This folder contains the Core API specification for Beckn Protocol. It defines interoperable API endpoints for discovery, order, fulfillment and post-fulfillment actions performed between a producer and a consumer. To improve performance and scalability, some Meta APIs are also specified. All these APIs are stateless and asynchronous.
The current format for representing these endpoints is Open API 3.0
This action describes how a BAP can search for products and services.
This action describes how a BPP can publish the catalogs of its providers.
This action describes how a BAP can request a quote from a BPP
This action describes how a BPP can provide a quote to a BAP
This action describes how a BAP can request the final payment terms from a BPP
This action describes how a BPP can provide the final payment terms to a BAP
This action describes how a BAP can request the BPP to confirm the transaction
This action describes how a BPP can return a confirmed transaction
This action describes how a BAP can request the latest status of a transaction
This action describes how a BPP can return the latest status of a transaction
This action describes how a BAP can request tracking information of an order
This action describes how a BPP can return the tracking information of an order
This action describes how a BAP can request the BPP to update an active order
This action describes how a BPP can return an updated order
This action describes how a BAP can request the BPP to cancel a transaction
This action describes how a BPP can return a cancelled order
This action describes how a BAP can request support information for a transaction
This action describes how a BPP can return support information for a transaction
This action describes how a BAP can provide rating for a Rateable Entity of a BPP
This action describes how a BPP can acknowledge the rating provided by a BAP for a Rateable Entity of a BPP
This action describes how a BAP requests a BPP to provide all the Rateable Entities
This action describes how a BPP returns all the Rateable Entities to a BAP
This action describes how a BAP requests a BPP to provide a list of cancellation reasons
This action describes how a BPP returns the list of cancellation reasons to a BAP
This action describes how a BAP requests a BPP to provide a list of categories for which feedback can be given
This action describes how a BPP returns the list of categories for which feedback can be given
This action describes how a BAP requests a BPP to provide a feedback form for a particular rating category and value
This action describes how a BPP returns a feedback form for a particular rating category and value