- Smaller external link icon
- Fix overflow in stacked blocks
- Fix variable name in link formatting (--color-link-text-hover)
- Add proxyUrl (devpackages 2.4.5)
- Fix config.styles.src that causes gutenberg styles not to compile (devpackages 2.4.6)
- Remove leftover code from Gutenberg editor
- Move externalLinkDomains list to theme settings for consistency (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Add cssnano and related postcss-plugins, deprecate gulp-clean-css that is in maintenance-mode (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Improve watch task to be more performant (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Add gulp-size and verbose information to console (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Add instructions on how to contribute (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Update stylelint-config-standard, stylelint-config-recommended-css, caniuse-lite and js related packages (devpackages 2.4.4)
- Get phpcs task from devpackages 2.4.4
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 5.9.3
- Update browser-sync to 2.27.9 (devpackages 2.4.3)
- Fix main title width in article editor
- Add fonts and font-smoothing in article view of the Gutenberg editor
- Fix: Margin reset breaks article blocks in editor, limit it for ACF blocks only
- Make edit-post-visual-editor__post-title-wrapper background to match WordPress brand color
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 5.9.2
- Upgrade to devpackages 2.4.2 (details below)
- Upgrade stylelint to 14.5.3
- Update .stylelintrc rules as per the official recommendations
- Use kebab-kase in fontface mixin from now on
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 5.9.1
- Upgrade eslint to 8.10.0
- Upgrade eslint-config-airbnb to 19.0.4
- Remove deprecated babel-eslint and use @babel/eslint-parser instead
- Revove outdated and unmaintained gulp-eslint and use gulp-eslint-new instead
- Allow js/src/front-end.js to be linted, fix file for JS warnings
- Reset blockquote margins as it breaks the auto layout in some situations
- Deprecate hiddentext() mixin that is not used anymore
- Support new native_lazyload_tag() from air-helper
- Add edit link to page
- Move edit link to its own template tag function
- Clean up page.php
- Always allow loading ACF block on preview
- Add a filter to allow modidying ACF block cache keys
- Deprecate default hero template part as it's never used (it's recommended to use a Gutenberg block for it)
- Remove archive.php (it's rarely used, it's similar to index.php and when used, it's always customized anyway)
- Change var(--form-gap) to support both grid-row-gap and grid-column-gap
- This updates removes some fonts that should not be there, sorry about that
- Add more weights for Inter font family, fix issue with font file capitalizations and rendering
- Modified functions.php custom settings to work with Air setting groups plugin.
- Dropped CSS grid mixin as all major browsers support it and we no longer need fallbacks for Edge and Safari
- Add new styles for page/post title
- Remove page/post title input styles that are no longer in Gutenberg of 5.9
- Fix title edit styles for Gutenberg in 5.9
- Add separate locales for title related instruction text
- Fix remove_gutenberg_inline_styles hook, add extra check, Fixes #144
- Update deprecated filters and their parameters #141 (thanks @dylanelliott27!)
