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As a fullscreen canvas

By default calling module.exports on the regl package creates a full screen canvas element and WebGLRenderingContext.

var regl = require('regl')([options])
From a container div

Alternatively passing a container element as the first argument appends the generated canvas to its children.

var regl = require('regl')(element, [options])
From a canvas

If the first argument is an HTMLCanvasElement, then regl will use this canvas to create a new WebGLRenderingContext that it renders into.

var regl = require('regl')(canvas, [options])
From a WebGL context

Finally, if the first argument is a WebGLRenderingContext, then regl will just use this context without touching the DOM at all.

var regl = require('regl')(gl, [options])

Note that this form is compatible with headless-gl and can be used to do offscreen rendering in node.js. For example,

//Creates a headless 256x256 regl instance
var regl = require('regl')(require('gl')(256, 256))

Initialization options



Draw commands are the fundamental abstraction in regl. A draw command wraps up all of the WebGL state associated with a draw call (either drawArrays or drawElements) and packages it into a single reusable function. For example, here is a command that draws a triangle,

const drawTriangle = regl({
  frag: `
  void main() {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);

  vert: `
  attribute vec2 position;
  void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4(position, 0, 1);

  attributes: {
    position: [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1]]

  count: 3

To execute a command you call it just like you would any function,


Executing commands

There are 3 ways to execute a command,

One-shot rendering

In one shot rendering the command is executed once and immediately,

// Executes command immediately with no arguments

// Executes a command using the specified arguments

Batch rendering

A command can also be executed multiple times by passing a non-negative integer or an array as the first argument. The batchId is initially 0 and incremented for each executed,

// Executes the command `count`-times

// Executes the command once for each args
command([props0, props1, props2, ..., propsn])

Scoped commands

Commands can be nested using scoping. If the argument to the command is a function then the command is evaluated and the state variables are saved as the defaults for all commands executed within its scope,

command(function (context) {
  // ... execute sub commands

command(props, function (context) {
  // ... execute sub commands


Inputs to regl commands can come from one of three sources,

  • Context: Context variables are not used directly in commands, but can be passed into
  • Props: props are arguments which are passed into commands
  • this: this variables are indexed from the this variable that the command was called with

If you are familiar with Facebook's react, these are roughly analogous to a component's context, props and state variables respectively.


var drawSpinningStretchyTriangle = regl({
  frag: `
  void main() {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);

  vert: `
  attribute vec2 position;
  uniform float angle, scale, width, height;
  void main() {
    float aspect = width / height;
    gl_Position = vec4(
      scale * (cos(angle) * position.x - sin(angle) * position.y),
      aspect * scale * (sin(angle) * position.x + cos(angle) * position.y),

  attributes: {
    position: [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 1]]

  uniforms: {
    // Dynamic properties can be functions.  Each function gets passed:
    //  * context: which contains data about the current regl environment
    //  * props: which are user specified arguments
    //  * batchId: which is the index of the draw command in the batch
    angle: function (context, props, batchId) {
      return args.speed * stats.count + 0.01 * batchId

    // As a shortcut/optimization we can also just read out a property
    // from the args.  For example, this
    scale: regl.prop('scale'),
    // is semantically equivalent to
    //  scale: function (context, props) {
    //    return props.scale
    //  }

    // Similarly there are shortcuts for accessing context variables
    width: regl.context('viewportWidth'),
    height: regl.context('viewportHeight'),
    // which is the same as writing:
    // width: function (context) {
    //    return context.viewportWidth
    // }

  count: 3

To execute a draw command with dynamic arguments we pass it a configuration object as the first argument,

// Draws one spinning triangle
  scale: 0.5,
  speed: 2

// Draws multiple spinning triangles
  { // batchId 0
    scale: 1,
    speed: 1,
  { // batchId 1
    scale: 2,
    speed: 0.1,
  { // batchId 2
    scale: 0.25,
    speed: 3


Context variables in regl are computed before any other parameters and can also be passed from a scoped command to any sub-commands. regl defines the following default context variables:

