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Rust Track Problem Order

The actual source of truth of problem order is config.json, but this file documents our reasoning behind the problem order in that file.


The Problems, By Section


The first section contains the sort of stuff you expect when learning any programming languages: conditionals, booleans, looping and some higher-order functions.

problem topics
hello-world Some/None. println!
gigasecond crates, math
leap math, booleans, conditionals
raindrops case (or format). Mutable string
bob chars, string functions
beer-song case, string concatenation, vector (optional), loop
difference-of-squares fold & map

Getting Rusty

Problems begin to use more Rust-specific features. Try to only introduce one new language feature at a time. And if several problems rely on a feature, try to group them so as to reinforce its usage.

problem topics
hamming Result
pascals-triangle Math, Vec, Index (optional)
scrabble-score chaining higher-order functions, HashMap (optional)
pangram filter, ascii (optional)
nucleotide-count filter, entry api, mutablity, match
word-count hashmap, str vs string, chars, entry api
etl btree
acronym map, flat_map, filter, loops, Vec
sieve vector, map, while let (optional)
rna-transcription match, struct, str vs string
triangle Math, Struct. Enum, Trait, Box -- depending on implementation
roman-numerals mutable, results, loops, struct, traits
all-your-base Result, enumerate, fold, map
grade-school struct, entry api, Vec, Option
robot-simulator Immutability, enum
bracket-push From trait, stack or recursion
queen-attack struct, trait (optional), Result
sublist enum, generic over type
space-age Custom Trait, From Trait, Default Trait implementation
allergies struct, enum, bitwise (probably), vectors, filter
variable-length-quantity Encodings, slices, bitwise, Result
phone-number option, format, unwrap_or, iters, match
wordy Result, string parsing, operators (optional)
tournament enum, sorting, hashmap, structs
custom-set generic over type, vector, equality, struct

Rust Gets Strange

Exercises that pay the cost of Rust's strangeness budget. Features that are very specific to Rust.

problem topics
anagram lifetimes, str vs string, loops, iter, vector
nucleotide-codons struct, hash map, lifetimes, Result
robot-name struct, slices, randomness, lifetimes, self mut

Putting it all Together

These problems don’t necessarily require additional Rust knowledge, but they do require complex solutions.

problem topics
ocr-numbers Lines, Chunks, slices
minesweeper Board state
dominoes Graph theory, searching
parallel-letter-frequency multi-threading
rectangles Enum, structs, traits, Lifetimes
forth Parser reimplementation
circular-buffer Buffer reimplementation, Generics
react Lifetimes, generics, closures