- Add .jar files to the Build Path from “dependencies” folder.
- Run src/controller/Experiment.java class file.
- In the folder Experiments you will get the curves of Decision Values and ROC.
Note that Experiment.java produces the curves by default for N = 2, 3, 4, 5 and store the results in Experiments folder’s TEST_N=2, TEST_N=3, TEST_N=4, TEST_N=5 subfolders accordingly.
To change the default hyper parameters you can find them in the src/controller/Experiment.java file: a. lengths (lines 30-32). b. e1 (lines 34-36). c. e2 = weights2 (lines. 37-39) d. windowSize (line 42) e. eta (line 46) f. N = 2, 3, 4, 5 (line 59) In addition, you can write the hyper parameters to “Experiments/hyperparameters.rtf” file.
To modify the choice of the training or detection data: a = trainingId (line 96) True positive data index = id2 (line 135)
Good luck!