Name Description
frameCount The number of frames rendered
deltaTime Time since the last frame was rendered in seconds
time Total time elapsed since the regl was initialized in seconds
viewportWidth Width of the current viewport in pixels
viewportHeight Height of the current viewport in pixels
framebufferWidth Width of the current framebuffer in pixels
framebufferHeight Height of the current framebuffer in pixels
drawingBufferWidth Width of the WebGL context drawing buffer
drawingBufferHeight Height of the WebGL context drawing buffer
pixelRatio The pixel ratio of the drawing buffer

You can define context variables in the context block of a command. For example, here is how you can use context variables to set up a camera:

// This scoped command sets up the camera parameters
var setupCamera = regl({
  context: {
    projection: function (context) {
      return mat4.perspective([],
        Math.PI / 4,
        context.viewportWidth / context.viewportHeight,

    view: function (context, props) {
      return mat4.lookAt([],
        [0, 1, 0])

    eye: regl.props('eye')

  uniforms: {
    view: regl.context('view'),
    invView: function (context) {
      return mat4.inverse([], context.view)
    projection: regl.context('projection')

// ... do stuff

// In the render function:
  eye: [10, 0, 0],
  target: [0, 0, 0]
}, function () {

  // draw stuff


The most common way to pass data into regl is via props. The props for a render command are declared


While regl strives to provide a stateless API, there are a few cases where it can be useful to cache state locally to a specific command. One way to achieve this is to use objects. When a regl command is executed as a member function of an object, the this parameter is set to the object on which it was called and is passed to all computed parameters. For example, this shows how to use regl to create a simple reusable mesh object,

// First we create a constructor
function Mesh (center, {positions, cells}) { = center
  this.positions = regl.buffer(positions)
  this.cells = regl.buffer(cells)

// Then we assign regl commands directly to the prototype of the class
Mesh.prototype.draw = regl({
  vert: `
  uniform mat4 projection, view, model;
  attribute vec3 position;
  void main () {
    gl_Position = projection * view * model * vec4(position, 1);

  frag: `
  void main () {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);

  uniforms: {
    // dynamic properties are invoked with the same `this` as the command
    model: function () => {
      var c =
      return [
        1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0,
        -c[0], -c[1], -c[2], 1

    view: regl.prop('view'),
    projection: regl.prop('projection')

  attributes: {
    // here we are using 'positions' proeprty of the mesh
    position: regl.this('positions')

  // and same for the cells
  elements: regl.this('cells')

Once defined, we could then use these mesh objects as follows:

// Initialize meshes
var bunnyMesh = new Mesh([5, 2, 1], require('bunny'))
var teapotMesh = new Mesh([0, -3, 0], require('teapot'))

// ... set up rest of scene, compute matrices etc.
var view, projection

// Now draw meshes:
  view: view,
  projection: projection

  view: view,
  projection: projection


The input to a command declaration is a complete description of the WebGL state machine in the form of an object. The properties of this object are parameters which specify how values in the WebGL state machine are to be computed.


Each draw command can specify the source code for a vertex and/or fragment shader,

var command = regl({
  // ...

  vert: `
  void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);

  frag: `
  void main() {
    gl_FragColor = vec4(1, 0, 1, 1);

  // ...
Property Description
vert Source code of vertex shader
frag Source code of fragment shader

Related WebGL APIs


Uniform variables are specified in the uniforms block of the command. For example,

var command = regl({
  // ...

  vert: `
  struct SomeStruct {
    float value;

  uniform vec4 someUniform;
  uniform int anotherUniform;
  uniform SomeStruct nested;

  void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4(1, 0, 0, 1);

  uniforms: {
    someUniform: [1, 0, 0, 1],
    anotherUniform: regl.prop('myProp'),
    'nested.value', 5.3

  // ...


  • To specify uniforms in nested structs use the fully qualified path with dot notation
  • Matrix uniforms are specified as flat length n^2 arrays without transposing

Related WebGL APIs


var command = regl({
  // ...

  attributes: {
    // Attributes can be declared explicitly
    normals: {
      buffer: regl.buffer([
        // ...
      offset: 0,
      stride: 12,
      normalized: false,

      // divisor is only used if instancing is enabled
      divisor: 0

    // A regl.buffer or the arguments to regl.buffer may also be specified
    position: [
      0, 1, 2,
      2, 3, 4,

    // Finally, attributes may be initialized with a constant value
    color: {
      constant: [1, 0, 1, 1]

  // ...

