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File metadata and controls

383 lines (268 loc) · 21.3 KB

Project Sprint 2 (d2)

InsightUBC Room Expansion + Query Aggregation

Deliverable 1 built a query engine to answer queries about UBC course sections. This deliverable will extend the input data to include data about the physical spaces where classes are held on campus. This deliverable will extend your d1 solution so you must continue to work with the same partner using the same repository. You will not have to hand anything in; we will automatically analyze your repo on every push between when the deliverable is released and the due date specified here.

Also, the built query language was fairly simple, as you could not construct queries that would let you aggregate and compute values on the results of queries. In other words, the query engine returned data on a section-by-section basis. This deliverable will expand the query engine to enable result computation (e.g., to figure out the average for a course or figure out the number of seats for a building).

As with D1, functional correctness comprises 80% of your grade and coverage comprises 20%.

Important note:

Autobot will create a pull request in your repos during the first week of this sprint. It will contain some changes to your project regarding linting. It is a very good idea to carefully look at this pull request and what Autobot wants to merge into your projects.


This data has been obtained from the UBC Building and classrooms listing (although a few years ago). The data is provided as a zip file: inside of the zip you will find index.htm which specifies each building on campus. The links in the index.htm link to files also in the zip containing details about each building and its rooms in HTML format.

The dataset file can be found here: This dataset should result in 364 rooms (i.e. a listDataset would show numRows: 364).

Checking the validity of the dataset

A valid dataset:

  • Has to be a valid zip file; this zip will contain files and subdirectories under a folder called rooms/. This directory name will not vary with the dataset id.
  • Valid buildings will always be in HTML format.
  • Missing (i.e. Empty string) values found in valid elements are okay.
  • If a building contains no rooms at all, skip over it.
  • If a building does not elicit a valid geolocation, skip over it.
  • A valid dataset has to contain at least one valid room that meets the requirements above.

Additionally, in valid zips the following will always be true:

  • There is a single index.htm file per dataset in the rooms/ directory of the zip.
  • All HTML elements and attributes associated with target data will be present in the same forms as in the provided zip file. For example, a <div/> with the id "room-data" surrounding target fields will always be present in a valid dataset if it is present in the original dataset.

Reading and Parsing the Dataset

As with Deliverable 1, you will need to parse valid input files into internal objects or other data structures. You must also write a copy of the model to disk, and should be able to load these files to be queried if necessary. These files should be saved to the <PROJECT_DIR>/data directory. Make sure not to commit these files to version control, as this may cause unpredicted test failures.

There is a provided package called parse5 that you should use to parse the HTML files into a more convenient to traverse JSON format (you should only need the parse method). We will call addDataset with rooms for the InsightDatasetKind. Parse5 also has an online playground where you can see the structure of a Document, which is the output of a parsed HTML file. You must traverse this document in order to extract the building/rooms.

You should only parse buildings that are linked to from the index.htm file. There may be more building files in the zip, but they can be ignored.

Other HTML assumptions

  • You cannot assume that any given HTML file only contains one <table/> element. However when given a table containing valid building data, you can assume that that table is the only table with pertinent data present in the file.
  • HTML elements may exist in different relative locations between different HTML trees.

Finding the geolocation of each building

In addition to parsing the HTML files, you must encode buildings' addresses to a latitude/longitude pair. This is usually performed using online web services. To avoid problems with our spamming different geolocation providers we will be providing a web service for you to use for this purpose. To obtain the geolocation of an address, you must send a GET request (using the http module) to:<TEAM NUMBER>/<ADDRESS>

Where ADDRESS should be the URL-encoded version of an address (e.g., 6245 Agronomy Road V6T 1Z4 should be represented as 6245%20Agronomy%20Road%20V6T%201Z4). Addresses should be given exactly as they appear in the data files, or 404 will be returned.

The response will match the following interface (either you will get lat & lon, or error, but never both):

interface GeoResponse {
    lat?: number;
    lon?: number;
    error?: string;

Since we are hosting this service it could be killed by DOS attacks, please try not to overload the service. You should only need to query this when you are processing the initial dataset, not when you are answering queries.

