OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
Original Caffe Version for LightCNN-9. Highly recommend to use PyTorch Version (
S³FD: Single Shot Scale-invariant Face Detector, ICCV, 2017
Learning to Track: Online Multi-Object Tracking by Decision Making
NormFace: L2 HyperSphere Embedding for Face Verification, 99.21% on LFW
Code and some data for 'Recurrent Scale Approximation for Object Detection in CNN' in ICCV 2017
Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Visual Tracking (ICCV 2015)
A collection of common affinity-based image matting and matte refinement algorithms.
Camera Calibration for Video Surveillance Toolbox
Implement of 'Beyond Frontal Faces: Improving Person Recognition Using Multiple Cues' by Ning Zhang, et al
This project provides Matlab code and verification data for paper entitled "A joint calibration method for monocular speckle structured light system".