Each attribute can have any of the following optional properties,

Property Description Default
buffer A REGLBuffer wrapping the buffer object null
offset The offset of the vertexAttribPointer in bytes 0
stride The stride of the vertexAttribPointer in bytes 0
normalized Whether the pointer is normalized false
size The size of the vertex attribute Inferred from shader
divisor Sets gl.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE 0 *


  • Attribute size is inferred from the shader vertex attribute if not specified
  • If a buffer is passed for an attribute then all pointer info is inferred
  • If the arguments to regl.buffer are passed, then a buffer is constructed
  • If an array is passed to an attribute, then the vertex attribute is set to a constant
  • divisor is only supported if the ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension is available

Related WebGL APIs


var command = regl({
  // ...

  primitive: 'triangles',
  offset: 0,
  count: 6
Property Description Default
primitive Sets the primitive type 'triangles' *
count Number of vertices to draw 0 *
offset Offset of primitives to draw 0
instances Number of instances to render 0 **
elements Element array buffer null


  • If elements is specified while primitive, count and offset are not, then these values may be inferred from the state of the element array buffer.
  • elements must be either an instance of regl.elements or else the arguments to regl.elements
  • instances is only applicable if the ANGLE_instanced_arrays extension is present.
  • primitive can take on the following values
Primitive type Description
'points' gl.POINTS
'lines' gl.LINES`
'line strip' gl.LINE_STRIP
'line loop gl.LINE_LOOP
'triangles gl.TRIANGLES
'triangle strip' gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP
'triangle fan' gl.TRIANGLE_FAN

Related WebGL APIs

Render target

A regl.framebuffer object may also be specified to allow for rendering to offscreen locations.

var command = regl({
  framebuffer: fbo


  • framebuffer must be a regl.framebuffer object
  • Passing null sets the framebuffer to the drawing buffer
  • Updating the render target will modify the viewport

Related WebGL APIs

Depth buffer

All state relating to the depth buffer is stored in the depth field of the command. For example,

var command = regl({
  // ...

  depth: {
    enable: true,
    mask: true,
    func: 'less',
    range: [0, 1]

  // ..
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST) true
mask Sets gl.depthMask true
range Sets gl.depthRange [0, 1]
func Sets gl.depthFunc. See table below for possible values 'less'


  • depth.func can take on the possible values
Value Description
'never' gl.NEVER
'always' gl.ALWAYS
'<', 'less' gl.LESS
'<=', 'lequal' gl.LEQUAL
'>', 'greater' gl.GREATER
'>=', 'gequal' gl.GEQUAL
'=', 'equal' gl.EQUAL
'!=', 'notequal' gl.NOTEQUAL

Related WebGL APIs


Blending information is stored in the blend field,

var command = regl({
  // ...

  blend: {
    enable: true,
    func: {
      srcRGB: 'src alpha',
      srcAlpha: 1,
      dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha',
      dstAlpha: 1
    equation: {
      rgb: 'add',
      alpha: 'add'
    color: [0, 0, 0, 0]

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.BLEND) false
equation Sets gl.blendEquation (see table) 'add'
func Sets gl.blendFunc (see table) {src:'src alpha',dst:'one minus src alpha'}
color Sets gl.blendColor [0, 0, 0, 0]


  • equation can be either a string or an object with the fields {rgb, alpha}. The former corresponds to gl.blendEquation and the latter to gl.blendEquationSeparate
  • The fields of equation can take on the following values
Equation Description
'add' gl.FUNC_ADD
'subtract' gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT
'reverse subtract' gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT
'min' gl.MIN_EXT
'max' gl.MAX_EXT
  • 'min' and 'max' are only available if the EXT_blend_minmax extension is supported
  • func can be an object with the fields {src, dst} or {srcRGB, srcAlpha, dstRGB, dstAlpha}, with the former corresponding to gl.blendFunc and the latter to gl.blendFuncSeparate
  • The fields of func can take on the following values
Func Description
0, 'zero' gl.ZERO
1, 'one' gl.ONE
'src color' gl.SRC_COLOR
'one minus src color' gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR
'src alpha' gl.SRC_ALPHA
'one minus src alpha' gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
'dst color' gl.DST_COLOR
'one minus dst color' gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR
'dst alpha' gl.DST_ALPHA
'one minus dst alpha' gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA
'constant color' gl.CONSTANT_COLOR
'one minus constant color' gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR
'constant alpha' gl.CONSTANT_ALPHA
'one minus constant alpha' gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA
'src alpha saturate' gl.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE

Related WebGL APIs



var command = regl({
  // ...

  stencil: {
    enable: true,
    mask: 0xff,
    func: {
      cmp: '<',
      ref: 0,
      mask: 0xff
    opFront: {
      fail: 'keep',
      zfail: 'keep',
      pass: 'keep'
    opBack: {
      fail: 'keep',
      zfail: 'keep',
      pass: 'keep'

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.STENCIL_TEST) false
mask Sets gl.stencilMask -1
func Sets gl.stencilFunc {cmp:'always',ref:0,mask:-1}
opFront Sets gl.stencilOpSeparate for front face {fail:'keep',zfail:'keep',pass:'keep'}
opBack Sets gl.stencilOpSeparate for back face {fail:'keep',zfail:'keep',pass:'keep'}


  • func is an object which configures the stencil test function. It has 3 properties,
    • cmp which is the comparison function
    • ref which is the reference value
    • mask which is the comparison mask
  • func.cmp is a comparison operator which takes one of the following values,
Value Description
'never' gl.NEVER
'always' gl.ALWAYS
'<', 'less' gl.LESS
'<=', 'lequal' gl.LEQUAL
'>', 'greater' gl.GREATER
'>=', 'gequal' gl.GEQUAL
'=', 'equal' gl.EQUAL
'!=', 'notequal' gl.NOTEQUAL
  • opFront and opBack specify the stencil op. Each is an object which takes the following parameters:
    • fail, the stencil op which is applied when the stencil test fails
    • zfail, the stencil op which is applied when the stencil test passes and the depth test fails
    • pass, the stencil op which is applied when both stencil and depth tests pass
  • Values for, opFront.zfail, etc. can come from the following table
Stencil Op Description
'zero' gl.ZERO
'keep' gl.KEEP
'replace' gl.REPLACE
'invert' gl.INVERT
'increment' gl.INCR
'decrement' gl.DECR
'increment wrap' gl.INCR_WRAP
'decrement wrap' gl.DECR_WRAP

Related WebGL APIs

Polygon offset

Polygon offsetting behavior can be controlled using the polygonOffset field,

var command = regl({
  // ...

  polygonOffset: {
    enable: true,
    offset: {
      factor: 1,
      units: 0

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL) false
offset Sets gl.polygonOffset {factor:0, units:0}

Related WebGL APIs



var command = regl({
  // ...

  cull: {
    enable: true,
    face: 'back'

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE) false
face Sets gl.cullFace 'back'


  • face must be one of the following values,
Face Description
'front' gl.FRONT
'back' gl.BACK

Relevant WebGL APIs

Front face


var command = regl({
  // ...

  frontFace: 'cw',

  // ...
Property Description Default
frontFace Sets gl.frontFace 'ccw'


  • The value for front face must be one of the following,
Orientation Description
'cw' gl.CW
'ccw' gl.CCW

Relevant WebGL APIs



var command = regl({
  // ...

  dither: true,

  // ...
Property Description Default
dither Toggles gl.DITHER false

Line width


var command = regl({
  // ...

  lineWidth: 4,

  // ...
Property Description Default
lineWidth Sets gl.lineWidth 1

Relevant WebGL APIs

Color mask


var command = regl({
  // ...

  colorMask: [true, false, true, false],

  // ...
Property Description Default
colorMask Sets gl.colorMask [true, true, true, true]

Relevant WebGL APIs

Sample coverage


var command = regl({
  // ...

  sample: {
    enable: true,
    alpha: false,
    coverage: {
      value: 1,
      invert: false

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.SAMPLE_COVERAGE) false
alpha Toggles gl.enable(gl.SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE) false
coverage Sets gl.sampleCoverage {value:1,invert:false}

Relevant WebGL APIs



var command = regl({
  // ...

