done on another thread (another thanks to thiakil <3)
- CHANGED: Forcefully disabled logging of Cascading World Gen, but only for Geolosys (that is, if it's not already disabled). The code to prevent it is 100% solid and works, so why it's still outputting it rarely is beyond me. So I shushed it.
- CHANGED: IE Compatibility is only enabled for those ores that are enabled.
- CHANGED: Samples category to Prospecting category; also, moved all ProPick things to here.
- REMOVED: A couple of unnecessary / redundant config options... oops.
- ADDED: French Translation for the Field Manual (Thanks Yanis48!)
- ADDED: Blacklist config for the Ore Swapping feature (in case it breaks something you don't want it to)
- FIXED: French Translation for the Prospector's Pick (Thanks again to Yanis48)
- FIXED: Chunk offset when using the Prospector's Pick on the surface
- FIXED: Surface level (for the Prospector's Pick) is estimated better than previously
- CHANGED: ProPick chunk features now work in off-hand
- CHANGED: Log outputs are more detailed for errors with custom entries
- ADDED: Config option to disable Unicode font renderer in the Field Manual (allows for optifine compat)
- ADDED: Elucent's GravelOres compatibility to the OreConverter (no longer converts gravel ores to Geolosys's)
- ADDED: BetterWithMods smelting compatibility (attempts to smelt all clusters to nuggets)
- REMOVED: Depth Finder feature from compass - this is mostly implemented in the prospector's pick now
- CHANGED: Prospector's pick behavior:
- Now shows what ore is in the chunk if you're on the surface
- If beneath the surface, maintains normal functionality
- Shows chunk borders when held
- FIXED: File saving with Geolosys Deposits & Regenned Chunks
- FIXED: Dimension Blacklisting issues with custom entries
- FIXED: Various crashes with field manual
- CHANGED: Field Manual GUI: Now uses Unicode font (easier to read) and custom texture!
- ADDED: Extra Prospector's Pick settings (Thanks agentgoblin!)
- ADDED: Ore-swapping: replaces other mod ores with Geolosys ones after they've generated (like for Twilight Forest). This only happens once per chunk visited, when the player visits it
- ADDED: Compatibility for Astral Sorcery's Infused Crystal Pickaxe
- [API] ADDED: Ability to check or mark if chunks have been ore-swapped
- CHANGED: Textures for coal variants (thanks Wiiv :))
- CHANGED: Field Manual info to reflect latest defaults
- CHANGED: IE Integration now picks up ore blocks instead of clusters
- CHANGED: User-generated deposits now require a sample block and a dimension blacklist
- FIXED: Config GUI (from the Mod Options menu) not updating
- FIXED: Field manual opening for all users on LAN Multiplayer
- ADDED: Config option for the IE compat module
- FIXED: Inter-mod compat with drops not working
- FIXED: Crashing for blocks with odd names
- FIXED: Occasional print statements from debugging
- ADDED: Debug print statements for Darkosto (configurable, OFF by default)
- [API] ADDED: Ability to add your own minerals and stones yourself
- ADDED: Lava to the replacement mats defaults (this is a good idea, just saying...)
- FIXED: World generation issues. Things should be good now. I promise.
defaults. Just trying to find the right balance, y'know? - CHANGED: Lots of internal stuff. You won't notice much, but now others can read my code (including myself)
- CHANGED: Minerals will now automatically replace any "stones" added when generating
- CHANGED: Replacement materials config no longer requires metadata
- CHANGED: World generator to the Vanilla MC one. This means no more cascading lag, but no more magma blocks.
- CHANGED: THIS IS IMPORTANT: Config Layout. Forge came out with a new one that is much nicer. Unfortunately this means you'll need to UPDATE YOUR CONFIG. I'd suggest moving your old one to a new folder (or renaming it), letting a new one get created, and copying entries side-by-side.
- FIXED: Console spam. Sorry. Thanks AmazigJj :)
on line 54 of GeolosysAPI (NPE forfileLocation
- ADDED: API for Geolosys, so that other mods can see where mineral deposits have generated and even do some simple trickery to basically control Geolosys.
- ADDED: New Compass Enchancement (configurable) that helps you find mineral deposits without F3
- CHANGED: Minor touchy things for the IE compat layer
- CHANGED: Textures for coal variants (except for peat)
- FIXED: Worldgen stall / crash
- CHANGED: Major improvement to the JSON validator for geolosys_ores.json - it'll now add new entries you don't have!!
- ADDED: New Coal Variants! Vanilla coal still drops, but peat, lignite coal, bituminous coal or anthracite coal can also drop depending on depth. Deeper coals yield better burn times in a furnace.
- CHANGED: Default ore generation options to be more vanilla-esque
- CHANGED: Ore generation logic - this will take the chance into account in a better way
- CHANGED: Optimized generation performance slightly (and reduce cascading lag a decent bit, but not by 100%)
- CHANGED: Allow minY and maxY to be the same - if you want..?
- FIXED: Dimension blacklist configs not working if you allow an ore in dim -1 or 1 (AGAIN)
- ADDED: JSON Validation (so if you don't have an entry, a default is loaded)
- ADDED: Options for Ore Vein min and Max Y
- ADDED: Option for pro-pick radius
- ADDED: Immersive Engineering Excavator Integration!
- This integration removes existing excavator entries that are added by Geolosys. The excavated resource texture will look a little off - this isn't on my end :(
- FIXED: Dimension blacklist configs not working if you allow an ore in dim -1 or 1
- FIXED: Duplicate waypoints from the JourneyMap integration
- UPDATED: German and Simplified Chinese translations (thanks to ACGaming and 3TUSK)
- ADDED: JourneyMap implementation; sneak r-click a sample to add as a waypoint automatically!
