Certain libraries and binary executables are necessary to run the workflows in this repository. Below necessary libraries for general usage are mentioned:
1. CDO (Climate Data Operators >=v2.2.1),
2. ecCodes (>=v2.25.0),
3. Expat XML parser (>=v2.4.1),
4. GDAL (>=3.5.1),
5. GEOS (>=3.10.2),
6. HDF5 (>=1.10.6),
7. JasPer (>=2.0.16),
8. libaec (>=1.0.6),
9. libfabric (>=1.10.1),
10. libffi (>=3.3),
11. libgeotiff (>=1.7.1),
12. librttopo (>=1.1.0),
13. libspatialindex (>=1.8.5),
14. libspatilite (>=5.0.1),
15. netcdf-fortran (>=4.5.2),
16. netcdf (>=4.7.4),
17. postgresql (>=12.4),
18. proj (>=9.0.1),
19. python (>=3.10.2),
20. sqlite (>=3.38.5),
21. udunits (>=2.2.28)
Each of the above libraries and binaries may need further dependencies. It is up to the user to assure all requirements are satisfied. Most GNU/Linux distributions should be able to offer all the libraries above through their package repositories. If not, it is recommended to compile and store them for future reference.
Fortunately, all the above requirements are available on the DRA's Graham HPC. You may load the modules with the following command:
foo@bar:~$ module load gcc/9.3.0
foo@bar:~$ module load libfabric/1.10.1 ipykernel/2023a \
sqlite/3.38.5 postgresql/12.4 gdal/3.5.1 \
udunits/2.2.28 cdo/2.2.1 gentoo/2020 \
imkl/2020.1.217 openmpi/4.0.3 scipy-stack/2023a \
jasper/2.0.16 freexl/1.0.5 geos/3.10.2 \
libaec/1.0.6 mpi4py/3.1.3 StdEnv/2020 \
gcc/9.3.0 libffi/3.3 hdf5/1.10.6 \
libgeotiff-proj901/1.7.1 librttopo-proj9/1.1.0 \
proj/9.0.1 eccodes/2.25.0 netcdf-fortran/4.5.2 \
mii/1.1.2 ucx/1.8.0 python/3.10.2 \
netcdf/4.7.4 cfitsio/4.1.0 \
libspatialite-proj901/5.0.1 expat/2.4.1 \
yaxt/0.9.0 libspatialindex/1.8.5
It is recommended to save all load modules as a list to be able to restore them whenever needed. Using the LMOD features, you may save them with:
foo@bar:~$ module save example-arb-mods
And you may restore the list with:
foo@bar:~$ module restore example-arb-mods
Please note that some of the libraries and binary programs are necessary for the Python environment to run smoothly.
The following list of Python packages are required to run much of the workflows in this repository. The requirements.txt file describes the packages necessary to run the workflows.
Please refer to DRA's manual to create a virtual environment using the file mentioned above.
In brief, you can create a Python virtual environment (after assuring all the modules are loaded) with:
foo@bar:~$ module restore example-arb-mods
foo@bar:~$ virtualenv /path/to/virtualenv/your-virtual-env
After creating, you can activate the environment with:
foo@bar:~$ source /path/to/virtualenv/your-virtual-env/bin/activate
(your-virtual-env) foo@bar:~$ # this is how it will look
Please note that two Python packages needed in the workflows are not yet available on PyPI. You may install each directly from their relevant GitHub repositories:
And you can install any package within this environment. To install those included in the requirements.txt file:
(your-virtual-env) foo@bar:~$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Please note that three Python packages needed in the workflows are not yet available on PyPI. If not automatically installed using the previous steps, you may install each directly from their relevant GitHub repositories:
(your-virtual-env) foo@bar:~$ pip install git+https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/hydrant
(your-virtual-env) foo@bar:~$ pip install git+https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/meshflow
(your-virtual-env) foo@bar:~$ pip install git+https://github.com/ShervanGharari/EASYMORE.git@develop_2.0.0
Once the your-virtual-env
is ready, you can add the virtual environment
to the Jupyter Lab as a kernel by following:
foo@bar:~$ ipython kernel install --name "your-virtual-env" --user
Once added as a kernel, you should it within your JupyterHub's sessions.
MERIT-Basins vector hydrography Dataset (v0.7/v1.0, minor bug fix for coastaline pixels): https://www.reachhydro.org/home/params/merit-basins
is available on Graham HPC under the following directory:/project/rpp-kshook/Model_Output/MERIT-Basins
Datatool (v0.4.1): https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/datatool
Download with:
foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/datatool
GIStool (v0.1.6): https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/gistool
Download with:
foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/kasra-keshavarz/gistool
EASYMORE (v2.0.0): https://github.com/ShervanGharari/EASYMORE
For installation, please follow guidelines provided in the repository itself. The branch used is