  scissor: {
    enable: true,
    box: {
      x: 10,
      y: 20,
      w: 100,
      h: 100

  // ...
Property Description Default
enable Toggles gl.enable(gl.SCISSOR) false
box Sets gl.scissor {x:0,y:0}


  • box is the shape of the scissor region, it takes the following parameters
    • x is the left coordinate of the box, default 0
    • y is the top coordiante of the box, default 0
    • w is the width of the box, default fbo width - x
    • h is the height of the box, default fbo height - y

Relevant WebGL APIs



var command = regl({
  // ...

  viewport: {
    x: 5,
    y: 10,
    w: 100,
    h: 50

  // ...
Property Description Default
viewport The shape of viewport {}


  • Like, viewport is a bounding box with properties x,y,w,h
  • Updating viewport will modify the context variables viewportWidth and viewportHeight

Relevant WebGL APIs


Besides commands, the other major component of regl are resources. Resources are GPU resident objects which are managed explicitly by the programmer. Each resource follows a the same life cycle of create/read/update/delete.


regl.buffer wraps WebGL array buffer objects.


// Creates an empty length 100 buffer
var zeroBuffer = regl.buffer(100)

// A buffer with float data
var floatBuffer = regl.buffer(new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4]))

// A streaming buffer of bytes
var streamBuffer = regl.buffer({
  usage: 'stream',
  data: new Uint8Array([2, 4, 6, 8, 10])

// An unpacked buffer of position data
var positionBuffer = regl.buffer([
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6],
  [2, 1, -2]
Property Description Default
data The data for the vertex buffer (see below) null
length If data is null or not present reserves space for the buffer 0
usage Sets array buffer usage hint 'static'
Usage Hint Description
'static' gl.DRAW_STATIC
'dynamic' gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW
'stream' gl.STREAM_DRAW

Relevant WebGL APIs


To reinitialize a buffer in place, we can call the buffer as a function:

// First we create a buffer
var myBuffer = regl.buffer(5)

// ... do stuff ...

// Now reinitialize myBuffer
  data: [
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

The arguments to the update pathway are the same as the constructor and the returned value will be a reference to the buffer.

Relevant WebGL APIs

In place update

For performance reasons we may sometimes want to update just a portion of We can also update a portion of the buffer using the subdata method. This can be useful if you are dealing with frequently changing or streaming vertex data. Here is an example:

// First we preallocate a buffer with 100 bytes of data
var myBuffer = regl.buffer({
  usage: 'dynamic',  // give the WebGL driver a hint that this buffer may change
  type: 'float',
  length: 100

// Now we initialize the head of the buffer with the following data
myBuffer.subdata([ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ])
// untyped arrays and arrays-of-arrays are converted to the same data type as
// the buffer.  typedarrays are copied bit-for-bit into the buffer
// with no type conversion.

// We can also update the buffer at some byte offset by passing this as
// the second argument to subdata
myBuffer.subdata([[7, 8], [9, 10]], 8)
// now the contents of myBuffer are:
//  new Float32Array([0, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0, .... ])

Relevant WebGL APIs


Calling .destroy() on a buffer releases all resources associated to the buffer:

// Create a buffer
var myBuffer = regl.buffer(10)

// destroys the buffer


regl.elements wraps WebGL element array buffer objects. Each regl.elements object stores a buffer object as well as the primitive type and vertex count.


var triElements = regl.elements([
  [1, 2, 3],
  [0, 2, 5]

var starElements = regl.elements({
  primitive: 'line loop',
  count: 5,
  data: new Uint8Array([0, 2, 4, 1, 3])
Property Description Default
data The data of the element buffer null
usage Usage hint (see gl.bufferData) 'static'
length Length of the element buffer in bytes 0 *
primitive Default primitive type for element buffer 'triangles' *
count Vertex count for element buffer 0 *
  • usage must take on one of the following values
Usage Hint Description
'static' gl.DRAW_STATIC
'dynamic' gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW
'stream' gl.STREAM_DRAW
  • primitive can be one of the following primitive types
Primitive type Description
'points' gl.POINTS
'lines' gl.LINES`
'line strip' gl.LINE_STRIP
'line loop gl.LINE_LOOP
'triangles gl.TRIANGLES
'triangle strip' gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP
'triangle fan' gl.TRIANGLE_FAN


  • primitive, count and length are inferred from from the vertex data

Relevant WebGL APIs


As in the case of buffers, calling an element buffer as a function reinitializes an element buffer in place. The arguments are the same as for the constructor. For example:

// First we create an element buffer
var myElements = regl.elements()

// Then we update it by calling it directly
  data: [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [0, 2, 1]

Relevant WebGL APIs

In-place update

Again like buffers it is possible to preallocate an element buffer and update regions of the elements using the subdata command.

