| 1 | + |
| 2 | +# xatu-discovery |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +  |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +Ethereum p2p monitoring tool that discovers node records. |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +**Homepage:** <https://github.com/ethpandaops/xatu> |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +## Values |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +| Key | Type | Default | Description | |
| 13 | +|-----|------|---------|-------------| |
| 14 | +| affinity | object | `{}` | Affinity configuration for pods | |
| 15 | +| annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations for the Deployment | |
| 16 | +| args | list | `[]` | Command arguments | |
| 17 | +| config.coordinator.address | string | `"localhost:8080"` | | |
| 18 | +| config.coordinator.batchTimeout | string | `"5s"` | | |
| 19 | +| config.coordinator.concurrentExecutionPeers | int | `100` | | |
| 20 | +| config.coordinator.exportTimeout | string | `"30s"` | | |
| 21 | +| config.coordinator.headers.authorization | string | `"Someb64Value"` | | |
| 22 | +| config.coordinator.maxExportBatchSize | int | `512` | | |
| 23 | +| config.coordinator.maxQueueSize | int | `51200` | | |
| 24 | +| config.coordinator.tls | bool | `false` | | |
| 25 | +| config.logging | string | `"info"` | | |
| 26 | +| config.metricsAddr | string | `":9090"` | | |
| 27 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[0] | string | `"enr:-Jq4QItoFUuug_n_qbYbU0OY04-np2wT8rUCauOOXNi0H3BWbDj-zbfZb7otA7jZ6flbBpx1LNZK2TDebZ9dEKx84LYBhGV0aDKQtTA_KgEAAAD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcISsaa0ZiXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDHAD2JKYevx89W0CcFJFiskdcEzkH_Wdv9iW42qLK79ODdWRwgiMo"` | | |
| 28 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[10] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QHqVeJ8PPICcWk1vSn_XcSkjOkNiTg6Fmii5j6vUQgvzMc9L1goFnLKgXqBJspJjIsB91LTOleFmyWWrFVATGngBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhAMRHkWJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKLVXFOhp2uX6jeT0DvvDpPcU8FWMjQdR4wMuORMhpX24N1ZHCCIyg"` | | |
| 29 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[11] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QG-2_Md3sZIAUebGYT6g0SMskIml77l6yR-M_JXc-UdNHCmHQeOiMLbylPejyJsdAPsTHJyjJB2sYGDLe0dn8uYBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLY-NyJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQORcM6e19T1T9gi7jxEZjk_sjVLGFscUNqAY9obgZaxbIN1ZHCCIyg"` | | |
| 30 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[12] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QPn5eVhcoF1opaFEvg1b6JNFD2rqVkHQ8HApOKK61OIcIXD127bKWgAtbwI7pnxx6cDyk_nI88TrZKQaGMZj0q0Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhDayLMaJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQK2sBOLGcUb4AwuYzFuAVCaNHA-dy24UuEKkeFNgCVCsIN1ZHCCIyg"` | | |
| 31 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[13] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QEWzdnVtXc2Q0ZVigfCGggOVB2Vc1ZCPEc6j21NIFLODSJbvNaef1g4PxhPwl_3kax86YPheFUSLXPRs98vvYsoBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhDZBrP2Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQM6jr8Rb1ktLEsVcKAPa08wCsKUmvoQ8khiOl_SLozf9IN1ZHCCIyg"` | | |
| 32 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[14] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QFmUkNp0g9bsLX2PfVeIyT-9WO-PZlrqZBNtEyofOOfLMScDjaTzGxIb1Ns9Wo5Pm_8nlq-SZwcQfTH2cgO-s88Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpDkvpOTAAAQIP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLf22SJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQLV_jMOIxKbjHFKgrkFvwDvpexo6Nd58TK5k7ss4Vt0IoN1ZHCCG1g"` | | |
