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cvat-ui module


This is a client UI for Computer Vision Annotation Tool based on React, Redux and Antd


If you make changes in this package, please do following:

  • After not important changes (typos, bug fixes, refactoring) do: yarn version --patch
  • After adding new features do: yarn version --minor
  • After significant UI redesign do: yarn version --major

Important: If you have changed versions for cvat-core, cvat-canvas, cvat-data, you also need to do yarn install to update package-lock.json


  • Installing dependencies:
cd ../cvat-core && yarn --frozen-lockfile && cd - && yarn --frozen-lockfile
  • Running development UI server with autorebuild on change
yarn run start
  • Building the module from sources in the dist directory:
yarn run build
yarn run build --mode=development     # without a minification

Important: You also have to run CVAT REST API server (please read to correct working since UI gets all necessary data (tasks, users, annotations) from there