suside / kargo
Forked from kubernetes-sigs/kubespraySetup a kubernetes cluster
suside / ramda
Forked from ramda/ramda🐏 Practical functional Javascript
NodeJS bindings for strsim-rs, a Rust implementation of string similarity metrics.
suside / libphonenumber
Forked from Currency-One/libphonenumberGoogle's libphonenumber as an easily included JavaScript library.
suside / haproxy-consul
Forked from CiscoCloud/haproxy-consulDynamic haproxy configuration using consul
Dockerfile for building lightweight nginx + rtmp module for replicating streams
suside / passfield
Forked from antelle/passfieldAdvanced javascript password field
suside / xhprof
Forked from phacility/xhprofXHProf is a function-level hierarchical profiler for PHP and has a simple HTML based user interface. The raw data collection component is implemented in C (as a PHP extension). The reporting/UI lay…
suside / git-cola
Forked from git-cola/git-colagit-cola: The highly caffeinated git GUI
🔢 Version your React Native app in a `npm version` fashion.
Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)
suside / xDrip
Forked from NightscoutFoundation/xDripNightscout version of xDrip+
thisredone / toxiclibsjs
Forked from hapticdata/toxiclibsjsToxiclibsjs is a library for computational design tasks with JavaScript. This library is a port of for java and processing. ruby client
thisredone / elm-reactor
Forked from elm-lang/elm-reactorInteractive development tool that makes it easy to develop and debug Elm programs.
A simple Vue.js datepicker component. Supports disabling of dates, inline mode, translations
thisredone / firebaseui-web
Forked from firebase/firebaseui-webFirebaseUI is an open-source JavaScript library for Web that provides simple, customizable UI bindings on top of Firebase SDKs to eliminate boilerplate code and promote best practices.
NodeJS Client Library for the Kraken ( API
thisredone /
Forked from bayleedev/pry.js🔬 A REPL for Node.
thisredone / intersects
Forked from davidfig/intersectsa simple collection of 2d collision/intersects functions. Supports points, circles, ellipses, lines, axis-aligned boxes, and polygons
thisredone / Unreal.js
Forked from ncsoft/Unreal.jsUnreal.js: Javascript runtime built for UnrealEngine 4
PlayCanvas CoffeeScript 2/Babel/ES6/WebPack template
thisredone / iota.lib.js
Forked from iotaledger/iota.jsIOTA Javascript Library
thisredone / phaser
Forked from phaserjs/phaserPhaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
📦 Any dimensional box intersection
thisredone / rbush-knn
Forked from mourner/rbush-knnk-nearest neighbors search (KNN) for RBush
intersect a ray and triangle in 3 dimensions