A target file describes the cluster Celos CI should run tests on.
Here's the target file for our main cluster:
By changing the target file that is passed to Celos CI, a workflow can be tested on a different cluster.
A ci script is used to launch Celos CI. It will usually be a Gradle invokation that specifies the target file to use.
Example from mapreduce wordcount: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/blob/master/samples/wordcount/scripts/ci
For each test, there will be a Jenkins project that calls the CI script.
Example: https://jenkins.collective-media.net/job/celos-ci-mapreduce-wordcount/configure
Note that it uses kinit to switch to the Celos CI user.
As with the previous celos-cd tool, the build file prepares a deployment directory containing both Celos workflow definitions and Oozie HDFS resources and libraries.
Also, the build file has a dynamic dependency on the celos-ci.jar, so it will always download the most recent version of it.
Just the usual Celos workflow definition file, but all HDFS paths are wrapped in calls to the hdfsPath() function.
This file contains test case definitions that will often use other resources/fixtures also stored in src/test/celos-ci.
Input fixtures: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/tree/master/samples/wordcount/src/test/celos-ci/test-1/input
Output fixtures: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/tree/master/samples/wordcount/src/test/celos-ci/test-1/output
Input table: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/blob/master/samples/wordcount_hive/src/test/celos-ci/test-1/input.tsv
Input table schema: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/blob/master/samples/wordcount_hive/src/test/celos-ci/test-1/schema/wordcount.avsc
Result table: https://github.com/collectivemedia/celos/blob/master/samples/wordcount_hive/src/test/celos-ci/test-1/result.tsv