// First we preallocate the element buffer
var myElements = regl.elements({
  primitive: 'triangles',
  usage: 'dynamic',
  type: 'uint16',
  length: 4096,
  count: 0

// Then we can update into ranges of the element buffer using subdata
  [ [0, 1, 2],
    [2, 1, 3] ])

Relevant WebGL APIs


// First we create an element buffer
var myElements = regl.elements({ ... })

// Calling .destroy() on an element buffer releases all resources associated to
// it

Relevant WebGL APIs



There are many ways to upload data to a texture in WebGL. As with drawing commands, regl consolidates all of these crazy configuration parameters into one function. Here are some examples of how to create a texture,

// From size parameters
var emptyTexture = regl.texture({
  shape: [16, 16]

// From a flat array
var typedArrayTexture = regl.texture({
  width: 2,
  height: 2,
  data: [
    255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    255, 0, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255

// From a square array
var nestedArrayTexture = regl.texture([
  [ [0, 255, 0],  [255, 0, 0] ],
  [ [0, 0, 255], [255, 255, 255] ]

// From an ndarray-like object
var ndarrayTexture = regl.texture(require('baboon-image'))

// Manual mipmap specification
var mipmapTexture = regl.texture({
  minFilter: 'mipmap'

// From an image element
var image = new Image()
image.src = ''
var imageTexture = regl.texture(image)

// From a canvas
var canvas = document.createElement(canvas)
var context2D = canvas.getContext('2d')
var canvasTexture = regl.texture(canvas)
var otherCanvasTexture = regl.texture(context2D)

// From a video element
var video = document.querySelector('video')
var videoTexture = regl.texture(video)

// From the pixels in the current frame buffer
var copyPixels = regl.texture({
  x: 5,
  y: 1,
  width: 10,
  height: 10,
  copy: true

A data source from an image can be one of the following types:

