New/Mode is a multi-channel advocacy and civic engagement platform
for organizations and campaigns. This Parsons class includes methods for fetching tools, actions, targets, campaigns,
organizations, services, and outreaches. There are also methods for looking up targets and running actions given a
. Most methods return either individual items as dictionaries or lists of items as Parsons Table
- Authentication
- To use the class, you need to provide a New/Mode username and password. For more information, see The New/Mode API is Here.
To instantiate the Newmode
class, you can either store your New/Mode username
and password as environmental variables (NEWMODE_API_USER
respectively) or pass in your username and password as arguments:
from parsons import Newmode
# instantiate with API credentials stored as environmental variables
newmode = Newmode()
# instantiate with API credentials passed as arguments
newmode = Newmode(api_user='my_username', api_password='my_password')
# Get existing tools.
tools = newmode.get_tools()
# Get specific tool.
tool = newmode.get_tool(tool_id)
.. autoclass :: parsons.Newmode :inherited-members: