This document should document the pragmatics behind the mappings between Ecore and OWL.
Currently, there are 3 direct subclasses of owl:Thing
: EClass
, EEnum
, EPackage
. These stand for the corresponding types in Ecore.
Ecore | Transformation to OWL |
ePackage |
subclass of EPackage, Comment (language "nsuri") for reference to package in classes etc. |
Ecore | Transformation to OWL |
eClass |
subclass of EClass |
Inheritance | subclass of inherited class |
abstract | Comment "abstract" in language "classType" |
interface | Comment "interface" in language "classType" |
Attribute | DataProperty, set domain and range (according to type), and cardinality |
Reference | ObjectProperty, set domain and range (accordingly) as well as cardinality |
EEnum |
Create the Enum-Class as subclass of EEnum. OneOf for the members (that are Individuals of the created enum-class). Also for the values of the Individuals create DataProperties for the value (Int) and for the literal (String) |
Ecore | Transformation to OWL |
eObject |
NamedIndividual; Identifier is a UUID used for the URI |
Attribute | create typed literal for the individual. If the attribute is a "name", then a label is added. If the attribute is an ID, then a comment in the language "id" is created accordingly. |
Reference | create Statement with the corresponding subject, property (reference), and object |
Lists | Treat each entry like a reference/attribute |
Currently, names are set via rdfs:label, the URI is a UUID. However, the URI of classes are created using the name of the class. For enum literals, a pattern with the name of the enum and the literal is used: ENUMNAME_LITERAL
On some occasions, a comment in a special language was used. This is mostly preliminary as a proper modeling of said properties was not necessary yet.