To handle the requests, you must use the http package. If you try to update your project with other third party packages AutoTest will fail in unpredictable ways.

Query Engine

Regarding the query engine, the primary objective of this deliverable is twofold: (i) extend the query language to accommodate queries to a new dataset, i.e. rooms; and (ii) enable more comprehensive queries about the datasets, i.e. aggregate results.

At a high level, the new functionality adds:

  • GROUP: Group the list of results into sets by some matching criteria.

  • APPLY: Perform calculations across a set of results.

    • MAX: Find the maximum value of a field. For numeric fields only.
    • MIN: Find the minimum value of a field. For numeric fields only.
    • AVG: Find the average value of a field. For numeric fields only.
    • SUM: Find the sum of a field. For numeric fields only.
    • COUNT: Count the number of unique occurrences of a field. For both numeric and string fields.
  • SORT: Order results on one or more columns.

    • You can sort by a single column as in D1, e.g., "ORDER": "courses_avg"; or
    • You can sort using an object that directly specifies the sorting order (see query example)
      • "dir": "UP": Sort results ascending.
      • "dir": "DOWN": Sort results descending.
      • "keys": ["courses_avg"]: sorts by a single key
      • "keys": ["courses_year", "courses_avg"]: sorts by multiple keys
        • In this example the course average should be used to resolve ties for courses in the same year



BODY ::= 'WHERE:{' (FILTER)? '}'


MCOMPARISON ::= MCOMPARATOR ':{' mkey ':' number '}'  
SCOMPARISON ::= 'IS:{' skey ':' [*]? inputstring [*]? '}'  // Asterisks should act as wildcards. Optional.

LOGIC ::= 'AND' | 'OR'
MCOMPARATOR ::= 'LT' | 'GT' | 'EQ'

COLUMNS ::= 'COLUMNS:[' ((key | applykey) ',')* (key | applykey) ']'
SORT ::= 'ORDER: ' ('{ dir:'  DIRECTION ', keys: [ ' ORDERKEY (',' ORDERKEY)* ']}') | ORDERKEY
ORDERKEY ::= key | applykey

GROUP ::= 'GROUP: [' (key ',')* key ']'                                                          
APPLY ::= 'APPLY: [' (APPLYRULE (', ' APPLYRULE )* )? ']'  
APPLYRULE ::= '{' applykey ': {' APPLYTOKEN ':' key '}}'
APPLYTOKEN ::= 'MAX' | 'MIN' | 'AVG' | 'COUNT' | 'SUM'                           

key ::= mkey | skey
mkey ::= idstring '_' mfield
skey ::= idstring '_' sfield
mfield ::= 'avg' | 'pass' | 'fail' | 'audit' | 'year' | 'lat' | 'lon' | 'seats' 
sfield ::=  'dept' | 'id' | 'instructor' | 'title' | 'uuid' | 
  'fullname' | 'shortname' | 'number' | 'name' | 'address' | 'type' | 'furniture' | 'href'  
idstring ::= [^_]+ // One or more of any character, except underscore.
inputstring ::= [^*]* // zero or more of any character except asterisk.
applykey ::= [^_]+ // one or more of any character except underscore.

Syntactic Checking (Parsing)

Similar to Deliverable 1, you must ensure that a query conforms to the above grammar, and reject it if it does not.

Semantic Checking

In addition to the semantic checking from Deliverable 1, you must perform the following semantic check:

  • The applykey in an APPLYRULE should be unique (no two APPLYRULE's should share an applykey with the same name).

  • If a GROUP is present, all COLUMNS terms must correspond to either GROUP keys or to applykeys defined in the APPLY block.

  • SORT - Any keys provided must be in the COLUMNS.

  • MAX/MIN/AVG/SUM should only be requested for numeric keys. COUNT can be requested for all keys.

If any of these qualifications are not met, the query is invalid.

Other JS/Typescript considerations

  • Ordering should be according to the < operator in TypeScript/JavaScript, not by localeCompare or the default sort() implementation.