- Update file sizes to README.md
- Fix maybe_show_error_block function title not showing if manually set
- Fix archive template single post item
- Fix acf block cache check
- Added filter air_acf_block_cache_lifetime to adjust blocks cache lifetime
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 5.9.0
- Fixes for wp-block-list
- Auto-indent multi-line list blocks
- Bump tested up WordPress version to 5.8.3
- Open submenus on the left if the nav items go over the viewport, Fixes #5
- Added $is_preview and $post_id to be always handed over to block template
- Create empty inc/functions directory for custom funtions
- Fix gallery and image block wide and full width version paddings in mobile editor
- Fix aligned image paddings in gutenberg editor
- Fix wide gallery mobile padding issue in Gutenberg editor
- Fix standard view gallery block alignment issue in Gutenberg Editor
- Fix block gallery full width padding issues in mobile gutenberg editor
- Fix for gutenberg edirot alignleft/alignright images: Do not force widths via var for galleries in gutenberg-editor
- Fix padding for post title block in article view
- Fix padding in mobile view of the gutenberg editor
- Reset default gap in .wp-block in Gutenberg editor
- Fix align wide paddings for certain breakpoints and blocks
- Fix core/list with is-style-default set
- Better default core/separator styles
- Add default gform_confirmation_message styles
- Fix
starting script not generating a README.md - Fix
starting script not building theme JS and CSS for the first time
- Fix acf-reset interfering with WYSIWYG editor toolbar icon fonts
- Update to devpackages 2.4.1
- Add missing strip-unit SCSS function
- Fix
defined two times
- Improve
behaviour in animations - Change
to more describingvar(--padding-sub-menu-link-horizontal)
- Add out animation for desktop navigation
- Remove aspect-ratio() mixin that is no longer needed (CSS has
) natively - Remove hex-to-rgb() mixin that is no longer used
- Fix ACF field reset specificity that aws affecting block styles
- Remove unused CSS from _typography.scss
- Move blockquote styles inside core-blockquote block
- Replace static contributors with Repobeats analytics image
- Bump tested WordPress version to 5.8.3
- Fix ACF element font styles by unsetting them
- Add default form styles for Gutenberg editor
- Fix line breaks and formatting in the generated default README.md
- Add has-unified-padding-if-stacked helper class for stacked blocks
- Devpackages 2.3.7: Change back from @ronilaukkarinen/[email protected] to official [email protected]
- Devpackages 2.3.7: Fix rule for declaration-strict-value
- Devpackages 2.3.7: Upgade to webpack 5
- Devpackages 2.3.7: Update packages
- Nav-toggle label text improvements
- Replace nav toggle margin with more bulletproof
- Fix var(--padding-sub-menu-vertical), add separate var for var(--padding-sub-menu-link-vertical)
- Fix sub-menu of sub-menu vertical alignment based on the variable and not fixed amount
- Fix dropdown alignment to left, remove deprecated fixed 5%
- Add simpler link component with text-underline-offset
- Update .browserslistrc, ignore older Edge and Samsung Browser
- Update to devpackages 2.3.5
- Update to devpackages 2.3.4
- Fix safe space visibility before triggering submenu with mouse
- Update to devpackages 2.3.2
- Remove outdated breadcrumbs scss and hooks that are no longer supported in-theme
- Update to devpackages 2.3.1 (switch to @ronilaukkarinen/gulp-stylelint, watch task improvements)
- Update to devpackages 2.3.0 (switches gulp-stylelint to stylelint from exec/cli)
- Update sass to 1.43.4
- Sass speed improvements with dart-sass, Fiber and sass.sync()
- Fix deprecations in helper scss mixins
- Remove outdated printer-for-errors-of-gulp-plugins, trade-off with performance and watch task crash on SCSS errors
- Theme file structure up to date, update font-sizes file to be more consistent as singular file name
- Upgrade stylelint to v14
- Drop nodejs 12 support
- Drop node-sass and fibers support
- Lint styles with new rules
- Add new stylelint rules
- Improve watch task, speed it up, inject CSS first in dev environment
- Change stylelint-disable exceptions per line and with double slash scss syntax
- Add doiuse exceptions with doiuse-disable
- Update .browserslistrc
- Require node 14+ and PHP 7.4+
- Increase default gap between main level nav items
- Remove leftover margin-right from nav item that has sub items
- Add max-width variable for navigation dropdown helper pseudo element, in some situations causes unwanted dropdown triggering
- Update default README.md boilerplate for project
- Replace margin-right with more flexible
gap: var(--gap-between-dropdown-toggle);
- Use gap in desktop main level menu-items instead of margin
- Fix: Floating back to top element has too much z-index priority
- Fix: Reusable Blocks are not available #116
This release includes only form style and accessibility improvements.
- Consistency in form variables, fix issues with required labels
- Add support for gravity forms baked in required labels
- Fix select icon gap
- Bigger default font-size for inputs in demo
- Consistent label font size
- Add consistent variables and sizes for form elements
- Fix conflicting select styles
- Add consistent --form-gap for gravity form elements
- Improve form styles
- Group accessible color variables for error, success and warning states
- Fix a bug on Firefox in sticky nav in situations where user refreshes the browser in the middle of the page before any scrolling done
- Fix extra gap in Gutenberg editor's .wp-block
- Simplify sticky navigation, rewrite in Vanilla JS
- Fix typography line-height leaking from core heading block (kudos to @Tumppex for noticing this!)
- Change gutenberg-content div to HTML5 article element with class article-content to be more clear (since all content are now Gutenberg)
- Ensure Gravity Forms honeypot is hidden
- Add support for native columns in Gravity Forms 2.5+
- Fixes for alignwide and alignfull logic: Make them behave exactly the same in breakpoints other than desktop
- Add missing .wp-block-list class to _core-list.scss
- Bump tested WordPress version to 5.8.1
- Accessibility: Trigger closing the dropdown to ESC key only if we are already browsing the dropdown menus in sub navigation. Fixes the bug where focus point jumps also in all other situations as well for example when no dropdowns are open.
- Accessibility: Switch order of external link label text so that the actual link text comes first, then "External site" and "opens in a new window" (thanks @samikeijonen), Fixes #125
- Fix eslint picking up the wrong module .eslintrc
- Fix build, lint JS
- Accessibility: Prevent navigation dropdown toggle to be opened by mouse since we already use hover event and don't want it to get stuck open without consent
- Accessibility: Navigation patterns: Make it possible to close with ESC while hovering
- Accessibility: Add hover event via JS instead of CSS (to be able to untrigger)
- Navigation JS: Add missing class
- Navigation JS: Remove preventdefaults as there are no defaults for these items
- Accessibility: Fix keyboard navigation for NVDA screen reader
- Add aria labels to links with img inside, Fixes #111 (PR #124)
- devpackages 2.2.7: Stylelint/order: Add order rule for @import
- Set root size for rems for Gutenberg editor
- Fix CSS leak to wp-core-ui items #123
- Fix setFigureWidths in gutenberg-editor.js
- Aligned single gallery fixes for Gutenberg
- Set non lazyloaded figure widths #121
- Fix --width-child-img CSS variable name
- Fix core-gallery block width
- Fix typo in script comment
- Don't force outline-color for general items which colors we don't know
- Consistency update for accessibility: Use currentColor in :focus and skip-link outline, add outline-offset for global area links to make their outlines more visible
- Bump tested WordPress version to 5.8
- Update to devpackages 2.2.5.
- Updates from devpackages 2.2.4: Speed up styles tasks by adding a separate watch for prodstyles
- Fix order/order errors, fix build
- Attempt to fix build: Lint theme SCSS with new rules
- Fix stylelint syntax error in _nav-desktop.scss
- Update html-validator-cli for travis unit tests
- Update to devpackages 2.2.1
- Add editor-post-title styles for Gutenberg
- Remove plugin territory hooks in favor of air-helper#42
- Fix broken js after generating air as mentioned in #119
- Incorporate nu-html-checker to be part of travis unit tests
- Navigation accessibility: Remove incorrect attributes from dropdown link
- Navigation accessibility: Fix screen reader class
- Navigation accessibility: Fix invalid aria-expanded
- Navigation accessibility: Fix crucial landmark role issues, revert from 6.3.4 c93af48d5e793bc24b9932b72069da1b21c1af83
- Clean up for valid HTML
- Fix gravity forms styles reset
- Disable printing Gravity Forms js straight after (invalid HTML)
- Improve nav layout with in between breakpoints: Do not wrap main level menu items by default on desktop
- Allow list items to have external links
- Fix list widths in gutenberg, add default style for ::marker
- Show message if no search results found
- Add default localization for "No results for your search"
- Fix too quick transition-duration (.08, one zero too much, thx @Tumppex for spotting this!)
- Add WCAG AAA+ compliant validation error colors for gravity forms 2.5
- Gravity Forms 2.5 base styles
- Fix main navigation link item having only hash instead of link
- Reset wp-admin list styles on metabox UI
- Update devpackages to 2.2.0
- Add --grid-gap for grid mixin defaults
- Add missing --padding-main-level-vertical-mobile, fix incorrect --padding-sub-menu-vertical-mobile
- Use git version of sanitize.css, fix navigation white space
- Fixes for gutenberg blocks on mobile, fix table block width
- Fix core gutenberg block widths/paddings on small mobile screens
- Add $container-macbook-air breakpoint and --padding-container-horizontal-large for better fit to smaller screens
- Bypass the file_get_contents restriction #112
- Updates from devpackages 2.1.8
- Updates from devpackages 2.1.7
- Fix unexpected flexbox style bug with sub menu items
- Include sanitize.css 12.0.1 and reduce motion from repo
- Make possible to change active mobile nav bg color
- Change nav desktop font sizes as vars
- Add social media accounts to theme settings #109
- Add custom setting groups support #108
- Automate acf block icon from svg file #107
- Check if it's allowed to show this block in the context #106
- Add error block functionality #105
- Wrap theme settings to after_setup_theme action, fix filter name #104
- Update nav walker to 4.3.0: Accessibility, schema and security updates #103
- Remove deprecated blocks, Fixes #93 (thanks @LukaszJaro!)