Data type Description
Rectangular array of arrays Interpreted as 2D array of arrays
Typed array A binary array of pixel values
Array Interpreted as array of pixel values with type based on the input type
ndarray Any object with a shape, stride, offset, data
Image An HTML image element
Video An HTML video element
Canvas A canvas element
Context 2D A canvas 2D context
String A URL to an image or video to load
Property Description Default
width Width of texture 0
height Height of texture 0
mag Sets magnification filter (see table) 'nearest'
min Sets minification filter (see table) 'nearest'
wrapS Sets wrap mode on S axis (see table) 'repeat'
wrapT Sets wrap mode on T axis (see table) 'repeat'
aniso Sets number of anisotropic samples, requires EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic 0
format Texture format (see table) 'rgba'
type Texture type (see table) 'uint8'
data Input data (see below)
mipmap If set, regenerate mipmaps false
flipY Flips textures vertically when uploading false
alignment Sets unpack alignment per pixel 1
premultiplyAlpha Premultiply alpha when unpacking false
colorSpace Sets colorspace conversion 'browser'
poll If set, then each frame check if this texture needs to be reuploaded Depends on the element type
data Image data for the texture null
crossOrigin Cross origin resource sharing URL null
  • shape can be used as an array shortcut for [width, height, channels] of image
  • radius can be specified for square images and sets both width and height
  • data can take one of the following values,
  • If an image element is specified and not yet loaded, then regl will upload a temporary image and hook a callback on the image
  • If a video element is specified, then regl will reupload a frame of the video element each tick unless poll is set to false
  • mag sets gl.MAG_FILTER for the texture and can have one of the following values
Mag filter Description
'nearest' gl.NEAREST
'linear' gl.LINEAR
  • min sets gl.MIN_FILTER for the texture, and can take on one of the following values,
Min filter Description
'nearest' gl.NEAREST
'linear' gl.LINEAR
'mipmap', 'linear mipmap linear' gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
'nearest mipmap linear' gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR
'linear mipmap nearest' gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST
'nearest mipmap nearest' gl.NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
  • wrap can be used as an array shortcut for [wrapS, wrapT]
  • wrapS and wrapT can have any of the following values,
Wrap mode Description
'repeat' gl.REPEAT
'clamp' gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE
  • format determines the format of the texture and possibly the type. Possible values for format include,
Format Description Channels Types Compressed? Extension?
'alpha' gl.ALPHA 1 'uint8','half float','float' βœ–
'luminance' gl.LUMINANCE 1 'uint8','half float','float' βœ–
'luminance alpha' gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA 2 'uint8','half float','float' βœ–
'rgb' gl.RGB 3 'uint8','half float','float' βœ–
'rgba' gl.RGBA 4 'uint8','half float','float' βœ–
'rgba4' gl.RGBA4 4 'rgba4' βœ–
'rgb5 a1' gl.RGB5_A1 4 'rgb5 a1' βœ–
'rgb5' gl.RGB5 3 'rgb5' βœ–
'srgb' ext.SRGB 3 'uint8','half float','float' βœ– EXT_sRGB
'srgba' ext.RGBA 4 'uint8','half float','float' βœ– EXT_sRGB
'depth' gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT 1 'uint16','uint32' βœ– WEBGL_depth_texture
'depth stencil' gl.DEPTH_STENCIL 2 'depth stencil' βœ– WEBGL_depth_texture
'rgb s3tc dxt1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 3 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc
'rgba s3tc dxt1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc
'rgba s3tc dxt3' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc
'rgba s3tc dxt5' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc
'rgb arc' ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_ATC_WEBGL 3 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc
'rgba arc explicit alpha' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_EXPLICIT_ALPHA_WEBGL 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc
'rgba arc interpolated alpha' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_ATC_INTERPOLATED_ALPHA_WEBGL 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_atc
'rgb pvrtc 4bppv1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG 3 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc
'rgb pvrtc 2bppv1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG 3 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc
'rgba pvrtc 4bppv1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_4BPPV1_IMG 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc
'rgba pvrtc 2bppv1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGBA_PVRTC_2BPPV1_IMG 4 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc
'rgb etc1' ext.COMPRESSED_RGB_ETC1_WEBGL 3 'uint8' βœ“ WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1
  • In many cases type can be inferred from the format and other information in the texture. However, in some situations it may still be necessary to set it manually. In such an event, the following values are possible,
Type Description
'uint8' gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE
'uint16' gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT
'uint32' gl.UNSIGNED_INT
'float' gl.FLOAT
'half float' ext.HALF_FLOAT_OES
  • colorSpace sets the WebGL color space flag for pixel unpacking
Color space Description
'none' gl.NONE
  • unpackAlignment sets the pixel unpack alignment and must be one of [1, 2, 4, 8]

Relevant WebGL APIs




var myTexture = regl.texture({ ... })


Relevant WebGL APIs

Cube maps


Cube maps follow similar syntax to textures. They are created using regl.cube()

var cubeMap = regl.cube(





Relevant WebGL APIs

Render buffers


var rb = regl.renderbuffer({
  width: 16,
  height: 16,
  format: 'rgba4'
Property Interpretation Default
'format' Sets the internal format of the render buffer 'rgba4'
'width' Sets the width of the render buffer in pixels 1
'height' Sets the height of the render buffer in pixels 1
Format Description
'rgba4' gl.RGBA4
'rgb565' gl.RGB565
'rgb5 a1' gl.RGB5_A1
'depth' gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16
'stencil' gl.STENCIL_INDEX8
'srgba' ext.SRGB8_ALPHA8_EXT, only if EXT_sRGB supported

