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This tool can:

  • Analyze relationships between rules
  • Analyze impacts of changing a rule
  • Visualize the graph using Dot language format. Simple text format is also available.

This is an experimental feature. The APIs may change in future versions.


You can find an example usage in

  1. Have drools-impact-analysis-graph-graphviz in your project dependency
  1. Create a KieFileSystem to store your assets as usual. Then call KieBuilder.buildAll(ImpactAnalysisProject.class). You can get AnalysisModel.
        // set up KieFileSystem
        KieBuilder kieBuilder = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieBuilder(kfs).buildAll(ImpactAnalysisProject.class);
        ImpactAnalysisKieModule analysisKieModule = (ImpactAnalysisKieModule) kieBuilder.getKieModule();
        AnalysisModel analysisModel = analysisKieModule.getAnalysisModel();
  1. Convert the AnalysisModel to Graph using ModelToGraphConverter
        ModelToGraphConverter converter = new ModelToGraphConverter();
        Graph graph = converter.toGraph(analysisModel);
  1. Specify a rule which you plan to change. ImpactAnalysisHelper will produce a sub graph which contains the changed rule and impacted rules
        ImpactAnalysisHelper impactFilter = new ImpactAnalysisHelper();
        Graph impactedSubGraph = impactFilter.filterImpactedNodes(graph, "org.drools.impact.analysis.example.PriceCheck_11");
  1. Generate a graph image using GraphImageGenerator. You can choose the format from DOT, SVG and PNG.
        GraphImageGenerator generator = new GraphImageGenerator("example-impacted-sub-graph");
  • DOT : Quick. Can be visualized by other Graphviz tools
  • SVG : Quicker than PNG
  • PNG : Slow. Probably not useful for a large number of rules
  1. Simple text output is also available using TextReporter. You can choose the format from HierarchyText and FlatText.
        String hierarchyText = TextReporter.toHierarchyText(impactedSubGraph);


  • Typical use case is to view an impacted sub graph. Red node is a changed rule. Yellow nodes are impacted rules. Solid arrow represents positive impact, where the source rule activates the target rule. Dashed arrow represents negative impact, where the source rule deactivates the target rule. Dotted arrow represents unknown impact, where the source rule may activate or deactivate the target rule.


  • Whole graph could be too large if you have many rules.


  • You can collapse the graph based on rule name prefix (= RuleSet in spreadsheet) using GraphCollapsionHelper. It will help you to see the overview. You can also use ImpactAnalysisHelper to the collapsed graph.
        Graph collapsedGraph = new GraphCollapsionHelper().collapseWithRuleNamePrefix(graph);
        Graph impactedCollapsedSubGraph = impactFilter.filterImpactedNodes(collapsedGraph, "org.drools.impact.analysis.example.PriceCheck");


  • You can filter the relations by giving positiveOnly to true for ModelToGraphConverter, ImpactAnalysisHelper and GraphCollapsionHelper constructor. So you can view only positive relations.
        ModelToGraphConverter converter = new ModelToGraphConverter(true);
        Graph graph = converter.toGraph(analysisModel);
        ImpactAnalysisHelper impactFilter = new ImpactAnalysisHelper(true);
        Graph impactedSubGraph = impactFilter.filterImpactedNodes(graph, "org.drools.impact.analysis.example.PriceCheck_11");


  • If the number of rules is very large, text output would be useful. [*] is a changed rule. [+] is impacted rules. A rule with parentheses means a circular reference so it doesn't render further.
--- toHierarchyText ---
Inventory shortage[+]
  (Inventory shortage)

--- toFlatText ---
Inventory shortage[+]
  • You can also view backward relationship. Use ImpactAnalysisHelper.filterImpactingNodes and specify the target rule so you can view rules which impacts on it. Orange node is a target rule. Light blue nodes are impacting rules.
        Graph impactingSubGraph = impactFilter.filterImpactingNodes(graph, "org.drools.impact.analysis.example.StatusCheck_11");



If you get the warning message when rendering SVG or PNG:

graphviz-java failed to render an image. Solutions would be:
1. Install graphviz tools in your local machine. graphviz-java will use graphviz command line binary (e.g. /usr/bin/dot) if available.
2. Consider generating a graph in DOT format and then visualize it with an external tool.

You would need to install graphviz tools in your local machine. If not possible, you would need to generate the graph in DOT format so that you can render it with another tool later on.