Let’s select a Mars rover and find out the most recent images, along with information about the rover. You can easily choose which rover’s information you want to check. On the home page you can see the Astronomy Picture of the Day - APOD and be fascinated by the universe. All the data is provided by NASA API, look here( https://api.nasa.gov/ ).
This is the second project of the Intermediate JavaScript Nanodegree Program from Udacity. The main purpose of this project is to create a dashboard that consumes the NASA API.
This app makes use of Functional Programming with Javascript. So, the frontend code makes use of pure functions, Higher Order Function and the Immutable JS Library. The backend of this app is built with Node/Express, make calls to the NASA API and use pure functions do to the logic.
- Clone this repo and install the dependencies
- To clone the repo, remember to clone just the starter branch:
git clone --single-branch --branch starter <repo-name>
- For this project we are using yarn as our package manager, so to install your dependencies run:
yarn install
**If you don’t have yarn installed globally, follow their installation documentation here according to your operating system: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install
- Run
yarn start
in your terminal and go tohttp:localhost:3000
to check that your app is working. If you don't see an image on the page, check that your api key is set up correctly.