Capability | Description | Values |
automationName |
Which automation engine to use | Appium (default) or Selendroid |
platformName |
Which mobile OS platform to use | iOS , Android , or FirefoxOS |
platformVersion |
Mobile OS version | e.g., 7.1 , 4.4 |
deviceName |
The kind of mobile device or emulator to use | iPhone Simulator , iPad Simulator , iPhone Retina 4-inch , Android Emulator , Galaxy S4 , etc... |
app |
The absolute local path or remote http URL to an .ipa or .apk file, or a .zip containing one of these. Appium will attempt to install this app binary on the appropriate device first. Note that this capability is not required for Android if you specify appPackage and appActivity capabilities (see below). Incompatible with browserName . |
/abs/path/to/my.apk or http://myapp.com/app.ipa |
browserName |
Name of mobile web browser to automate. Should be an empty string if automating an app instead. | 'Safari' for iOS and 'Chrome', 'Chromium', or 'Browser' for Android |
newCommandTimeout |
How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session | e.g. 60 |
autoLaunch |
Whether to have Appium install and launch the app automatically. Default true |
true , false |
language |
(Sim/Emu-only) Language to set for the iOS Simulator | e.g. fr |
locale |
(Sim/Emu-only) Locale to set for the iOS Simulator | e.g. fr_CA |
udid |
Unique device identifier of the connected physical device | e.g. 1ae203187fc012g |
orientation |
(Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation | LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT |
Capability | Description | Values |
appActivity |
Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package | MainActivity , .Settings |
appPackage |
Java package of the Android app you want to run | com.example.android.myApp , com.android.settings |
appWaitActivity |
Activity name for the Android activity you want to wait for | SplashActivity |
appWaitPackage |
Java package of the Android app you want to wait for | com.example.android.myApp , com.android.settings |
deviceReadyTimeout |
Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready | 5 |
androidCoverage |
Fully qualified instrumentation class. Passed to -w in adb shell am instrument -e coverage true -w | com.my.Pkg/com.my.Pkg.instrumentation.MyInstrumentation |
enablePerformanceLogging |
(Chrome and webview only) Enable Chromedriver's performance logging (default false ) |
true , false |
androidDeviceReadyTimeout |
Timeout in seconds used to wait for a device to become ready after booting | e.g., 30 |
avd |
Name of avd to launch | e.g., api19 |
avdLaunchTimeout |
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to launch and connect to ADB (default 120000 ) |
300000 |
avdReadyTimeout |
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to finish its boot animations (default 120000 ) |
300000 |
avdArgs |
Additional emulator arguments used when launching an avd | e.g., -netfast |
useKeystore |
Use a custom keystore to sign apks, default false |
true or false |
keystorePath |
Path to custom keystore, default ~/.android/debug.keystore | e.g., /path/to.keystore |
keystorePassword |
Password for custom keystore | e.g., foo |
keyAlias |
Alias for key | e.g., androiddebugkey |
keyPassword |
Password for key | e.g., foo |
Capability | Description | Values |
calendarFormat |
(Sim-only) Calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator | e.g. gregorian |
bundleId |
Bundle ID of the app under test. Useful for starting an app on a real device or for using other caps which require the bundle ID during test startup | e.g. io.appium.TestApp |
launchTimeout |
Amount of time in ms to wait for instruments before assuming it hung and failing the session | e.g. 20000 |
locationServicesEnabled |
(Sim-only) Force location services to be either on or off. Default is to keep current sim setting. | true or false |
locationServicesAuthorized |
(Sim-only) Set location services to be authorized or not authorized for app via plist, so that location services alert doesn't pop up. Default is to keep current sim setting. Note that if you use this setting you MUST also use the bundleId capability to send in your app's bundle ID. |
true or false |
autoAcceptAlerts |
Accept iOS privacy access permission alerts (e.g., location, contacts, photos) automatically if they pop up. Default is false. | true or false |
nativeInstrumentsLib |
Use native intruments lib (ie disable instruments-without-delay). | true or false |
nativeWebTap |
(Sim-only) Enable "real", non-javascript-based web taps in Safari. Default: false . Warning: depending on viewport size/ratio this might not accurately tap an element |
true or false |
safariAllowPopups |
(Sim-only) Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari. Default keeps current sim setting | true or false |
safariIgnoreFraudWarning |
(Sim-only) Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning. Default keeps current sim setting. | true or false |
safariOpenLinksInBackground |
(Sim-only) Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows. Default keeps current sim setting. | true or false |
keepKeyChains |
(Sim-only) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when appium session is started/finished | true or false |
localizableStringsDir |
Where to look for localizable strings. Default en.lproj |
en.lproj |