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Important: Security audit is underway.


Streamflow is a token distribution platform powered by a streaming payments' protocol.

Streamflow protocol program ID (devnet): HqDGZjaVRXJ9MGRQEw7qDc2rAr6iH1n1kAQdCZaCMfMZ
Streamflow protocol program ID (mainnet): strmRqUCoQUgGUan5YhzUZa6KqdzwX5L6FpUxfmKg5m

There are several ways to use Streamflow protocol:

JS SDK to interact with Streamflow protocol.

This package allows you to create, withdraw, cancel, topup and transfer SPL token stream.

You can also getOne stream and get multiple streams.

Install the Streamflow JS SDK

npm i @streamflow/stream @solana/web3.js @project-serum/anchor

_Anchor is needed for the Wallet type.

We plan to remove this dependency in upcoming releases._

bn.js library is used for handling big numbers.

import { Connection } from "@solana/web3.js";
import { Wallet } from "@project-serum/anchor/src/provider";
import BN from "bn.js";

Import SDK

Most common imports:

import Stream, {
} from "@streamflow/stream";

Check the SDK for other types and utility functions.

Create stream

const createStreamParams = {
  connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
  sender: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction, creating and sending the stream.
  recipient: "4ih00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M00", // Solana recipient address.
  mint: "DNw99999M7e24g99999999WJirKeZ5fQc6KY999999gK", // SPL Token mint.
  start: 1643363040, // Timestamp (in seconds) when the stream/token vesting starts.
  depositedAmount: new BN(1000000000000), // Deposited amount of tokens (in the smallest units).
  period: 1, // Time step (period) in seconds per which the unlocking occurs.
  cliff: 1643363160, // Vesting contract "cliff" timestamp in seconds.
  cliffAmount: new BN(100000000000), // Amount unlocked at the "cliff" timestamp.
  amountPerPeriod: new BN(5000000000), // Release rate: how many tokens are unlocked per each period.
  name: "Transfer to Jane Doe.", // The stream name/subject.
  canTopup: false, // setting to FALSE will effectively create a vesting contract.
  cancelableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can cancel the stream.
  cancelableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can cancel the stream.
  transferableBySender: true, // Whether or not sender can transfer the stream.
  transferableByRecipient: false, // Whether or not recipient can transfer the stream.
  automaticWithdrawal: false, // Whether or not a 3rd party can initiate withdraw in the name of recipient (currently not used, set it to FALSE).
  partner: null, //  (optional) Partner's wallet address (string | null).
  cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // (optional) Cluster (default is Cluster.Mainnet).

try {
  const { tx, id } = await Stream.create(createStreamParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Withdraw from stream

const withdrawStreamParams = {
  connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
  invoker: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction.
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream to be withdrawn from.
  amount: new BN(100000000000), // Requested amount to withdraw. If stream is completed, the whole amount will be withdrawn.
  cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // Cluster (optional, default is Cluster.Mainnet).

try {
  const { tx } = await Stream.withdraw(withdrawStreamParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Topup stream

const topupStreamParams = {
  connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
  invoker: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction.
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream to be topped up.
  amount: new BN(100000000000), // Specified amount to topup (increases deposited amount).
  cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // Cluster (optional, default is Cluster.Mainnet).

try {
  const { tx } = await Stream.topup(topupStreamParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Transfer stream to another recipient

const data = {
  connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
  invoker: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction.
  recipientId: "99h00075bKjVg000000tLdk4w42NyG3Mv0000dc0M99", // Identifier of a stream to be transferred.
  cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // Cluster (optional, default is Cluster.Mainnet).

try {
  const { tx } = await Stream.transfer(data);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Cancel stream

const cancelStreamParams = {
  connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
  invoker: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction.
  id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream to be canceled.
  cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // Cluster (optional, default is Cluster.Mainnet).

try {
  const { tx } = await Stream.cancel(cancelStreamParams);
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Get stream by ID

try {
  const stream = await Stream.getOne({
    connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
    id: "AAAAyotqTZZMAAAAmsD1JAgksT8NVAAAASfrGB5RAAAA", // Identifier of a stream that is fetched.
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Get streams for a specific wallet address

try {
  const streams = Stream.get({
    connection: connection, // Connection to the cluster.
    wallet: wallet, // Wallet signing the transaction.
    type: StreamType.All, // (optional) Type, default is StreamType.All
    direction: StreamDirection.All, // (optional) Direction, default is StreamDirection.All)
    cluster: Cluster.Mainnet, // (optional) Cluster, default is Cluster.Mainnet).
} catch (exception) {
  // handle exception

Additional notes

All BN amounts are denominated in their smallest units.

E.g, if the amount is 1 SOL than this amount in lamports is 1000 * 10^9 = 1_000_000_000. And new BN(1_000_000_000) is used.

Use getBN and getNumberFromBN utility functions for conversions between BN' and Number types.



Streaming payments protocol built on Solana. 💸







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