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K8s 集群证书过期处理,更新 kubeadm 生成的证书有效期为 10 年。支持全部版本。
Tigo is an HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang).It features a Tornado-like API with better performance. Tigo是一款用Go语言开发的web应用框架,API特性类似于Tornado并且拥有比Tornado更好的性能。
use this guide to install kubernetes
Refactored and perfected the SECKILL V1.0, adding some new features
the payment component developed by Typescript is based on Express framework
Cross-platform 3D scene editor based on three.js, golang and mongodb for desktop and web. https://tengge1.github.io/ShadowEditor-examples/
C++ Redis Client, base on Boost.asio, auto detect redis cluster
本系统是集工单统计、任务钩子、权限管理、灵活配置流程与模版等等于一身的开源工单系统,当然也可以称之为工作流引擎。 致力于减少跨部门之间的沟通,自动任务的执行,提升工作效率与工作质量,减少不必要的工作量与人为出错率。
Java流行框架源码分析:Spring源码、SpringBoot源码、SpringAOP源码、SpringSecurity源码、SpringSecurity OAuth2源码、JDK源码、Netty源码
Spring-Boot-Starter-kafka, which allows users to quickly integrated kafka or Ckfka stream processing platform in a Spring Boot project, supports failure compensation mechanisms and dead-letter mess…
Mrshiju / vue3-jd-h5
Forked from geekskai/vue3-jd-h5🔥 基于vue2.6+ ,vue3.0.0-beta.1,vue3, vue-cli3,mockjs,仿京东淘宝的,移动端H5电商平台!
Mrshiju / nxdc-milktea
Forked from tinypuppet/nxdc-milktea一套仿奈雪の茶小程序的前端模板
The top1%(20th) solution of Kaggle Global-Wheat-Detection
uni-app 社区APP项目带后台管理系统(vue-admin-beautiful),服务端(Egg),数据库(Mysql)
ovine由于存在设计缺陷不再更新。 新版会在 ovine-next 重写。 https://github.com/ovineio/ovine-next