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tr1xem / hyprfabricated
Forked from Axenide/Ax-ShellA hackable shell for Hyprland, powered by Fabric.
hunkyburrito / xdg-desktop-portal-termfilechooser
Forked from boydaihungst/xdg-desktop-portal-termfilechooserxdg-desktop-portal backend for choosing files with your favorite file chooser
Otar91 / 50apps_Python
Forked from qxresearch/qxresearch-event-1Python hands on tutorial with 50+ Python Application (10 lines of code) @xiaowuc2
Código LaTeX de Think Python, 2nd edition, en español.
bighu630 / hycov
Forked from DreamMaoMao/hycovhyprland overview mode plugin,a new tile window workflow
NeoApplications / Neo-Backup
Forked from jensstein/oandbackupbackup manager for android
Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components