Sample application that uses the Azure IoT Dotnet SDK to send telemetry messages to the Azure IoT Hub cloud service or to an Azure IoT Edge device. The sample demonstrates how to connect and send messages using a protocol of your choices as a parameter.
As a prerequisite you will need the DotNet Core SDK installed on your dev box. To build the sample, copy the contents of this directory on your dev box and follow the instructions below.
$> cd EdgeDownstreamDevice
$> dotnet build
Before running the sample, edit the file Properties/launchSettings.json and add the connection string and CA certificate
Connection String:
IoT Edge connection string:;DeviceId=yourDevice;SharedAccessKey=XXXYYYZZZ=;
Just for reference, here is the IoT Hub connection string format:;DeviceId=yourDevice;SharedAccessKey=XXXYYYZZZ=;
Number of messages to send - Expressed in decimal
Path to trusted CA certificate: For the Edge Hub, if the CA is not a public root, a path to the root CA certificate in PEM format is absolutely required. This is optional if the root certificate is installed in the trusted certificate store of the OS.
$> dotnet run
If everything was correctly provided via the CLI arguments, the following should be observed on stdout
Edge downstream device attempting to send 10 messages to Edge Hub...
9/27/2018 3:25:57 PM> Sending message: 0, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":0,"temperature":34,"humidity":75}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 1, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":1,"temperature":24,"humidity":76}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 2, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":2,"temperature":33,"humidity":64}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 3, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":3,"temperature":34,"humidity":74}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 4, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":4,"temperature":31,"humidity":64}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 5, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":5,"temperature":28,"humidity":76}]
9/27/2018 3:26:05 PM> Sending message: 6, Data: [{MyFirstDownstreamDevice "messageId":6,"temperature":31,"humidity":62}]