- Fix too specific paragraph styles (moved from gutenberg/block/core-paragraph.scss to gutenberg/formatting/_paragraph.scss)
- Add cubic-brezier() mixin
- Bump tested WP version to 5.7.2
- Add example block icon SVG for ACF Gutenberg block init
- Wrap theme settings to after_setup_theme action, fix filter name #104
- Fix alignwide and alignfull variables in front end
- Add variables $width-full and $width-wide for default Gutenberg blocks styling
- Fix typo in code comment
- Fix preformatted text alignment in Gutenberg
- Improve block functionality #102
- Deprecate modules SCSS
- Example of your next ACF Gutenberg block
- This version adds ACF-Gutenberg blocks (PR: Moving on from modular content to ACF-Gutenberg blocks #100)
- Fixes for stylelint (most notably getting rid of vendor prefixes in styles)
- Fully working editor styles
- Editor JS and editor lazyload support
- Deprecate modular-content.php
- Remove demo content from the theme (from now on it's a separate WordPress plugin)
- Bunch of small fixes
- Fix: Add missing autoprefixer for dev styles gulp task
- Fix select dropdowns showing toggle icon twice (
appearance: none;
is well supported by Safari 14)
- Fix 404, Fixes #99
- Consistency in file headers
- Fix replaces by exporting the variables in the start script
- Fix NEWEST_AIR_VERSION variable in additions script
- Fix gulp command syntax for development and production environments in new theme starting script
- Make sure children don't have list bullets
- Accessibility: Make focus ring a little more engaging (source)
- Fix navigation #94 (huge thanks to @michaelbourne!)
- Fix focus trap problems in mobile navigation if last nav item is a dropdown #26
- Fix issue with setLazyLoadedFigureWidth not imported properly
- Contributing instructions up to date according to the latest version of dudestack
- Mobile nav overflow fix #95 (thanks @Tumppex and congrats for the first pull request!)
- Documenting code: Add comment about Gravity Forms with ajax
- Remove deprecated vagrant instructions from the Read me file
- Theme metadata in style.css: Add more clear instructions, update date format
- Include missing heading-hero component
- Add default core/table styles
- Refine heading levels
- Refine button components
- Add wide core/separator block
- Add function end comments and few minor PHP styling changes
- Truncate too long button texts
- Components more presentable way in demo, fix button styles and sizes
- Fix critical style bug with default button hover and ghost button colors
- Fix phpcs task src
- Change font-family attributes from SCSS variables to CSS variables
- Support for SCSS source maps (devpackages 2.1.5)
- Fix error reporting on watch. Awaiting Pull Request. (devpackages 2.1.5)
- Bump tested WP version to 5.7.1
- Get updates from devpackages 2.1.3
- Styles related performance update for gulp from devpackages 2.1.2
- More consistency in form variables
- Add --gap-between-dropdown-toggle as CSS variable
- Color links for AA and AAA
- Move theme documentation to Wiki
- Add Laragon support #92 (thank you @divn!)
- New theme script dependencies partial: Gulp styles to later stage
- Release version 1.0.5 of newtheme starting scripts
- Fix failing build with missing color variable
- Add more element color variables
- Remove unused magnific popup styles from the theme
- More sensible link variables
- Do not depend on brand color pool variables, use element variables instead in partials
- Remove auto-color function, transform all the rest of the color variables as CSS variables
- Font size variables to be more precise and fail-proof #91
- Fix conflicting duplicate CSS variable
- Fix skip link color on focus
- Fix sub-navigation padding when toggled on keyboard
- CSS variablize nav-mobile
- Add CSS variables to desktop nav, add font-weights as vars
- Fix editor font paths
- More CPU friendly php watch
- Set figure widths for gutenberg
- Helper variables $font-sans and $font-serif
- Add _font-face for defining webfont files, clarify font-family
See pull request #89.