| 33 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[15] | string | `"enr:-LK4QLINdtobGquK7jukLDAKmsrH2ZuHM4k0TklY5jDTD4ZgfxR9weZmo5Jwu81hlKu3qPAvk24xHGBDjYs4o8f1gZ0Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpB53wQoAAAQIP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhDRN_P6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJuNujTgsJUHUgVZML3pzrtgNtYg7rQ4K1tkWERgl0DdoN0Y3CCIyiDdWRwgiMo"` | | |
| 34 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[16] | string | `"enr:-LK4QH1xnjotgXwg25IDPjrqRGFnH1ScgNHA3dv1Z8xHCp4uP3N3Jjl_aYv_WIxQRdwZvSukzbwspXZ7JjpldyeVDzMCh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpB53wQoAAAQIP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhIe1te-Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQOkcGXqbCJYbcClZ3z5f6NWhX_1YPFRYRRWQpJjwSHpVIN0Y3CCIyiDdWRwgiMo"` | | |
| 35 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[17] | string | `"enr:-Ly4QFPk-cTMxZ3jWTafiNblEZkQIXGF2aVzCIGW0uHp6KaEAvBMoctE8S7YU0qZtuS7By0AA4YMfKoN9ls_GJRccVpFh2F0dG5ldHOI__________-EZXRoMpCC9KcrAgAQIIS2AQAAAAAAgmlkgnY0gmlwhKh3joWJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQKrxz8M1IHwJqRIpDqdVW_U1PeixMW5SfnBD-8idYIQrIhzeW5jbmV0cw-DdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 36 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[18] | string | `"enr:-L64QJmwSDtaHVgGiqIxJWUtxWg6uLCipsms6j-8BdsOJfTWAs7CLF9HJnVqFE728O-JYUDCxzKvRdeMqBSauHVCMdaCAVWHYXR0bmV0c4j__________4RldGgykIL0pysCABAghLYBAAAAAACCaWSCdjSCaXCEQWxOdolzZWNwMjU2azGhA7Qmod9fK86WidPOzLsn5_8QyzL7ZcJ1Reca7RnD54vuiHN5bmNuZXRzD4N0Y3CCIyiDdWRwgiMo"` | | |
| 37 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[19] | string | `"enr:-KG4QCIzJZTY_fs_2vqWEatJL9RrtnPwDCv-jRBuO5FQ2qBrfJubWOWazri6s9HsyZdu-fRUfEzkebhf1nvO42_FVzwDhGV0aDKQed8EKAAAECD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcISHtbYziXNlY3AyNTZrMaED4m9AqVs6F32rSCGsjtYcsyfQE2K8nDiGmocUY_iq-TSDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 38 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[1] | string | `"enr:-Jq4QN_YBsUOqQsty1OGvYv48PMaiEt1AzGD1NkYQHaxZoTyVGqMYXg0K9c0LPNWC9pkXmggApp8nygYLsQwScwAgfgBhGV0aDKQtTA_KgEAAAD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcISLosQxiXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDBJj7_dLFACaxBfaI8KZTh_SSJUjhyAyfshimvSqo22WDdWRwgiMo"` | | |
| 39 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[20] | string | `"enr:-Iq4QMCTfIMXnow27baRUb35Q8iiFHSIDBJh6hQM5Axohhf4b6Kr_cOCu0htQ5WvVqKvFgY28893DHAg8gnBAXsAVqmGAX53x8JggmlkgnY0gmlwhLKAlv6Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQK6S-Cii_KmfFdUJL2TANL3ksaKUnNXvTCv1tLwXs0QgIN1ZHCCIyk"` | | |
| 40 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[21] | string | `"enr:-KG4QE5OIg5ThTjkzrlVF32WT_-XT14WeJtIz2zoTqLLjQhYAmJlnk4ItSoH41_2x0RX0wTFIe5GgjRzU2u7Q1fN4vADhGV0aDKQqP7o7pAAAHAyAAAAAAAAAIJpZIJ2NIJpcISlFsStiXNlY3AyNTZrMaEC-Rrd_bBZwhKpXzFCrStKp1q_HmGOewxY3KwM8ofAj_ODdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 41 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[22] | string | `"enr:-Ly4QFoZTWR8ulxGVsWydTNGdwEESueIdj-wB6UmmjUcm-AOPxnQi7wprzwcdo7-1jBW_JxELlUKJdJES8TDsbl1EdNlh2F0dG5ldHOI__78_v2bsV-EZXRoMpA2-lATkAAAcf__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLYJjGJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQI0gujXac9rMAb48NtMqtSTyHIeNYlpjkbYpWJw46PmYYhzeW5jbmV0cw-DdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 