| 1 | + |
| 2 | +# web3signer |
| 3 | + |
| 4 | +  |
| 5 | + |
| 6 | +Web3Signer is capable of signing on multiple platforms using private keys stored in an external vault, or encrypted on a disk. |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +**Homepage:** <https://github.com/Consensys/web3signer/> |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +## Requirements |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +| Repository | Name | Version | |
| 13 | +|------------|------|---------| |
| 14 | +| https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami | slashingprotectiondb(postgresql) | 11.x.x | |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +## Values |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | +| Key | Type | Default | Description | |
| 19 | +|-----|------|---------|-------------| |
| 20 | +| affinity | object | `{}` | Affinity configuration for pods | |
| 21 | +| annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations for the StatefulSet | |
| 22 | +| config | string | See `values.yaml` | Config file | |
| 23 | +| containerSecurityContext | object | See `values.yaml` | The security context for containers | |
| 24 | +| customCommand | list | `[]` | Command replacement for the web3signer container | |
| 25 | +| extraArgs | list | `[]` | Extra args for the web3signer container | |
| 26 | +| extraContainers | list | `[]` | Additional containers | |
| 27 | +| extraEnv | list | `[]` | Additional env variables | |
| 28 | +| extraPorts | list | `[]` | Additional ports. Useful when using extraContainers | |
| 29 | +| extraVolumeMounts | list | `[]` | Additional volume mounts | |
| 30 | +| extraVolumes | list | `[]` | Additional volumes | |
| 31 | +| fullnameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the chart's computed fullname | |
| 32 | +| httpPort | int | `9000` | | |
| 33 | +| image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | web3signer container pull policy | |
| 34 | +| image.repository | string | `"consensys/web3signer"` | web3signer container image repository | |
| 35 | +| image.tag | string | `"22.10.0"` | web3signer container image tag | |
| 36 | +| imagePullSecrets | list | `[]` | Image pull secrets for Docker images | |
| 37 | +| ingress.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations for Ingress | |
| 38 | +| ingress.enabled | bool | `false` | Ingress resource for the HTTP API | |
| 39 | +| ingress.hosts[0].host | string | `"chart-example.local"` | | |
| 40 | +| ingress.hosts[0].paths | list | `[]` | | |
| 41 | +| ingress.tls | list | `[]` | Ingress TLS | |
| 42 | +| initChownData.enabled | bool | `true` | Init container to set the correct permissions to access data directories | |
| 43 | +| initChownData.image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | Container pull policy | |
| 44 | +| initChownData.image.repository | string | `"busybox"` | Container repository | |
| 45 | +| initChownData.image.tag | string | `"1.34.1"` | Container tag | |
| 46 | +| initChownData.resources | object | `{}` | Resource requests and limits | |
| 47 | +| initContainers | list | `[]` | Additional init containers | |
| 48 | +| livenessProbe | object | See `values.yaml` | Liveness probe | |
| 49 | +| metricsPort | int | `9001` | | |
| 50 | +| nameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the chart's name | |
| 51 | +| nodeSelector | object | `{}` | Node selector for pods | |
| 52 | +| persistence.accessModes | list | `["ReadWriteOnce"]` | Access mode for the volume claim template | |
| 53 | +| persistence.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations for volume claim template | |
| 54 | +| persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | Uses an EmptyDir when not enabled | |
| 55 | +| persistence.existingClaim | string | `nil` | Use an existing PVC when persistence.enabled | |
| 56 | +| persistence.selector | object | `{}` | Selector for volume claim template | |
| 57 | +| persistence.size | string | `"1Gi"` | Requested size for volume claim template | |
| 58 | +| persistence.storageClassName | string | `nil` | Use a specific storage class E.g 'local-path' for local storage to achieve best performance Read more (https://github.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner) | |
| 59 | +| podAnnotations | object | `{}` | Pod annotations | |
| 60 | +| podDisruptionBudget | object | `{}` | Define the PodDisruptionBudget spec If not set then a PodDisruptionBudget will not be created | |
| 61 | +| podLabels | object | `{}` | Pod labels | |
| 62 | +| podManagementPolicy | string | `"OrderedReady"` | Pod management policy | |
| 63 | +| priorityClassName | string | `nil` | Pod priority class | |
| 64 | +| readinessProbe | object | See `values.yaml` | Readiness probe | |
| 65 | +| replicas | int | `1` | Number of replicas | |
| 66 | +| resources | object | `{}` | Resource requests and limits | |
| 67 | +| secretEnv | object | `{}` | Additional env variables injected via a created secret | |
| 68 | +| securityContext | object | See `values.yaml` | The security context for pods | |
| 69 | +| service.type | string | `"ClusterIP"` | Service type | |
| 70 | +| serviceAccount.annotations | object | `{}` | Annotations to add to the service account | |
| 71 | +| serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Specifies whether a service account should be created | |
| 72 | +| serviceAccount.name | string | `""` | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | |
| 73 | +| serviceMonitor.annotations | object | `{}` | Additional ServiceMonitor annotations | |
