- Cleanups, fixes and features around the poc-4 staking module
- Number of UI enhancements
- Staking page indicator for offline nodes (count & block)
- Rework page tabs and content layouts
- Cleanup of all UI summary headers
- Emberic Elem support (replaces Dried Danta)
- @polkadot/util & @polkadot/api 0.75.1
- Support for substrate 1.0-rc
- Bring in new staking & nominating functions
- Swap default keyring accounts (on creation) to sr25519
- New faster crypto algorithms
- Misc. bug fixes all around
- Swap keyring to HDKD derivation, mnemonic keys are now not backwards compatible with those created earlier. (Defaults are still for ed25519)
- Swap crypto to new WASM-backed version (and remove libsodium dependency)
- UI to allow for derived keys for ed25519 and sr25519
- New mobile-friendly sidebar
- Fix issues with nominating (old non-bonds interface)
- Swap to publishing -beta.x on merge (non-breaking testing)
Storage now handles Option type properly
JavaScript console introduced
- Use new Compact transaction format - this requires the latest binaries from either Polkadot or Substrate
- PoC-3 support with latest Substrate master & Polkadot master
- Add support for Charred Cherry (Substrate) and Alexander (Polkadot) testnets
- Too many changes to mention, master now only supports latest PoC-3 iteration
- Use https://poc-2.polkadot.io if access is required to PoC-2 era networks