Welcome to Babel! These guidelines will give you a short overview over how we handle issues and PRs in this repository. Note that they are preliminary and still need proper phrasing - if you'd like to help - be sure to make a PR.
Please know that we do appreciate all contributions - bug reports as well as Pull Requests.
When filing an issue, please use this template:
# Overview Description
# Steps to Reproduce
# Actual Results
# Expected Results
# Reproducibility
# Additional Information:
For a PR to be merged, the following statements must hold true:
- All CI services pass. (Windows build, linux build, sufficient test coverage.)
- All commits must have been reviewed and approved by a babel maintainer who is not the author of the PR. Commits shall comply to the "Good Commits" standards outlined below.
To begin contributing have a look at the open easy issues which could be fixed.
Rebasing PRs is preferred over merging master into the source branches again and again cluttering our history. If a reviewer has suggestions, the commit shall be amended so the history is not cluttered by "fixup commits".
Please see http://api.coala.io/en/latest/Developers/Writing_Good_Commits.html for guidelines on how to write good commits and proper commit messages.