Project start scripts have been refactored completely same manner than in this dudestack PR.
- Add working WSL support, linked also to windows-lemp-setup
- Modularize bash scripts, add files as partials. From now on we need to edit files under bin/tasks. Only couple of files are different, for example sed commands for debian and macOS vary, that's why
- Beautiful formatting and instructions for the start script (header.sh, footer.sh)
- Prevent running directly with bash or sh to prevent possible issues with them
- Variable all the things - no need to search and replace stuff
- Fix typos
- Add checks for missing packages (WSL mainly)
- Add extra notifications that these scripts need Air-light and dev servers to work
- Fix color variable inside conditional
- CSS variables #85
- Add default link within content styles
- Fix Gutenberg formatting
- Remove PHP 7.0 from unit tests
- Migrate from travis-ci.org to travis-ci.com
- Fix build, add escapes and missing npm package
- Merge PR #82: Gutenberg improvements
- Merge PR #84, Fixes #83
- Major Gutenberg updates as proposed in #82
- Add .hintrc for webhint
- Update .browserslistrc, deprecate Internet Explorer and Opera mobile browsers
- Update packages and scripts
- Fix Gutenberg editor styles not loading: #78: Remove dependencies from style enqueue fixes #77
- Prevent FOUT when loading webfonts
- Allow email notifications in Travis unit tests
- Fix stylelint error reporting in Travis unit tests
- Implement devpackages 2.0.7: Fix stylelint task not showing report
- Implement devpackages 2.0.7: Remove unused browsersync watch
- Improve documentation
- Fix navigation sub-menu hover animation: Hover padding should only emerge on sub-menu items, not to main menu items
- Add space after blockquote cite
- Update @font-face for Slightly Deeper Browser Support
- Remove excess amount of fonts
- Change default demo font to Inter
- Fix problem with blockquote overflow on desktop
- Disable sub-menu "out"-animation for slicker navigation experience (.hover-intent)
- Smooth and fast animation update for desktop sub-menus
- Use 20ms padding animation instead of opacity
- Add vars for $dropdown-toggle-size and $use-dropdown-toggle-animation
- Add reminder note about responsive navigation breakpoint width in JS
- Fix demo content navigation padding
- Fix nav toggle visibility on desktop
- Fix sub menu link hover color
- Fix gulp watch task causing CPU hogging
- Remove mqpacker that is causing problems with media queries
- Update packages (linters, postcss and browsersync)
- Bump tested WP version to 5.7
- Cleaner HTML markup for branding (thanks @samikeijonen)
- Add themeDir to all asset file paths/names to match devpackages #75
- Accessibility and best practices: Move skip link to right after body tag
- Add consistent arguments for default button style components
- Off-repository: Add ghost button to the examples
- Fix js task signal async completion
- Fix newtheme.sh theme generate script clean ups for new CSS structure
- Documentation updates for the release cycle
- No default_featured_image by default, improvements to hero #73, Fixes #72
- Fix burger margin that should be only present with label
- Update release cycle steps to documentation
- Update bash alias
- Add packing and cleaning up files part of the same process
- Fix block class post type prefix #71
- Localize add a menu label, Fixes #64
- Change static breakpoints as variables
- Fix styles not injecting to the browser on save
- Fix issue with blockquote flowing out of viewport, Fixes #66
- Fix all relative paths due structure change
- Add missing default title for a blog post
- Fix get_asset_file calls on gutenberg script enqueues
- Check if img element has clientWidth before setting CSS variable
- Fix mistake in CSS class name
- Build production and development JS builds in gulp watch, #63
- Make us of new wp_get_environment_type function in modular content, #65
- Add correct protocol to newtheme script final output
- Update documentation about installing Air-light on any development environment
- Update clean up script bin/air-move-out.sh to clean up cpt files that are not allowed in theme directory because they are "plugin-territory functionality". Also documenting this in this point.
- Fix cpt files not included in official version
- Open changelog to be more consistent with the releases
- Open changelog to be more consistent with the releases