  • AVG should return a number rounded to two decimal places. Supporting AVG requires some extra challenges compared to the other operators. Since JavaScript numbers are represented by floating point numbers, performing this arithmetic can return different values depending on the order the operations take place. To account for this, you must use the Decimal package (already included in your package.json), and follow these steps:

    1. Convert your values to decimals (e.g., new Decimal(number)).
    2. Add the numbers being averaged using Decimal's .add() method (e.g., generate total).
    3. Calculate the average (var avg = total.toNumber() / numRows).
    4. Round the average to the second decimal digit (var res = Number(avg.toFixed(2)))
  • SUM should return a number rounded to two decimal places using Number(sum.toFixed(2)).

  • COUNT should return whole numbers.

  • MIN/MAX should return the same number that is in the originating dataset.

Valid keys

In addition to the valid keys from Deliverable 1, this deliverable adds a variety of new keys. A valid query will not contain keys from more than one dataset (i.e. only courses_xx keys or only rooms_xx keys, never a combination).

If the id sent by the user is rooms, then the queries you will run will be using the following keys:

  • rooms_fullname: string; Full building name (e.g., "Hugh Dempster Pavilion").
  • rooms_shortname: string; Short building name (e.g., "DMP").
  • rooms_number: string; The room number. Not always a number, so represented as a string.
  • rooms_name: string; The room id; should be rooms_shortname+"_"+rooms_number.
  • rooms_address: string; The building address. (e.g., "6245 Agronomy Road V6T 1Z4").
  • rooms_lat: number; The latitude of the building. Instructions for getting this field are below.
  • rooms_lon: number; The longitude of the building, as described under finding buildings' geolocation.
  • rooms_seats: number; The number of seats in the room. The default value for this field (should this value be missing in the dataset) is 0.
  • rooms_type: string; The room type (e.g., "Small Group").
  • rooms_furniture: string; The room type (e.g., "Classroom-Movable Tables & Chairs").
  • rooms_href: string; The link to full details online (e.g., ""). Note that you should get the href from the More Info link, not the image as a couple of those lack the link.

Aggregation (step by step)

First, note that WHERE is completely independent of GROUP/APPLY. WHERE filtering happens first, then GROUP/APPLY are applied on those results.

GROUP: [term1, term2, ...] signifies that a group should be created for every unique set of all N-terms (e.g., GROUP: [courses_dept, courses_id] would create a group for every unique pair of department/id records in the dataset). Every member of a group will always have the same values for each key in the GROUP array (e.g. in the previous example, all members of a group would share the same values for courses_dept and courses_id).

As an example, suppose we have the following courses dataset (for the sake of simplicity, some keys are omitted):

    { "courses_uuid": "1", "courses_instructor": "Jean",  "courses_avg": 90, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "2", "courses_instructor": "Jean",  "courses_avg": 80, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "3", "courses_instructor": "Casey", "courses_avg": 95, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "4", "courses_instructor": "Casey", "courses_avg": 85, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "5", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 74, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "6", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 78, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "7", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 72, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "8", "courses_instructor": "Eli",   "courses_avg": 85, "courses_title" : "210"},

We want to query the dataset to aggregate courses by their title and obtain their average. Our aggregation query would look like this:

    "WHERE": {
        "GT": { "courses_avg": 70 }
    "OPTIONS": {
        "COLUMNS": ["courses_title", "overallAvg"]
        "GROUP": ["courses_title"],
        "APPLY": [{
            "overallAvg": {
                "AVG": "courses_avg"

For this query, there are two groups: one that matches "courses_title" = "310" and other that matches "210". You need to somehow have an intermediate data structure that maps our entries to their matched groups:

310 group =
    { "courses_uuid": "1", "courses_instructor": "Jean",  "courses_avg": 90, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "2", "courses_instructor": "Jean",  "courses_avg": 80, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "3", "courses_instructor": "Casey", "courses_avg": 95, "courses_title" : "310"},
    { "courses_uuid": "4", "courses_instructor": "Casey", "courses_avg": 85, "courses_title" : "310"},

210 group =
    { "courses_uuid": "5", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 74, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "6", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 78, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "7", "courses_instructor": "Kelly", "courses_avg": 72, "courses_title" : "210"},
    { "courses_uuid": "8", "courses_instructor": "Eli",   "courses_avg": 85, "courses_title" : "210"},

