The Apache ActiveMQ mixin is a set of configurable Grafana dashboards and alerts.
The Apache ActiveMQ mixin contains the following dashboards:
- Apache ActiveMQ cluster overview
- Apache ActiveMQ instance overview
- Apache ActiveMQ queue overview
- Apache ActiveMQ topic overview
- Apache ActiveMQ logs overview
and the following alerts:
- ApacheActiveMQHighTopicMemoryUsage
- ApacheActiveMQHighQueueMemoryUsage
- ApacheActiveMQHighStoreMemoryUsage
- ApacheActiveMQHighTemporaryMemoryUsage
The Apache ActiveMQ cluster overview provides cluster level statistics showing cluster count, broker count, producer counts, consumer counts, overall memory level usage, and a general look into enqueue/dequeue counts.
The Apache ActiveMQ instance overview provides instance level statistics showing memory levels, producer counts, consumer counts, queue sizes, enqueue/dequeue counts, average enqueue times, expired message counts, jvm garabage collection info, and alerts.
The Apache ActiveMQ queue overview provides queue level statistics showing number of queues, message size, producer counts, consumer counts, enqueue/dequeue rates, average enqueue times, expired message rates, and average size of messages.
The Apache ActiveMQ topic overview provides queue level statistics showing number of topics, message size, producer counts, consumer counts, enqueue/dequeue rates, average enqueue times, expired message rates, and average size of messages.
The Apache ActiveMQ logs overview provides logs of the ActiveMQ environment that is able to be parsed by severity. #
- ApacheActiveMQHighTopicMemoryUsage: Topic destination memory usage is high which may result in a reduction of the rate at which producers send messages.
- ApacheActiveMQHighQueueMemoryUsage: Queue destination memory usage is high which may result in a reduction of the rate at which producers send messages.
- ApacheActiveMQHighStoreMemoryUsage: Store memory usage is high which may result in producers unable to send messages.
- ApacheActiveMQHighTemporaryMemoryUsage: Temporary memory usage is high which may result in saturation of messaging throughput.
Default thresholds can be configured in config.libsonnet
_config+:: {
dashboardTags: ['apache-activemq-mixin'],
dashboardPeriod: 'now-1h',
dashboardTimezone: 'default',
dashboardRefresh: '1m',
// alerts thresholds
alertsHighTopicMemoryUsage: 70, // %
alertsHighQueueMemoryUsage: 70, // %
alertsHighStoreMemoryUsage: 70, // %
alertsHighTemporaryMemoryUsage: 70, // %
enableLokiLogs: false,
filterSelector: 'job=~"integrations/apache-activemq"',
In order to get logs parsing multiple lines and levels correctly you will need to add the following lines to your grafana-agent.yaml file in the logs section
- multiline:
firstline: '^[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2} [\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2},[\d]{3}'
- regex:
expression: '(?P<timestamp>[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2} [\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2},[\d]{3}) \| (?P<level>\w+) \| (?P<message>.*?) \| (
?P<class>[\w\.]+) \| (?P<thread>\w+)'
- labels:
go install
go install
For linting and formatting, you would also need jsonnetfmt
installed. If you
have a working Go development environment, it's easiest to run the following:
go install
The files in dashboards_out
need to be imported
into your Grafana server. The exact details will be depending on your environment.
needs to be imported into Prometheus.
Edit config.libsonnet
if required and then build JSON dashboard files for Grafana:
For more advanced uses of mixins, see