| 74 | +| serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | `false` | If true, a ServiceMonitor CRD is created for a prometheus operator https://github.com/coreos/prometheus-operator | |
| 75 | +| serviceMonitor.interval | string | `"1m"` | ServiceMonitor scrape interval | |
| 76 | +| serviceMonitor.labels | object | `{}` | Additional ServiceMonitor labels | |
| 77 | +| serviceMonitor.namespace | string | `nil` | Alternative namespace for ServiceMonitor | |
| 78 | +| serviceMonitor.path | string | `"/metrics"` | Path to scrape | |
| 79 | +| serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | `[]` | ServiceMonitor relabelings | |
| 80 | +| serviceMonitor.scheme | string | `"http"` | ServiceMonitor scheme | |
| 81 | +| serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | `"30s"` | ServiceMonitor scrape timeout | |
| 82 | +| serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | `{}` | ServiceMonitor TLS configuration | |
| 83 | +| slashingprotectiondb.auth.enablePostgresUser | bool | `true` | | |
| 84 | +| slashingprotectiondb.auth.postgresPassword | string | `"postgres"` | | |
| 85 | +| slashingprotectiondb.enabled | bool | `true` | If enabled a postgres chart will be deployed as a dependency to be used as a slashing protection database | |
| 86 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | `"/sql-scripts"` | | |
| 87 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.extraVolumeMounts[0].name | string | `"sql-scripts"` | | |
| 88 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.extraVolumes[0].emptyDir | object | `{}` | | |
| 89 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.extraVolumes[0].name | string | `"sql-scripts"` | | |
| 90 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].command[0] | string | `"bash"` | | |
| 91 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].command[1] | string | `"-acex"` | | |
| 92 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].command[2] | string | `"cd /sql-scripts; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00001__initial.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00002__removeUniqueConstraints.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00003__addLowWatermark.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00004__addGenesisValidatorsRoot.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00005__xnor_source_target_low_watermark.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00006__signed_data_indexes.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00007__add_db_version.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00008__signed_data_unique_constraints.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00009__upsert_validators.sql; wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ConsenSys/web3signer/22.10.0/slashing-protection/src/main/resources/migrations/postgresql/V00010__validator_enabled_status.sql;\n"` | | |
| 93 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].image | string | `"bash:latest"` | | |
| 94 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].imagePullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | | |
| 95 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].name | string | `"init-sql-migration-scripts"` | | |
| 96 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | `false` | | |
| 97 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].securityContext.runAsUser | int | `0` | | |
| 98 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath | string | `"/sql-scripts"` | | |
| 99 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name | string | `"sql-scripts"` | | |
| 100 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initdb.password | string | `"postgres"` | | |
| 101 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initdb.scripts."init_00.sql" | string | `"CREATE DATABASE web3signer;\n"` | | |
| 102 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initdb.scripts."init_02_db.sh" | string | `"#!/bin/sh\nexport PGPASSWORD=postgres\ncd /sql-scripts\nfor FILE in *.sql; do\n psql -U postgres -h -d web3signer -f $FILE\ndone\n"` | | |
| 103 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.initdb.user | string | `"postgres"` | | |
| 104 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.name | string | `"web3signer"` | | |
| 105 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.persistence.enabled | bool | `true` | Uses an EmptyDir when not enabled | |
| 106 | +| slashingprotectiondb.primary.persistence.size | string | `"1Gi"` | | |
| 107 | +| terminationGracePeriodSeconds | int | `300` | How long to wait until the pod is forcefully terminated | |
| 108 | +| tolerations | list | `[]` | Tolerations for pods | |
| 109 | +| updateStrategy | object | `{"type":"RollingUpdate"}` | Update stategy for the Statefulset | |
| 110 | +| updateStrategy.type | string | `"RollingUpdate"` | Update stategy type | |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +# Examples |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | +## Configure Slashing Protection Database |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | +The chart supports a PostgreSQL Database that will be used for slashing protection by default. |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +```yaml |
| 119 | +slashingprotectiondb: |
| 120 | + enabled: true |
| 121 | +``` |
| 122 | +
| 123 | +If you would like to disable this feature, you could disable it by setting `slashingprotectiondb.enable=false`. Only do this if you know what you're doing. |
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