42 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[2] | string | `"enr:-KG4QOtcP9X1FbIMOe17QNMKqDxCpm14jcX5tiOE4_TyMrFqbmhPZHK_ZPG2Gxb1GE2xdtodOfx9-cgvNtxnRyHEmC0ghGV0aDKQ9aX9QgAAAAD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcIQDE8KdiXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDhpehBDbZjM_L9ek699Y7vhUJ-eAdMyQW_Fil522Y0fODdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 43 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[3] | string | `"enr:-KG4QDyytgmE4f7AnvW-ZaUOIi9i79qX4JwjRAiXBZCU65wOfBu-3Nb5I7b_Rmg3KCOcZM_C3y5pg7EBU5XGrcLTduQEhGV0aDKQ9aX9QgAAAAD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcIQ2_DUbiXNlY3AyNTZrMaEDKnz_-ps3UUOfHWVYaskI5kWYO_vtYMGYCQRAR3gHDouDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 44 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[4] | string | `"enr:-KG4QL-eqFoHy0cI31THvtZjpYUu_Jdw_MO7skQRJxY1g5HTN1A0epPCU6vi0gLGUgrzpU-ygeMSS8ewVxDpKfYmxMMGhGV0aDKQtTA_KgAAAAD__________4JpZIJ2NIJpcIQ2_DUbiXNlY3AyNTZrMaED8GJ2vzUqgL6-KD1xalo1CsmY4X1HaDnyl6Y_WayCo9GDdGNwgiMog3VkcIIjKA"` | | |
| 45 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[5] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QImhMc1z8yCiNJ1TyUxdcfNucje3BGwEHzodEZUan8PherEo4sF7pPHPSIB1NNuSg5fZy7qFsjmUKs2ea1Whi0EBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpD1pf1CAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLf22SJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQOVphkDqal4QzPMksc5wnpuC3gvSC8AfbFOnZY_On34wIN1ZHCCIyg"` | | |
| 46 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[6] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QP2xDnEtUXIjzJ_DhlCRN9SN99RYQPJL92TMlSv7U5C1YnYLjwOQHgZIUXw6c-BvRg2Yc2QsZxxoS_pPRVe0yK8Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpD1pf1CAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLf22SJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQMeFF5GrS7UZpAH2Ly84aLK-TyvH-dRo0JM1i8yygH50YN1ZHCCJxA"` | | |
| 47 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[7] | string | `"enr:-Ku4QPp9z1W4tAO8Ber_NQierYaOStqhDqQdOPY3bB3jDgkjcbk6YrEnVYIiCBbTxuar3CzS528d2iE7TdJsrL-dEKoBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpD1pf1CAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhBLf22SJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQMw5fqqkw2hHC4F5HZZDPsNmPdB1Gi8JPQK7pRc9XHh-oN1ZHCCKvg"` | | |
| 48 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[8] | string | `"enr:-LK4QA8FfhaAjlb_BXsXxSfiysR7R52Nhi9JBt4F8SPssu8hdE1BXQQEtVDC3qStCW60LSO7hEsVHv5zm8_6Vnjhcn0Bh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhAN4aBKJc2VjcDI1NmsxoQJerDhsJ-KxZ8sHySMOCmTO6sHM3iCFQ6VMvLTe948MyYN0Y3CCI4yDdWRwgiOM"` | | |
| 49 | +| config.p2p.config.bootNodes[9] | string | `"enr:-LK4QKWrXTpV9T78hNG6s8AM6IO4XH9kFT91uZtFg1GcsJ6dKovDOr1jtAAFPnS2lvNltkOGA9k29BUN7lFh_sjuc9QBh2F0dG5ldHOIAAAAAAAAAACEZXRoMpC1MD8qAAAAAP__________gmlkgnY0gmlwhANAdd-Jc2VjcDI1NmsxoQLQa6ai7y9PMN5hpLe5HmiJSlYzMuzP7ZhwRiwHvqNXdoN0Y3CCI4yDdWRwgiOM"` | | |
| 50 | +| config.p2p.config.discV4 | bool | `true` | | |
| 51 | +| config.p2p.config.discV5 | bool | `true` | | |
| 52 | +| config.p2p.config.restart | string | `"120s"` | | |
| 53 | +| config.p2p.type | string | `"static"` | | |
| 54 | +| containerSecurityContext | object | See `values.yaml` | The security context for containers | |
| 55 | +| customArgs | list | `[]` | Custom args for the xatu container | |
| 56 | +| customCommand | list | `[]` | Command replacement for the xatu container | |
| 57 | +| extraContainers | list | `[]` | Additional containers | |