The last step is fairly simple, we execute the apply operation in each group. Hence, the average of 310 is (90 + 80 + 95 + 85)/4 = 87.5 whereas for the second group the average is 77.25. Our final result for the previous query would be:

    { "courses_title" : "310", "overallAvg": 87.5},
    { "courses_title" : "210", "overallAvg": 77.25},

Notice that we can have more elaborate groups such as discovering if a specific instructor of a course has a better average than other instructors (i.e.,"GROUP": ["courses_instructor", "courses_title"]). In that cause, we would have four groups 310 - Jean, 310 - Casey, 210 - Kelly, and 210 - Eli. Once again, the average operation would be executed for entries that match each group.

Note that there are different data structures that can be used to store your groups. Feel free to use whatever better suits you.

Query example

    "WHERE": {
        "AND": [{
            "IS": {
                "rooms_furniture": "*Tables*"
        }, {
            "GT": {
                "rooms_seats": 300
    "OPTIONS": {
        "COLUMNS": [
        "ORDER": {
            "dir": "DOWN",
            "keys": ["maxSeats"]
        "GROUP": ["rooms_shortname"],
        "APPLY": [{
            "maxSeats": {
                "MAX": "rooms_seats"


    "result": [{
        "rooms_shortname": "OSBO",
        "maxSeats": 442
    }, {
        "rooms_shortname": "HEBB",
        "maxSeats": 375
    }, {
        "rooms_shortname": "LSC",
        "maxSeats": 350


There are no changes in the API for this deliverable, it is the same as the one in Deliverable 1.


There are no changes in the testing instructions, they are the same as in Deliverable 1. To test D2, call AutoTest with @autobot #d2.


As you may have heard, TSLint is being deprecated! Moving forward with the project, we will instead be using ESLint, the JavaScript equivalent of TSLint.

There are two new major lint rules that will be used.

Many developers consider code difficult to read if blocks are nested beyond a certain depth.

This rule enforces a maximum depth that blocks can be nested to reduce code complexity.

Rationale: This course has few prerequisites, and none of them are CPSC 221: Basic Algorithms and Data Structures. Going into D2's expanded query engine, some may be eager to create a complex algorithm to complete the transformations, and further some may not recognise how easy it is to over complicate the problem. This rule will encourage you to simplify your approach, or at least break it out into more easily understandable steps that can be better reasoned about in isolation.

A line of code containing too many statements can be difficult to read. Code is generally read from the top down, especially when scanning, so limiting the number of statements allowed on a single line can be very beneficial for readability and maintainability.

This rule enforces a maximum number of statements allowed per line.

Rationale: This lint rule discourages cramming too much different behaviour onto a single line, or taking the "quick fix" approach to dealing with a line length lint rule by making short methods names so they can be compacted onto one line. Descriptive names and readable lines are important and shouldn't be sacrificed for compactness.

Additionally, there are two minor stylistic rule additions:

Getting started

There is no best way to get started, but you can consider each of these in turn. Some possible options that could be pursued in any order (or skipped entirely):

  • Start by looking at the data file we have provided and understanding what kind of data you will be analyzing and manipulating. It is crucial to understand that index.htm and the other files have different structures. You will need to extract different, though complementary information, from each one of them.

  • Get some buildings' addresses and ignoring the dataset parsing, write tests to get the geolocation of these addresses.

  • Look at the sample queries in the deliverable description. From these queries, figure out how you would want the data arranged so you can answer these queries.

  • Ignoring the provided data, create a fake dataset with few entries. Write the portion of the system that would perform the GROUP and APPLY operations in this small dataset.

Trying to keep all of the requirements in mind at once is going to be overwhelming. Tackling a single task that you can accomplish in an hour is going to be much more effective than worrying about the whole deliverable at once. Iteratively growing your project from small task to small task is going to be the best way to make forward progress.

Contribution statement

A survey will be required to detail your contribution to your group's project. This will involve a mandatory survey. Failure to submit the survey by the final deadline will result in a grade of 0 for the deliverable (for the individual who did not submit it, not the whole group).


Please refer to the README file for more information on grading