This is the main web server image for the project. The source code for the eZ Publish installation will be run from here.
Unlike the other images, there is more than one software package installed here as they are necessary for the running of eZ Publish.
Image is built on Debian Jessie.
The software packages installed are:
- Apache 2.4
- PHP 5.6
- ImageMagick 6.7
- JAVA (OpenJDK 7)
- Curl
- Nano
Apache listens on ports:
- 80 (dev vhost)
- 82 (demo vhost)
- 88 (controlpanel vhost)
Those can be remapped when running the container.
The controlpanel vhost is baked-in into the container, whereas eZ Publish dynamic virtual hosts config files must be mounted as volumes. This way it is faster to modify a vhost config and restart the Apache service without having to rebuild the container.
If you are working behind a corporate http proxy, run the klabs/forgetproxy container
Run the container
You can run the container with the docker run command :
``` sh
docker run klabs/apache_php56
But is is strongly recommended to use docker-compose with the script provided in ezdocker-stack repository.