Relevant WebGL APIs





Relevant WebGL APIs

Frame buffers



var fbo = regl.framebuffer({
  width: 256,
  height: 256,
  depth: true,
  stencil: true
Property Description Default
width Sets the width of the framebuffer gl.drawingBufferWidth
height Sets the height of the framebuffer gl.drawingBufferHeight
format Sets the format of the color buffer 'rgba'
type Sets the type of the color buffer if it is a texture 'uint8'
colorCount Sets the number of color buffers 1
depth Toggles whether or not a depth buffer is included true
stencil Toggles whether or not to use a stencil buffer false
depthTexture Toggles whether depth/stencil attachments should be in texture false
colorBuffers List of color buffer attachments
depthBuffer The depth buffer attachment
stencilBuffer The stencil buffer attachment
depthStencilBuffer The depth-stencil attachment
Color format Description Attachment
'alpha' gl.ALPHA Texture
'luminance' gl.LUMINANCE Texture
'luminance alpha' gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA Texture
'rgb' gl.RGB Texture
'rgba' gl.RGBA Texture
'rgba4' gl.RGBA4 Renderbuffer
'rgb565' gl.RGB565 Renderbuffer
'rgb5 a1' gl.RGB5_A1 Renderbuffer
Color type Description
'best' Highest available precision
'uint8' gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE
'half float' 16 bit float
'float' 32 bit float`

Relevant WebGL APIs





Relevant WebGL APIs

Cubic frame buffers





Other features

Other than draw commands and resources, there are a few miscellaneous parts of the WebGL API which REGL wraps for completeness.

Clear the draw buffer

regl.clear combines gl.clearColor, gl.clearDepth, gl.clearStencil and gl.clear into a single procedure, which has the following usage:

  color: [0, 0, 0, 1],
  depth: 1,
  stencil: 0
Property Description
color Sets the clear color
depth Sets the clear depth value
stencil Sets the clear stencil value

If an option is not present, then the corresponding buffer is not cleared

Relevant WebGL APIs

Reading pixels

var pixels =[options])
Property Description Default
data An optional ArrayBufferView which gets the result of reading the pixels null
x The x-offset of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in pixels 0
y The y-offset of the upper-left corner of the rectangle in pixels 0
width The width of the rectangle in pixels viewport.width
height The height of the rectangle in pixels viewport.height

Relevant WebGL APIs

Per-frame callbacks

regl also provides a common wrapper over requestAnimationFrame and cancelAnimationFrame that integrates gracefully with context loss events.

// Hook a callback to execute each frame
var tick = regl.frame(function (context) {

  // context is the default state of the regl context variables

  // ...

// When we are done, we can unsubscribe by calling cancel on the callback

Device capabilities and limits

regl exposes info about the WebGL context limits and capabilities via the regl.limits object. The following properties are supported,

Property Description
colorBits An array of bits depths for the red, green, blue and alpha channels
depthBits Bit depth of drawing buffer
stencilBits Bit depth of stencil buffer
subpixelBits gl.SUBPIXEL_BITS
extensions A list of all supported extensions
maxAnisotropic Maximum number of anisotropic filtering samples
maxDrawbuffers Maximum number of draw buffers
maxColorAttachments Maximum number of color attachments
maxViewportDims gl.MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS
maxRenderbufferSize gl.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE
maxTextureSize gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE
maxAttributes gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS
maxVaryingVectors gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS
renderer gl.RENDERER
vendor gl.VENDOR
version gl.VERSION

Relevant WebGL APIs

Performance metrics


Clean up

When a regl context is no longer needed, it can be destroyed releasing all associated resources with the following command:


Context loss

regl makes a best faith effort to handle context loss by default. This means that buffers and textures are reinitialized on a context restore with their contents.


Unsafe escape hatch

WARNING: regl is designed in such a way that you should never have to directly access the underlying WebGL context. However, if you really absolutely need to do this for some reason (for example to interface with an external library), you can still get a reference to the WebGL context. Note though that if you do this you will need to restore the regl state in order to prevent rendering errors. This can be done with the following unsafe methods:

// This retrieves a reference to the underlying WebGL context (don't do this!)
var gl = regl._gl

//  ... do some crazy direct manipulation here

// now restore the regl state

// Resume using regl as normal

Note that you must call regl._refresh() if you have changed the WebGL state.


Reuse resources (buffers, elements, textures, etc.)

Preallocate memory

Debug vs release

  • Debug mode inserts many checks
  • Compiling in release mode removes these assertions, improves performance and reduces bundle size

Context loss mitigation