iTerm2 colors as JSON, Sass, Scss, Stylus and Less
npm i iterm2-colors
or as dev dependency:
npm i -D iterm2-colors
The files are split into two folders: abstract and functional.
In the abstract
folder, variable names are as defined in the itermcolor files, E.g. ansi-0-color, ansi-8-color, cursor-color.
In the functional
folder, the variable names are declared as they are defined in the preference pane of iTerm2. E.g. black-normal, cyan-highlight, cursor-color. I know, these are not really functional, but hey, no need to mess with this 'set in stone' standard :).
Bugs should be logged over at kevin-smets/iterm2-colors-converter
These files are a straight conversion from mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes. All themes and their screenshots can be found there.