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NvChad / base46
Forked from norcalli/nvim-base16.luaNvChad's base46 theme plugin with caching ( Total re-write )
fluix-dev / sway-borders
Forked from swaywm/swayFork of sway with some extra features, mainly related to borders.
neovim statusline plugin written in lua
nwvh / rxfetch-stylish
Forked from mayTermux/rxfetch-termuxThis is a fork of mayTermux's fork of rxfetch. So basically a fork of a fork?
TechWiz-3 / mfetch-macos
Forked from rachelambda/mfetchMinimalist fetch (forked and modified for mac OS)
dccsillag / picom
Forked from yshui/picomA lightweight compositor for X11
Convert Any Image to the catppuccin color palette
jonaburg / picom
Forked from sandsmark/picomA lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork)
pijulius / picom
Forked from yshui/picomA lightweight compositor for X11
kornelski / rust_urlencoding
Forked from bt/rust_urlencodingA Rust library for doing URL percentage encoding.
Barbaross93 / dunst
Forked from dunst-project/dunstLightweight and customizable notification daemon
A file manager plugin for the editor "Micro"
ibhagwan / picom
Forked from yshui/picomA lightweight compositor for X11 (previously a compton fork)
rust-br / rust-book-pt-br
Forked from rust-lang/bookA Linguagem de Programação Rust
lbonn / rofi
Forked from davatorium/rofiRofi: A window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement - fork with wayland support
unseen-ninja / pfetch
Forked from dylanaraps/pfetchSystem Information Tool with Kitties!
k-vernooy / dunst
Forked from dunst-project/dunstFork adding rounded corners and gradients to progress bars (branch progress-styling).
git-for-windows / git
Forked from git/gitA fork of Git containing Windows-specific patches.
archlinux / linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxArch Linux kernel sources, with patches
brunolemos / trust
Forked from ncase/trust[pt-BR] Um guia interativo sobre confiança, usando teoria dos jogos
Forked from Ballerini-Server/CodefiDiscord bot for lo-fi music radio