| 58 | +| extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional env variables | |
| 59 | +| extraPorts | list | `[]` | Additional ports. Useful when using extraContainers | |
| 60 | +| extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volume mounts | |
| 61 | +| extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional volumes | |
| 62 | +| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the chart's computed fullname | |
| 63 | +| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | xatu container pull policy | |
| 64 | +| image.repository | string | `"ethpandaops/xatu"` | xatu container image repository | |
| 65 | +| image.tag | string | `"latest"` | xatu container image tag | |
| 66 | +| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | Image pull secrets for Docker images | |
| 67 | +| initContainers | list | `[]` | Additional init containers | |
| 68 | +| livenessProbe | object | See `values.yaml` | Liveness probe | |
| 69 | +| nameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the chart's name | |
| 70 | +| nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Node selector for pods | |
| 71 | +| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Pod annotations | |
| 72 | +| podDisruptionBudget | object | `{}` | Define the PodDisruptionBudget spec If not set then a PodDisruptionBudget will not be created | |
| 73 | +| podLabels | object | `{}` | Pod labels | |
| 74 | +| priorityClassName | string | `nil` | Pod priority class | |
| 75 | +| readinessProbe | object | See `values.yaml` | Readiness probe | |
| 76 | +| replicas | int | `1` | Number of replicas | |
| 77 | +| resources | object | `{}` | Resource requests and limits | |
| 78 | +| secretEnv | object | `{}` | Secret env variables injected via a created secret | |
| 79 | +| securityContext | object | See `values.yaml` | The security context for pods | |
| 80 | +| service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | Service type | |
| 81 | +| serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to the service account | |
| 82 | +| serviceAccount.create | bool | `false` | Specifies whether a service account should be created | |
| 83 | +| serviceAccount.name | string | `""` | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | |
| 84 | +| serviceMonitor.annotations | object | `{}` | Additional ServiceMonitor annotations | |
| 85 | +| serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | `false` | If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator | |
| 86 | +| serviceMonitor.interval | string | `"15s"` | ServiceMonitor scrape interval | |
| 87 | +| serviceMonitor.labels | object | `{}` | Additional ServiceMonitor labels | |
| 88 | +| serviceMonitor.namespace | string | `nil` | Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor | |
| 89 | +| serviceMonitor.path | string | `"/metrics"` | Path to scrape | |
| 90 | +| serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` | ServiceMonitor relabelings | |
| 91 | +| serviceMonitor.scheme | string | `"http"` | ServiceMonitor scheme | |
| 92 | +| serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | `"30s"` | ServiceMonitor scrape timeout | |
| 93 | +| serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | `{}` | ServiceMonitor TLS configuration | |
| 94 | +| terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | `30` | How long to wait until the pod is forcefully terminated | |
| 95 | +| tolerations | list | `[]` | Tolerations for pods | |
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