- FIXED: Debug message in the output with the geolosys_ores.json location
- FIXED: Custom ore entry samples not generating.. (oops)
- FIXED: Crashes with null dimension blacklist
- FIXED: Debug print statements left in
- ADDED: Beryl, a mineral resource for emeralds!
- ADDED: New JSON file for ore generation settings (offers more refined settings). See your /config/geolsys_ores.json for more!
- ADDED: New texture for cassiterite samples, to make them distinguishable
- ADDED: Ability for osmium to be enabled alone
- CHANGED: Ingot textures to new beta-style ingot texture
- CHANGED: Samples now generate based on the mineral deposit size (still respecting the max samples config)
- CHANGED: Default ore generation values (in the JSON config)
- FIXED: Prospector's pick sending its message on both sides
- FIXED: Gold and Iron not being obtainable via silk-touch
- FIXED: Duplicate smelting registration
- ADDED: Info for Sphalerite, Osmium & Yellorium to the Field Manual
- ADDED: Automatic modularity for additional pages (this means that users can add as many entries as they'd like!)
- FIXED: Yellorium and Osmium dropping when disabled, instead of the other way around.
- ADDED: Sphalerite; this is a resource for Zinc, and can be disabled and configured like all other orers
- ADDED: Osmium drop to Platinum, if enabled
- ADDED: Yellorium drop to Autunite, if enabled
- FIXED: Bugs with smelting.. I hope.
- ADDED: Field Manual! Crafted with an undamaged wooden pickaxe and book
- ADDED: User Entries for mineral deposits can now have a custom "sample" specified - particularly useful alongside ContentTweaker if you want to make your own sample replicas.
See config for usage
- Thanks Darkosto for the suggestion! - ADDED: Config option to disable the cluster smelting recipes, since their recipes are registered in
(and have to be) so they can't be CraftTweak'd out - Thanks Darkosto for the suggestion! - CHANGED: Internal refactors that the user should probably never have to worry about
- CHANGED: Game no longers crash if
is false but you lack an ingot; it'll just log it and move on :) - CHANGED: In-game config now notifies of restart requirement
- ADDED: Prospector's Pick
- ADDED: Prospector's Pick feature config
- FIXED: Odd ore generation in the Twilight Forest dimension
I will be in contact with the Twilight Forest devs to see if we can come up with a means of replacing the ore generation in Hollow Hills
- ADDED: Config to prevent samples from actually dropping anything
- ADDED: Config to add custom ore entries again; "samples" for these entries are the block themselves.
- ADDED: Config for samples spawning in the water
- CHANGED: New textures by Wiiv!!
- FIXED: Samples on samples not spawning samples at all
- FIXED: Snow and other things spawning on top of samples
WARNING: You should disable 'cascading chunk lag' logging in the Forge Config. More explained below
- ADDED: ExU2 Compatibility for Cinnabar!
- REMOVED: Config for custom ores... if this is chaos, let me know, but I decided to remove it ultimately because the samples wouldn't ever be able to be dynamic like that..
- CHANGED: Mineral deposits below Y=24 now generate magma blocks instead of lava to prevent frustration and be more geologically accurate
- CHANGED: Mineral deposits of lesser minerals (cassiterite, malachite & hematite) generate in smaller clusters by default (delete config entries to reset them!)
- CHANGED: Mineral deposits now generate... differently. Still in the same chunk and the same formation, but at . It's bound to cause "cascading chunk lag", but I've tested this extensively and it does not progress for long before stopping :)
- FIXED: Some chunks not generating mineral deposits even though there was a sample
- FIXED: Samples on samples
- CHANGED: Some new textures by Wiiv! When the rest are done, a new version will be released :D
- ADDED: Config options for vanilla ores
- CHANGED: Vanilla ore rate defaults... again
- CHANGED: Diamonds are now called "Kimberlite"
- CHANGED: Diamond texture to be more Kimberlite-y
- FIXED: A few bad names in the configs... best to double check them
Warning, this is basically the 'Samples' update :P
- ADDED: Right click interaction to samples
- FIXED: Samples not always generating
- FIXED: Samples spawning in superflat
- FIXED: Unused config option for # of veins per chunk (obviously it's ### 1. always)
- CHANGED: Samples generate in clusters of ### 1.to 4
- CHANGED: Samples behave more realistically
- CHANGED: Tweaked vanilla ore-gen values one last time. 5/7 are balanced now ;)
- ADDED: Custom vanilla ore variants - these can be silk touched for the Vanilla ores. All drop values are directly referenced from their vanilla variants
- ADDED: Assorted Quartz Clusters can drop Certus Quartz, Charged Certus Quartz or Black Quartz if available.
- ADDED: Ore Samples on the surface above where that type of ore will generate. Mining within the chunk you find one will lead you to a deposit.
- ADDED: Separate user entries in the config for custom "stones" / "rocks"
- CHANGED: Mineral deposits found below Y = 24 can contain pockets of magma
- CHANGED: Rarities - a lot - only one ore type can generate per chunk
- CHANGED: Cluster Sizes - since ores are rarer, these are much larger
- CHANGED: Stone variants have their own separate chances to spawn, preventing them taking an OreGen oppportunity
- CHANGED: Minor refactors to be more similar to vanilla
- FIXED: Config GUI not prompting user to restart their game
- FIXED: Various smelting recipe issues
- FIXED: Rocks replacing more valuable minerals
- ADDED: User configurable plutons entries (ideal for mods that I didn't include)
- CHANGED: Vanilla ore gen weights. Most things are more rare, except the stone variants; those are more common
- CHANGED: Default ore gen options. Materials with 2 variants are half as rare now.
- Initial Release