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Command-line to Add / Delete / List user accounts in YBA.
This program uses standard Python3 libraries, including @dataclass.
It accesses the YBA API documented in https://api-docs.yugabyte.com/docs/yugabyte-platform/18e7f5bab7963-list-all-users . You will need the following information:
- YBA URL (the URL used to access the YBA host)
- API token : You can get this from the login user's profile page
usage: yba-user-admin.py v 0.06 [-h] [-d] -y YBA_URL [-c CUSTOMER_UUID] -a AUTH_TOKEN [-ls | -rm [email protected] | -mk [email protected]] [--role ROLE] [-p PASSWORD] [-s]
This Program operates on YBA users (List/Create/Delete)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug
-y YBA_URL, --yba_url YBA_URL
YBAnywhere URL
Customer UUID: Auto-discovered if unspecified
-a AUTH_TOKEN, --auth_token AUTH_TOKEN
YBAnywhere Auth Token
-ls, --list List users (This is the default action)
-rm [email protected], --remove [email protected], --delete [email protected]
Delete the specified user
-mk [email protected], --make [email protected], --create [email protected]
Add a new user. role & password reqd
--role ROLE Name of role to apply to new user
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password for new user (>=8 ch, Upcase+num+special)
-s, --stdin Read JSON stream from stdin
python3 yba-user-admin.py -y https://<yba-host>/ -a <access-token> [-ls]
python3 yba-user-admin.py -y https://<yba-host>/ -a <access-token> --mk User@email --role ROLE-NAME --Password PASSWORD
You can use --create or --make instead of --mk
python3 yba-user-admin.py -y https://<yba-host>/ -a <access-token> --rm User@email
You can use --remove or --delete instead of --rm
The script supports commands sent via an external stream, when the -s (--stdin) option is used. In this case, the yba-user-admin script will read a JSON stream from STDIN, and process the commands supplied, and place JSON in the output stream STDOUT. The intended purpose of this feature is to run THIS program as a child-process of a controlling program that feeds data into STDIN, and processes responses from THIS.
A typical sequence would be:
External program starts yba-user_admin and sets -y, -a and -s. It also pipes STDIN and STDOUT from yba-user-admin* to allow Write and Read streams.
External program sends
yba-user-admin responds with:
[ {"email":"[email protected]","other":"attributes"}, ... ]
External program sends
{"email":"u2@eee" ...}
yba-user-admin responds with:
["OK":"5 Users added"]
... Similar for DELETEUSERS
Use this to test the JSON stream function:
Note the -s
option is used to read from STDIN.
Input is expected in JSON format, so the "LISTUSERS" must arrive with the quotes.
$ echo '"LISTUSERS"' | python ~/yb-tools/yba-user-admin/yba-user-admin.py -y -a d6465305-2419-4597-ae16-2c0b712ce209 -s
{"email":"[email protected]","uuid":"0e0f75ea-7933-4626-a61a-ea9f5add074b","role":"SuperAdmin","created":"2024-02-14T17:36:33Z"}
Two JSON commands are sent , and performed in sequence
$ echo -e '"LISTUSERS"\n{"DELETEUSERS":[\n{"email":"u1@rrr","role":"ReadOnly","password":"P@12345d67"},\n{"email":"u2@eee","role":"ReadOnly","password":"P#12w34567"}]}' | python ~/yb-tools/yba-user-admin/yba-user-admin.py -y -a d6465305-2419-4597-ae16-2c0b712ce209 -s
{"email":"[email protected]","uuid":"0e0f75ea-7933-4626-a61a-ea9f5add074b","role":"SuperAdmin","created":"2024-02-14T17:36:33Z"}
{"success":true,"Operation":"delete","msg":"2 users deleted"}